MMA Tycoon Game


News from the top 20 fight organizations
  MILF September Rankings
Featherweight (145)

Champion: Ryan Montana (16-5-0)

#1: Jaylen Stout (17-6-0)
#2: Angus Young (17-2-0)
#3: Freaky trevor (14-5-0)
#4: Pope Callixtus (14-6-0)
#5: Jorge Baroza (12-5-0)
#6: Eja Igwe (10-7-0)
#7: Dragon Kingdad (12-6-0)
#8: Vincent Duboulay (10-8-0)
#9: Maciej Galecki (12-7-1)
#10: Jin Matsushima (7-5-1)

Welterweight ...[cont]

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  Final Event!!
Hey y'all! BE 17 will be our last event. We wish everyone who used to fight here luck as they continue their careers. The plan for Bloodsport Elite is to start running tournaments so make sure to look out for those on the forums!

Cool guy with sunglasses

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  GAMMA HOF Induction - Bael Basileos
GAMMA has just inducted Bael Basileos (118359) into it's hall of fame!

Bael is an all time MMA Tycoon great, who achieved at his peak the #2 ranking in game as a manager. He is also the 44th ranked greatest GAMMA manager with a total of 325 points in total.

His all time GAMMA record is 31-21-2 (total of 54 fights). Among those 54 fights, 19 were competed at the highest level in title of super fights (1 was a super fight).

His greatest fighter by far ...[cont]

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  Contact Structure - Fighter Pay Scale
Due to the larger variety in P4P rankings with our roster, and an attempt to get the financials back in the right direction, we will be basing contracts strictly on P4P ranking upon issuing contracts.

All contracts will be for 5 fights, however, this is only a 4 fight extension as there will be 1 fight left on your current contract prior to signing that will be replaced.

Inactivity clause is, by default, 30 days. Some exceptions may be made depending on the manag ...[cont]

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  MILF August Rankings
MILF August Rankings


Champion: - Jaylen Stout (16-5-0)

1: Angus Young (17-1-0)

2: Jorge Baroza (11-4-0)

3: Ryan Montana (14-5-0)

4: Freaky Trevor (13-5-0)

5: Eja Igwe (10-6-0)

6: Maciej Galecki (12-6-1)

7: Pope Callixtus (13-6-0)

8: Dragon Kingdad (12-5-0)

9: Vincent Duboulay (10-8-0)

10: Jin Ma ...[cont]

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  Sucker Punch Pro Series: 390k+
Let's goooooo! It's time to get down and dirty with the cheap shots again while at the same time protecting your own dingle-dangles! Sucker Punch style! Come on over with your 390k+ fighters and we'll have a good ole time. ~ Hare

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  GAMMA: Aurelius Augustus HOF Induction
GAMMA and it's community is proud to honor one of it's greats Aurelius Augustus (357859) into it's hall of fame!

Aurelius joined GAMMA at an early age and competed in GAMMA from 2022-01-29 until 2023-08-26. He was managed by legendary and future HOF manager Bael Basileos for the whole of his GAMMA career.

His overall record in the organization was 18-5-2. 15 of his 25 fights were FON Awards and 17 of them were either title fights or super fights. He even had a 9 fig ...[cont]

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  Rankings 16/07
135 :

C : Volodymyr Kersikov
1 - Peter Gretel
2 - Lars Kay
3 - Peter Dinklage
4 - Phil Sprintin
5 - Chilli Bloke
6 - Adiwang Leetoh
7 - Filip Yumashev
8 - Barnabus Sanitario
9 - Nasir Prince
10 - Cleon Wright

145 :

C : Frank Hernandez
1 - Daniel Belyaev
2 - Sven Johansson
3 - Ulysses Battleby
4 - James River
5 - Adam Porsche
6 - Cyril Ci ...[cont]

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  Rankings 09/07
135 :

C : Volodymyr Kersikov
1 - Peter Gretel
2 - Lars Kay
3 - Peter Dinklage
4 - Phil Sprintin
5 - Chilli Bloke
6 - Adiwang Leetoh
7 - Barnabus Sanitario
8 - Nasir Prince
9 - Cleon Wright
10 - Osama Bin-Semen

145 :

C : Frank Hernandez
1 - Daniel Belyaev
2 - Ulysses Battleby
3 - Sven Johansson
4 - James River
5 - Paul Eclaro
6 - Adam Por ...[cont]

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  Fight Tactics
We need some more finishes when we hit the mat, fellas!

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Next 20 events (non QFC)
CFC CG 42 - 11 Sep 24 - Montreal
NextGen 6 - 11 Sep 24 - London
Bots de Garra 185 - 11 Sep 24 - Rio de Janeiro
NYF Fight Night 41 - 11 Sep 24 - St Petersburg
MILF 120 Jovonovich vs Ridley - 11 Sep 24 - Montreal
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D1): Tokyo Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Tokyo
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D4): Tokyo Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Tokyo
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D1): Amsterdam Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Amsterdam
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D2): Amsterdam Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Amsterdam
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D3): Amsterdam Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Amsterdam
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D4): Amsterdam Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Amsterdam
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D1): Rio de Janeiro Qu - R2 - 11 Sep 24 - Rio de Janeiro
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D1): Las Vegas Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Las Vegas
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D2): Las Vegas Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Las Vegas
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D3): Las Vegas Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Las Vegas
TWGC 42 (185lbs, D4): Las Vegas Qualifier - Round 2 - 11 Sep 24 - Las Vegas
HC GRAP 43 - 12 Sep 24 - Montreal
Kickboxing Event S-1 Oceania GP 2024 - Final - 12 Sep 24 - Sydney
MILF FW Week 1 - 13 Sep 24 - Amsterdam
Kickboxing Event UPKO ⅠⅠ - 13 Sep 24 - Tokyo
Kickboxing Event PFL Kickboxing 4 - 13 Sep 24 - London
Smaller fight org news
MMA Hype signs a short contract with Wild Bob's
MMA Hype Promotions has officially signed a 2 event deal with Wild Bob's Bar in Las Vegas, where they will hold their first 2 events. The team is expecting to jump to a bigger stage in the near future.
It's been quite a busy few days at the head office with all the contract signings, but everything has been going smoothly.
Stay tuned.

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Yes ive brought restricted ID fighting back to Sydney.. Youre welcome.
SSSD returns with new rules too due to alot of opinions ive gotten about the 2 round 10 minute/3 round 10 minute fights being too much on the young fighters, Ive changed it to 1 round 10 minute/ 2 round 10 minute.
The contracts are alot better as well! I wont be selling this org so give SSSD a shot and roll with me for the long run.

SSJ out.

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Jovan Chase Pops for fentanyl
Following a failed drug test for the banned substance fentanyl, the PFL team has decided to terminate and strip Jovan Chase of his light heavyweight title. Our team also believes it was diligent to notify the Honourable Urijah Chen, who has assessed the situation and decided to terminate his sponsorship for Urijah Chen's A1 Clothing, wishing not to provide money toward Chase's addiction. Moving forward, a new title fight will be sanctioned.

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4th place!
We made it to #4 grappling org in the game. In the words of Gayle, A B C D E F you and that shit you call art!

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Road to S-1 WGP
The winner of the S-1 Japan GP will be the first participant of the S-1 World Grand Prix in NYE!

The other 7 qualifying tournaments will be: North America, South America, West Euro, East Euro, Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

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Grappling Update
We're gonna open up full time with grappling and start sending out more contracts, we'll have 4 divisions with one being an openweight Champion.

We're openweight, open ID, we have fighters ranging from White belts to Red.

Contracts will be 10 fights, 10k base, 10k win, and a 70k to 100k sign bonus .

Fight of the Night bonus will be 25k

I'm real easy to work with, you don't have to stay for all 10 fights and may request out of your contr ...[cont]

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Transition to Kickboxing
PFL will be slowly transitioning its 265+ to kickboxing, meaning PFL will eventually be entirely KT. Thanks to Car MacGib, PFL will act as a KT league for much younger kickboxing fighters, who can eventually transition to Strike! and leagues where fighters have already developed their skill and are much older.

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STRIKE! PPV Premiere
Strike! took a major step forward last event and ran its first PPV. We weren't quite sure what the results would be given KT PPV's havnt been attempted in a very long time, but considering all PPV's lose money in their first attempt (we did too), the results were very positive.
Many people believe the PPV model doesnt work with KT, and its potential hype issues, but after the success of the first one we're quietly confident we can make it work.
We'll know more after our next event ...[cont]

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Org Created
Welcome to the Pit Fighting League

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STRIKE! hands out multiple $10k Performance Bonuses!
After another banger STRIKE! event where we handed out 5 x $10k performance bonuses, along with the usual KO award and FOTN.

Some events ago we implemented our version of a Performance Bonus Award for fighters who produce entertaining fights. Being a KT org we are limited to only being able to offer 1 x KO award and 1 x FOTN for each event but are often left wishing we could offer multiple awards per event as our fighters continually produce entertaining fights.
We decided ...[cont]

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Newest events announced (non QFC)
MFC - 20 - 25 Sep 24 - Montreal
CFC CG Rio 7 - 20 Nov 24 - Rio de Janeiro
CFC CG NY 14 - 16 Nov 24 - New York
CFC CG 56 - 16 Nov 24 - Montreal
CFC CG Rio 6 - 13 Nov 24 - Rio de Janeiro
CFC CG NY 13 - 09 Nov 24 - New York
CFC CG 55 - 09 Nov 24 - Montreal
CFC CG Rio 5 - 06 Nov 24 - Rio de Janeiro
CFC CG NY 12 - 02 Nov 24 - New York
CFC CG 54 - 02 Nov 24 - Montreal
CFC CG Rio 4 - 30 Oct 24 - Rio de Janeiro
CFC CG NY 11 - 26 Oct 24 - New York
CFC CG 53 - 26 Oct 24 - Montreal
Dynasty MAX 1 - 02 Oct 24 - Tokyo
SPPS Resurrection 006 - 28 Sep 24 - Sydney
CCC 93 - 24 Nov 24 - London
CCC 92 - 24 Nov 24 - Los Angeles
CCC 91 - 17 Nov 24 - Los Angeles
CCC 90 - 17 Nov 24 - London
CCC 89 - 10 Nov 24 - Los Angeles
Other companies
BBC goes big
BloodBath Clothing (BBC) has moved into the top 10 rankings for clothing companies. Currently contracted with NextGen fighting Organization, BBC has been climbing the rankings.

BBC offers laundry services (pm first), designer clothes (Much thanks to Rocket), exclusive MMA-Hype gear and premium sponsorships to all members of MMA-Hype and NextGen.

BBC’s top sponsored fighter is Marlon Gazersky, the current (2x) heavyweight champion at Odense MMA.

Nee ...[cont]

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Sponsorship Program
We run the ONLY NOT FOR PROFIT sponsorship program in the game.

Convicted sends out $10,000/122 day sponsorships to 420 fighters.
That cost us a whopping 4.2 million.

We can only sell 3500 x $300 worth of inventory every month.
That's $1,050,000 per month. In 4 months, that's 4.2 million.

Support the cause. Rock the brand.

Only sponsorship proven to give your fighter a +20 boost with the ring girls.

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MMA Hype Promotions is in business!
MMA Hype officially expanded by starting a new fight organization for the next generation of fighters. The team has been working extremely hard to put the dream into reality.
Laundry 30%
Open laundering

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Open for invite only
If you are interested in joining, please DM Jay Lawrence.

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Invitations allowed
If you would like an invitation, please message Jay Lawrence.

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Bookie Update
I'll run any event in the game that you the fan would want, love me/hate me it doesn't matter. Just send me which event(game limits you to 15 events booked at once) and either you send the odds you want or I just blindly set favorites or underdogs on my own. No cash required, I'm here to help org owners with a little added boost and make you a bunch of cash.
Swanson's Poutine
Out with the old and in with the new! Welcome to Swanson's Poutine, the finest poutinerie in Montreal. Same Q160 products now with gravy! Give your fighter the snack they deserve to help them get through another long week at the gym, build up their muscle, or help them spend their money to give you kickbacks! Available today!

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Hello and welcome to Hybrid MMA
Enjoy your stay

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Sponosorship Offers!
dm me to inquire about a potential sponsorship for fighters!

Sponsorship Money will be based on rank:
Highest Rank 100 & up: 20,000$
Highest Rank 1000 & up: 10,000$
Highest Rank 2000 & up: 5000$
Highest Rank 3000 & up: 2500$
Everyone else: 1500$
Champ Bonus: 5000$

All sponsorships come with a 10% discount and one free T-Bone (160Q)

100 Sponsorships available

- Brandon Marshall

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Sparring Schedule

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160q BEEF is on the way!
We've found a new farm that will deliver us the top quality meats needed for bulking and recovery, tests are underway but it looks good so I'm sure it'll be fine, T-Bone and some Kobe Beef will be on the shelves soon!

- Brandon Marshall. Owner

*Meats are to be purchased at own risk, we are not to be held responsible for failed PED tests*

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New Owner & Changes
Official Spar schedule:
Boxing : AM sessions
Muay Thai : PM sessions
Wrestling : AM sessions
BJJ : PM sessions

Hello Everyone, Welcome to Dynamic MMA, I'm the new owner & have decided to transition this gym to be the most accessible gym outside of Cozad, Low Fee's and with more People joining the trainers will get better as well! Look forward to growing Dynamic MMA into a great gym with you all!

- Brandon Marshall

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Laundry -80%
I have laundry up , DM Before buying

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Most recent events
Prospectus 4 - 10 Sep - New York
MFC-17 - 10 Sep - Montreal
GFY 79 - I spent like $400! - 09 Sep - Las Vegas
HC GRAP 42 - 09 Sep - New York
SSG 350 Ottke vs Macker - 08 Sep - Las Vegas
SYN 1095 Harris vs Dodgers - 08 Sep - Los Angeles
FCL - 51 - 08 Sep - Los Angeles
SSG 349 Hlervu vs Gomes - 08 Sep - New York
TOF 150 - 08 Sep - Montreal
Bots de Garra 184 - 08 Sep - Rio de Janeiro
C340: Bloodaxe vs Pope - 08 Sep - Rio de Janeiro
DMMA 348 King v Caruga - 08 Sep - London
OFK 436 - Chambers Vs Gazersky - 08 Sep - Amsterdam
SMASH: Pushkin vs Krylov - 08 Sep - Amsterdam
BANZAI BONANZA 10 - 08 Sep - Tokyo
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