MMA Tycoon Game
Today's Top Fight

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Today's Top Event: SYN 1120 Pushkin vs. Ryan
MMA Event Poster Org:Synchronicity
Event: SYN 1120 Pushkin vs. Ryan
Arena: La Piramide (80,000)

Main Card
185 lbs Aleksandr Pushkin v Gord Ryan
205 lbs Raven Harris v David Choke
135 lbs Frank Hernandez v Peter Gretel
145 lbs Hoodoo Brown v Pornthonglek Sitsongrit
170 lbs Diego Macaco v Mark Rapheal
265 lbs Keywon Reeves v Last Nightmare
MMA Organization
MMA Fight Arena
Today's Top Events
SYN 1120 Pushkin vs. Ryan Las Vegas
GAMMA#1119 Wusan v Janko London
GAMMA#1120 Miet v Clint Los Angeles
DMMA 379 Tokyo
CFC CG 712 Montreal
SMASH: Kalske vs Brown Amsterdam
TOF 179 Montreal
TOF 180 Montreal
CFC CG 713 New York
P4P Top 10
Hawk Fleximario
Thomas Rose
Miet Cleever
Cormac McCarthy
Edgars Al Dariush
Kaengsaklek Sitsongrit
Elrey Dorado
Sean O Malley
Khabib Nurmagomedov
Duck Dodgers
Top 10 Kickboxers
Beta Tua
Carlos Narvaez
Kenny Smith
Nikolai Magomedov
Bardia Farrokhzad
Isamu San Chai
Ngozi Chai
Nero Vogels
Roberto Congo
Darius Thibodeaux
Top 10 Grapplers
Long Wang
Michael Cruz
Huckleberry Finn
Shaka Zulu
Tyron Scott
Jisoo Oh
Jackson Ramirez
Anderson Gracie
John Lee
Roddy Banner
Top 10 Managers
Action Jackson United States
Jason Swanson Canada
Chris Karter United States
Freako Wimp Liberia
Aleksey Nikulin Russia
Ispa Murhapuro Finland
Hare Rumpler United States
Marcus Crassus United Kingdom
Jet   United States
Todd Westacott Canada
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