MMA Tycoon Game
Today's Top Fight

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MMA Tycoon is a free to play MMA Sim Game, played by thousands of UFC and MMA fans from around the world!

Create fighters, run companies, train at your local gyms, join alliances, work your way to global domination both in the cage and in the business world to become the Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Tycoon!

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Online today: 342
Managers: 40804
Today's Top Event: Kenshi Fight 36
MMA Event Poster Org:Kenshi Fight
Event: Kenshi Fight 36
Arena: Micro Arena - Tokyo (400)

Main Card
155 lbs Sato Hakari v Yon Seo Yoon
265 lbs Jan De Roos v George Moakes
170 lbs Marduk Maratov v Riley Louis
265 lbs Jamal Adenuga v Magomed Abdurakhmanov
170 lbs Won Ho Lee v Yuta Naoi
MMA Organization
MMA Fight Arena
Today's Top Events
Kenshi Fight 36 Tokyo
QFC Tournament 1206 Round 2 Las Vegas
Quick Fight Championship London
Quick Fight Championship London
Quick Fight Championship Los Angeles
Quick Fight Championship New York
Quick Fight Championship London
Quick Fight Championship Tokyo
Quick Fight Championship London
Quick Fight Championship Las Vegas
P4P Top 10
Ezekiel Marley
Danny Cruz
Ivan Petrov
Khabib Nurmagomedov
Janko Godwin
Luuk Benjamin
Jair Brown
Oswaldo Fadda Jr
Hawk Fleximario
Mustafa Erdogan
Top 10 Kickboxers
Beta Tua
Roberto Congo
Bigi Boi Chai
Samart Bukaew
Herbert Kreischer
Michael Venom
Bardia Farrokhzad
Ibrahim Cuntmara
Pedro Gomez
Isamu San Chai
Top 10 Grapplers
Jackson Ramirez
Michael Cruz
Stsyapan Chai
Shaka Zulu
Tendren Hlervu
John Lee
Moldy Jello
Ivan Kamenev
Conald Petersen
Seemah Feet
Top 10 Managers
Chris Karter United States
Akira Shigeru Japan
Blue Soyster Cult United States
Don Frye Scotland
Jason Swanson Canada
Action Jackson United States
Theksit Ruengruong Thailand
Lance Templeton United States
Buff Minion United States
Django Waits United States
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MILF September Rankings
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Final Event!!
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GAMMA HOF Induction - Bael Basileos
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Contact Structure - Fighter Pay Scale
Due to the larger variety in P4P rankings with our roster, and an attempt to get the financials back in the right direction, we will be basing contracts strictly on P4P ranking upon issuing contracts....
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