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Giro Inhanamoto (382200)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Giro Inhanamoto
Record 20-9-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 19 (T)KOs (95.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (5.00%)
Losses 7 (T)KOs (77.78%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
2 Decisions (22.22%)
Next Fight Boniface Randriamaholison
Song None
Height 192 cm
Weight 263 lbs
Can cut to 238.8 lbs
Age 29
Hometown Tokyo
Country Japan
Location Montreal
Base Montreal
Manager Todd Westacott
Bank Balance $436,190.80
Alliance   Super SMESH Bros
Highest Rank 25 MMA
Creation Date 22nd Dec 2021
Giro has Elite boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Elite wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 7 ($107,000)   KO of the night: 3 ($16,000)   
Weight: 89 P4P: 795
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Shadow Realm Apparel [6792] Conviction [749]
Contracted to Trophies
SMASH Fighting Championship [6552]

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Fighter Bio
Giro grew up in a harsh environment, where violence and struggle were a part of his daily life. Their parents were often absent, leaving Giro to take on the responsibility of protecting his younger brother from the dangers of their surroundings. He quickly became a skilled fighter, learning martial arts from a local gang leader. These experiences gave him a unique perspective on life and shaped him into the man he is today.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Northern Zombie
Northern Zombie

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Chris Tamburello KO (Punch) SMASH: Longabaugh vs Talvela 2024-06-15 265 1 01:58 view
L Billy Blank KO (Punches) C299: Lehto vs Matti III 2024-04-28 265 1 00:37 view
W Tinashe Chukwuma TKO (Strikes) C291: Lehto vs Marley 2024-03-31 265 3 03:17 view

Managed by Akira Shigeru (140932)
L Ghost Chai KO (Knee) C283: Matsuzaka vs Talvela II 2024-03-03 265 3 01:24 view
L Malcolm Rivera KO (Punch) C277: Kreischer vs Marley 2024-02-11 265 2 03:59 view
L Derrick Thomas KO (Punch) C271: Kreischer vs Lehto II 2024-01-21 265 2 04:57 view
L Gothic Line Decision (Unanimous) C264: Titus vs Martin 2023-12-31 265 3 05:00 view
L Charon Lehto TKO (Strikes) C257: Lehto vs Inhanamoto II 2023-12-10 265 5 04:10 view
W Ezekiel Marley TKO (Strikes) C253: Lehto vs Blank 2023-11-26 265 2 03:28 view
L Charon Lehto TKO (Strikes) C244: Marciano vs Perkele 2023-10-29 265 2 04:56 view
W Shane Lancaster TKO (Strikes) RISE196:Inhamoto v Lancaster 3 2023-09-16 265 4 04:24 view
W Henry Dustfinger KO (Punch) RISE 187:Inhamoto v Dustfinger 2023-07-29 265 1 01:29 view
W Shane Lancaster KO (Punch) RISE 176 2023-06-03 265 2 03:31 view
W Isaac Newton Decision (Unanimous) RISE 168 2023-05-06 265 5 05:00 view
W Gabrijel Bozic KO (Punch) RISE 159 2023-04-08 265 2 01:21 view
W Rade Franjic TKO (Strikes) RISE 150 2023-03-05 265 1 01:13 view
W Liam Higgins TKO (Strikes) RISE 141 2023-02-05 265 1 03:18 view
W Liam Higgins TKO (Strikes) RISE 134 2023-01-13 265 2 04:17 view
W Callum Adams TKO (Strikes) RISE 125 2022-12-16 265 2 02:26 view
W Dio Nysus TKO (Punches) RISE 118 2022-11-20 265 1 03:26 view
W Mental Midget TKO (Strikes) RISE 105: Axelsen v Cejka II 2022-10-07 265 1 03:41 view
L Kurt Zweihander TKO (Strikes) RISE Fight Night 6 2022-08-05 265 1 02:46 view
W Max Planck KO (Punch) RISE X3 2022-07-03 265 1 01:43 view
W Sub Zero KO (Punch) RISE X26 2022-06-12 265 1 00:55 view
L Shane Lancaster Decision (Split) RISE 55: West v Gustavsson 2022-04-24 265 5 05:00 view
W Oba Umar TKO (Cut) RISE 48: Gustavsson v Philippe 2022-04-03 265 1 03:42 view
W Owen Bennett TKO (Strikes) RISE 40: Philippe v Officer 2022-03-13 265 1 01:20 view
W Litas Lewis Moe TKO (Strikes) RISE 30: Choo v Svyatogor 2022-02-13 265 1 00:59 view
W Mariusz Pudzianowski KO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2022-01-11 265 2 00:45 view

Buzz at Giro Inhanamoto (Logged in as )
No one buzzed at this fighter. Be the first to buzz at him!

Current Gym : Zombie MMA
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

Recent Events

2024-07-18- received Blueberry Kush Recovery 170 from manager.
2024-07-14- Giro Inhanamoto celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
2024-04-24- received Shadow Realm Official Shirt from manager.
2024-04-24- received Shadow Realm Official Shorts from manager.
2024-04-20- Giro Inhanamoto celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
2024-03-17- Bought Shadow Realm Official Shorts for $300 at Northern Zombie
2024-03-17- Bought Shadow Realm Official Shirt for $300 at Northern Zombie
2024-03-11- Moved base to Montreal
2024-03-03- Released By Cynic Chris [82241]
2024-03-03- received © Pitbull v2 by Jet from manager.

Previous Managers

Akira Shigeru Cynic Chris

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