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Khalil Burnett (378876)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Khalil  Burnett
Record 20-10-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 17 (T)KOs (85.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
3 Decisions (15.00%)
Losses 4 (T)KOs (40.00%)
3 Subs (30.00%)
3 Decisions (30.00%)
Next Fight Charles Tucker
Song None
Height 194 cm
Weight 215 lbs
Can cut to 195.2 lbs
Age 37
Hometown Sydney
Country Australia
Location Sydney
Base Sydney
Manager Alexander Biro
Bank Balance $9,000.00
Highest Rank 77 MMA
Creation Date 27th Sep 2021
Khalil has Exceptional boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Exceptional wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 4 ($61,000)   KO of the night: 2 ($26,000)   
Weight: 85 P4P: 651
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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NARCOS [6933] Kersikov's Vitamin Clinic (160) [6714]
Contracted to Trophies
Global Association of MMA [296]

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Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
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MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Chaikka Chai KO (Punch) GAMMA#1079 Sitsongrit v John 2024-07-20 205 1 00:59 view
W Kodiyak Redd TKO (Strikes) SYN 1071 Cruz vs Brown 2024-05-26 265+ 3 00:26 view
L Anton Ilmarinen Decision (Unanimous) SYN Supernova XIV 2024-04-27 265+ 3 05:00 view
L Sergey Vinogradov Submission (Kimura) SYN 1065 McGuire vs Leifsson 2024-03-31 265+ 1 04:49 view
W Jerry Short KO (Punch) SYN 1061 Diggs vs Ilmarinen 2024-03-08 265+ 1 02:06 view
L Balin Trollslayer TKO (Strikes) SYN 1057 Prometheus vs Rozhkov 2024-02-18 265+ 2 03:51 view
W Sergey Vinogradov KO (Punch) SYN 1051 McCarthy vs Kamara 2024-01-28 265+ 3 01:48 view
W Adam Shalashaska KO (Punch) SYN 1046 De Minaur v Takahashi 2024-01-06 265+ 1 04:48 view
W Lucas Barbosa TKO (Strikes) SYN 1041 Balin vs Sergey 2023-12-16 265+ 1 03:38 view
L Torhte Finlayson TKO (Strikes) SYN 1037 Takahashi vs Seran 2023-11-29 265+ 1 02:58 view
W Nikolay Leonov KO (Punch) SYN 1033 Obama vs Washington 2023-11-15 265+ 2 00:52 view

Managed by Leon Price (140404)
W Adam Shalashaska KO (Punch) SYN 1006 Vice vs Dooms 2023-07-28 265+ 1 01:48 view
L Torhte Finlayson KO (Punch) SYN 1000 Maluga vs Puno II 2023-07-04 265+ 2 00:19 view
L Torhte Finlayson Decision (Split) SYN 990 Joad vs Morrison 2023-06-06 265+ 5 05:00 view
W Sergey Vinogradov TKO (Strikes) SYN 981 Balin vs. Finlayson 2023-05-03 265+ 3 04:37 view
W Nikolay Leonov Decision (Unanimous) SYN 975 Fedetenko vs. Young 2023-04-12 265+ 3 05:00 view
W Aiko San Decision (Unanimous) SYN 969 Tarver vs. Greene 2023-03-22 265+ 3 05:00 view
W Jorlan Vieira Decision (Unanimous) SYN 963 Tarver vs. Bar 2023-03-01 265+ 3 05:00 view
L Lucas Barbosa Submission (Kimura) SYN 955 Trollslayer vs. Tarver 2023-02-01 265+ 3 03:57 view
W Robert Lee KO (Punch) Highland 215 2022-12-11 205 1 02:20 view
W Abdullah Zaire KO (Punch) Highland 203 2022-10-30 205 1 01:12 view
W Jimothy Jones TKO (Strikes) Highland 197 2022-10-07 205 1 01:55 view
L Ricardo Lima Submission (Triangle) Highland 187 2022-09-02 205 1 01:56 view
W Greg Gregory KO (Punch) Highland 177 2022-07-22 205 1 00:21 view
L Kwame Nti Decision (Unanimous) Highland 165 2022-06-03 205 3 05:00 view
W Arto Jarvinen TKO (Strikes) CDFC 35:Tarver vs Valle 2 2022-04-10 205 3 02:18 view
W Lee Garic KO (Punch) CDFC 21:Jarvinen vs Koloa 2022-02-05 205 1 00:36 view
W Forrest Gump KO (Punch) CDFC 9:NY Palo vs Tarver 2021-12-04 205 2 01:29 view
NC Tommaso Cappone No Contest CDFC 3: Burnett vs Cappone 2021-11-06 205 1 00:00 view
W Heinlick Creek TKO (Strikes) CDFC 1 2021-10-09 205 3 03:49 view
W Zeeble Bippus TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2021-09-29 205 1 01:52 view

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Current Gym : Copes
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

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Recent Events

2024-07-23- Bought Laundry for $300 at NARCOS
2024-07-23- Bought Laundry for $300 at NARCOS
2024-07-23- Bought Laundry for $300 at NARCOS
2024-07-23- Bought Laundry for $300 at NARCOS
2024-07-23- Bought Laundry for $300 at NARCOS
2024-07-13- Khalil Burnett celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
2024-05-09- Bought Laundry 10% - contact before buying for $300 at All-Star Apparel
2024-04-19- Khalil Burnett celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
2024-02-19- Bought Laundry 10% - contact before buying for $300 at All-Star Apparel
2024-02-19- Bought Laundry 10% - contact before buying for $300 at All-Star Apparel

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