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Malcolm "El Martillo" Rivera (363187)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Malcolm Rivera
Record 32-22-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 29 (T)KOs (90.63%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
3 Decisions (9.38%)
Losses 18 (T)KOs (81.82%)
1 Subs (4.55%)
3 Decisions (13.64%)
Next Fight Tony Viikinki
Height 194 cm
Weight 268 lbs
Can cut to 245.0 lbs
Age 37
Hometown Sante Fe, New Mexico
Country United States
Location London
Base London
Manager Mikie Patterson
Bank Balance $90,853.20
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 33 MMA
Creation Date 7th May 2020
Malcolm has Elite boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 4 ($150,000)   KO of the night: 5 ($135,000)   
Weight: 92 P4P: 725
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Fighter Bio
Malcolm Rivera has the makings of a great fighter. A chiseled chin, knockout power, and a bangin' fu manchu. With all the talent in the world, he bullies his opponents -- until he's hit in the face. The reality is that "El Martillo" makes a great hammer, but he's terrible nail. <BR><BR> - Gym: Mary Gracies Jiu Jitsu (8-5) <BR> - Style: Muay Thai / Kickboxing <BR> - Intangibles: Granite Chin, KO Power, High IQ

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing


MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Death Knell KO (Punch) C343: Bloodaxe vs Khabib II 2024-09-22 265 1 02:08 view
W Mike Haggar KO (Head Kick) C339: Marley vs Shida 2024-09-08 265 1 01:11 view

Managed by Berkshire Hathaway (91779)
L Tiff Sanford KO (Punch) C327: Martin vs Slaissi II 2024-07-28 265 1 02:53 view
W Leonid Zakharov KO (Punch) C316: Marley vs Chai 2024-06-16 265 1 00:42 view
W Abdul Keji KO (Punches) C311: Martin vs Slaissi 2024-06-02 265 1 01:12 view
L Sven Torvik TKO (Punches) C305: Matsuzaka vs Monkey 2024-05-12 265 2 02:08 view
W Karel Sup KO (Punch) C297: Albatross vs Payer III 2024-04-21 265 1 00:07 view

Managed by Nas Bare (129101)
L Gabrijel Bozic TKO (Strikes) C287: Anderson vs Lehto III 2024-03-17 265 1 03:32 view
L Pedro Fuentes TKO (Strikes) C282: Marley vs Haggar 2024-02-25 265 1 03:32 view
W Giro Inhanamoto KO (Punch) C277: Kreischer vs Marley 2024-02-11 265 2 03:59 view
L Kjetil Olsen TKO (Strikes) C271: Kreischer vs Lehto II 2024-01-21 265 1 02:41 view
L Clarence Hoost KO (Punch) C264: Titus vs Martin 2023-12-31 265 3 04:47 view

Managed by Lance Templeton (889)
L Herbert Kreischer TKO (Strikes) C260: Arroyo vs Ji Woo II 2023-12-17 265 1 01:21 view
W Ed Jones KO (Punch) C258: Albatross vs Gebhardt II 2023-12-10 265 1 04:31 view
W Tinashe Chukwuma TKO (Strikes) C256: Matsuzaka vs Magrath II 2023-12-03 265 1 01:59 view
W Gothic Line KO (Punch) C240: Dracul vs Kahn III 2023-10-15 265 1 01:38 view
L Charon Lehto Decision (Unanimous) C228: Ji Woo vs Benedetti II 2023-09-10 265 3 05:00 view
W Lou Slugger TKO (Strikes) C224: Kahn vs Dracul 2023-08-27 265 1 00:57 view
W Corona Virus TKO (Strikes) C219: Ji Woo vs Roy 2023-08-13 265 1 02:20 view
L Andrei Kersikov TKO (Strikes) C216: Kersikov vs Rivera 2023-07-30 265 1 02:10 view
W Billy Blank KO (Head Kick) C212: Kersikov vs Haggar 2023-07-16 265 1 01:07 view
W Chozen Gracie KO (Punch) C207: Nakagawa vs Obama IV 2023-07-02 265 1 00:23 view
W Alborz Mumu KO (Strikes) C203: Nakagawa vs Giovanni 2023-06-18 265 1 02:23 view
W Anthony Wayne KO (Punch) C195: Kersikov vs Okongwu 2023-05-28 265 1 01:15 view
W Deon Johnson KO (Punch) C189: Taneyev vs Ochoa 2023-05-07 265 1 04:22 view
W Solomon Pruitt KO (Head Kick) SYN 974 Maluga vs. Fuentes 2023-04-07 265 1 02:07 view
L Bryer McGuire KO (Head Kick) SYN 967 Maluga vs. Bigg 2023-03-15 265 2 04:42 view
W Gary Sparxx KO (Punch) SYN 963 Tarver vs. Bar 2023-03-01 265 3 01:21 view
L Kimbo Slaissi KO (Head Kick) SYN 956 Road vs. Exotic II 2023-02-05 265 1 00:41 view
L Bryer McGuire KO (Punch) SYN 950 White vs. Maluga 2023-01-15 265 1 00:45 view
W Sean Dickinson KO (Punch) C142: Kahn vs. Stalinovich 2 2022-11-26 205 1 00:28 view
L Tony Stark Submission (RNC) C133: Magnus vs. Panda 2022-10-02 205 1 04:26 view

Managed by Alex K. (84400)
L Quebra Cranio TKO (Strikes) C121: Puno vs. Brown 2022-08-20 185 3 04:27 view
L Mantak Garuda TKO (Strikes) C113: Blazej vs. Stark 2022-07-16 205 2 03:58 view
L Mohammed Kahn TKO (Strikes) C109: Kahn vs. Rivera 2022-07-02 205 2 02:24 view
W Jeremy Jones Decision (Unanimous) C104: Joteel vs. Kilgore 2022-06-18 205 3 05:00 view
L Valentin Taneyev KO (Punch) SFL 157 | Taneyev vs Rivera 2022-05-11 205 2 01:28 view
W Joseph Stalinovich TKO (Strikes) SFL 153 | Bangin vs Poli V 2022-04-24 205 1 01:59 view
W Brad Chestner Decision (Unanimous) WCF WNF 99: 2022-03-30 205 3 05:00 view
W Aaron Wolf TKO (Cut) WCF 114: Gracie vs Kohler 2022-03-05 205 1 04:57 view
W Ovidio Kiran KO (Punch) WCF 111: Cuntmara vs Anderson 2022-02-12 205 3 04:13 view
W Patrick Strasburg TKO (Strikes) WCF WNF 89: Masvidal vs BMA 2022-01-19 205 1 02:39 view
W Tory Hopkins Decision (Unanimous) WCF WNF 84: Riker vs Gracie 2021-12-15 205 3 05:00 view
W Kenichi Misahawa KO (Punch) CMMA 180 Schrute v Wagner 2021-11-06 205 1 00:13 view
L Akira Maeda Decision (Unanimous) CMMA 169 Fudd v Pavlovic 2021-10-10 205 3 05:00 view

Managed by Guilherme Godoi (128013)
L Vito Corleone TKO (Strikes) CMMA 148 Dinapoli v Izanagi 2021-08-22 205 1 03:57 view
L Henrique Rosa Decision (Unanimous) CMMA 135 Dinapoli v Corleone 2021-07-24 205 3 05:00 view

Managed by Chris Karter (4744)
L Leonzar Kennedy TKO (Strikes) CMMA 113 Obaminator v Dias 2021-05-30 205 1 04:45 view
W Bradley Beast TKO (Strikes) CMMA 104 2021-05-09 205 1 01:27 view
W Odd Hansen KO (Punch) Byzantium 32 2021-03-06 205 1 01:57 view
W Chad Bartz TKO (Strikes) Byzantium 27 2021-01-31 205 2 04:27 view
W William Farquharson TKO (Strikes) Byzantium 23 2021-01-01 205 3 00:53 view
W Luca Myles TKO (Strikes) A&E: Rising Stars II 2020-06-28 205 1 03:24 view
W Jackie Mcgee TKO (Strikes) A&E: Rising Stars I 2020-06-05 205 1 02:11 view

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Current Gym : 🤡Is It Avatary Enough?🤡
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

Recent Events

2024-10-08- Malcolm Rivera celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
2024-09-17- Bought Laundry for $300 at Laundry
2024-09-07- Bought Deez Shorts for $300 at Laundeez
2024-09-07- received BDG Preworkout Q160 from manager.
2024-08-24- Moved base to London
2024-08-16- Released By Berkshire Hathaway [91779]
2024-07-15- Malcolm Rivera celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
2024-04-21- Malcolm Rivera celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
2024-03-24- Released By Nas Bare [129101]
2024-03-24- Bought 7oz Training Gloves (White) for $300 at Warrior's Way

Previous Managers

Chris Karter Guilherme Godoi Alex K. Lance Templeton Nas Bare
Berkshire Hathaway

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