MMA Tycoon Game

Tycoon's MMA Affiliate Program - insane 80% referral percentage!!!!

Want to earn money by referring people to MMA Tycoon? Great - here's how!

Sign up to the game and you'll get a referral link. Give that referral link to any of your friends and you will earn money for every VIP sign up you refer.

If you run an MMA website, we have a selection of banner ads (of various sizes) so you can earn as an affiliate to MMA Tycoon.

We currently pay 80% revenue share on your referrals' first purchase, so if someone signs up for $30 VIP, you'll get $24 affiliate income.

You can withdraw your affiliate earnings at any point using paypal, or if you don't have paypal, you can use your earnings to pay for VIP membership for yourself at an improved rate!

If you have any more questions feel free to contact

MMA Tycoon Affiliate Scheme

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