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Don Frye (60227) - VIP Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Don Frye
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   781-387-22 (2 NCs)
Wins   499 (T)KOs (63.89%)
    31 Subs (3.97%)
    251 Decisions (32.14%)
Losses   129 (T)KOs (33.33%)
    51 Subs (13.18%)
    207 Decisions (53.49%)
Current 210-130-5 (0 NCs)
TWGC 783 - 520
Scotland Scotland (P:28)
New York
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  11 of 40616 (0.03%)
7 (-4 drop)
111 average
Div 1. League 1 (P: 5)
Top Fighter   Boyko Kersikov
Fighters   28
Alliance   The Viper Club
Bank   $110,658,654.91
Don's quote
The Man, The Myth, The Mustache
Contact Details
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-07-26 23:03:22
Joined (y/m/d):
2020-08-27 19:12:47
Username: dinooo
Recent Events

23 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Patrick Van Kerckhoven celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
23 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Kelly Van Soest celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
18 Jul, 2024 Thursday - Vasiliy Kulik celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
17 Jul, 2024 Wednesday - Nykolai Kersikov celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
13 Jul, 2024 Saturday - Randy Wieland celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
13 Jul, 2024 Saturday - Fabian Bohn celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
13 Jul, 2024 Saturday - Koen Bauweraerts celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
11 Jul, 2024 Thursday - Benson Beer celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
04 Jul, 2024 Thursday - Vladymyr Kersikov celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
04 Jul, 2024 Thursday - Elvis Milissis celebrated his birthday - 33 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Vladymyr Kersikov Luther Socippo Submission (Strikes) TOF 133 2024-07-20 2 03:59
   W Randy Wieland Romulus Gerber KO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2024-07-16 1 04:27
   W Boyko Kersikov Time To Fight Wright TKO (Strikes) OFK 420 - Wright Vs Kersikov 2024-07-14 2 01:23
   W Patrick Van Kerckhoven Chaos Kemppainen TKO (Strikes) NYF 73: Zigaro vs Vogels 2024-07-06 1 03:25
   L Vitali Kersikov I I Joey Faolin Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 328 Kruth vs Enqvist 2024-07-06 3 05:00
   W Sergej Kersikov Huena Ajuricaba Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 328 Kruth vs Enqvist 2024-07-06 3 05:00
   W Nykolai Kersikov James Johnson Decision (Unanimous) TOF 128 2024-06-30 3 10:00
   W Volodymyr Kersikov Lars Kay TKO (Strikes) CCC 44 : Kersikov vs Kay 2024-06-29 2 04:58
   L Vladymyr Kersikov Jeremy Marks Decision (Unanimous) TOF 126 2024-06-23 3 10:00
   L Andrei Kersikov Danyaal Zahedi KO (Punch) DMMA 323 Kersikov vs Zahedi 2024-06-15 1 04:59
   W Vitali Kersikov I I Anthony Lalime KO (Punch) DMMA 322 Doomsday vs Fadda Jn... 2024-06-09 1 01:30
   W Kelly Van Soest Vino Kourov TKO (Strikes) RSE 84: 2024-06-08 2 03:28
   W Nykolai Kersikov Ben Crispian Decision (Unanimous) TOF 120 2024-06-08 3 10:00
   L Patrick Van Kerckhoven Temujin Namkhai Decision (Unanimous) RSE 83: 2024-06-05 5 05:00
   W Volodymyr Kersikov Peter Gretel Decision (Unanimous) CCC 34 : Gretel vs Kersikov 2024-06-02 5 05:00
   W Boyko Kersikov Kane Thoupos TKO (Punches) DMMA 319 Kersikov vs Thoupos 2024-06-02 1 02:09
   L Sergej Kersikov Frankie Logan Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 319 Kersikov vs Thoupos 2024-06-02 3 05:00
   W Sean Rivers Dakota Reis Decision (Unanimous) RSE 82: 2024-06-01 3 05:00
   W Fabian Bohn Rayan Brandt Decision (Unanimous) RSE 81: 2024-05-29 3 05:00
   W Randy Wieland Bernardo Belmiro Decision (Split) RSE 80: 2024-05-25 3 05:00
Last 20 TWGC Fights
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Nick Rodriquez Tyrone Sparxx Decision WP 126 2024-07-24 1 15:14
   L Moldy Jello Gaston Juncker Decision WP 126 2024-07-24 1 15:14
   W Jackson Ramirez Tres Sulvar Decision WP 126 2024-07-24 1 15:06
   W The Reverend Jim Ignatowski Anthony Lavicci Decision WP 126 2024-07-24 1 15:08
   L Bogdan Kersikov Long Wang Decision WP 126 2024-07-24 1 15:09
   L Moldy Jello Tyrone Sparxx Decision WP 125 2024-07-20 1 15:05
   W Nick Rodriquez Tres Sulvar Decision WP 125 2024-07-20 1 15:22
   L Roman Kersikov Gaston Juncker Decision WP 125 2024-07-20 1 15:15
   W Jackson Ramirez Long Wang Decision WP 125 2024-07-20 1 15:04
   W The Reverend Jim Ignatowski Boris Balkan Decision WP 125 2024-07-20 1 15:11
   L Bogdan Kersikov Anthony Lavicci Decision WP 125 2024-07-20 1 15:01
   W Vasiliy Kulik Stoned Nelson Submission (RNC) WP 125 2024-07-20 1 06:58
   L Xavier Merlin David McDonald Submission (Guillotine) WP 125 2024-07-20 1 01:55
   L Nick Rodriquez Tyrone Sparxx Decision WP 124 2024-07-17 1 15:12
   W Moldy Jello Gaston Juncker Decision WP 124 2024-07-17 1 15:23
   L Jackson Ramirez Tres Sulvar Decision WP 124 2024-07-17 1 15:03
   W Roman Kersikov Anthony Lavicci Decision WP 124 2024-07-17 1 15:06
   L Vasiliy Kulik Long Wang Decision WP 124 2024-07-17 1 15:06
   W Bogdan Kersikov Bjj Catch Wrestler Decision WP 124 2024-07-17 1 15:12
   W The Reverend Jim Ignatowski Billy Turturro Submission (RNC) WP 124 2024-07-17 1 14:28
Top Fighter - Boyko Kersikov

Dynasty MMA  6506
Record 23-7-2 (W-L-D)
Wins 16 (T)KOs (69.57%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
7 Decisions (30.43%)
Losses 1 (T)KOs (14.29%)
1 Subs (14.29%)
5 Decisions (71.43%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight Benji Torres
2024-07-28 Title Fight
Last 5 Fights
W Time To Fight Wright TKO (Strikes)
W Kane Thoupos TKO (Punches)
W Rodrigo Carioni KO (Punch)
W Pavel Kostov TKO (Strikes)
D Pavel Kostov Draw
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Xavier Merlin 265+ (17-22-0) L,L,L,L,W 279 19087
Moldy Jello 265+ (6-3-0) L,L,W,L,W 274 19466
T. Ignatowski Higher Hyped as a Kickboxer 265+ (15-11-0) W,W,W,L,L 20 717
Vasiliy Kulik 265+ (15-16-0) W,L,L,W,W 230 5458
Che Von Cru - (17-10-1) W,L,W,L,W 0 2381
Nick Rodriquez 265+ (7-3-0) W,W,L,W,W 126 2958
Jackson Ramirez 265+ (5-0-0) W,W,L,W,L 196 4330
Benson Beer Retired - (1-4-0) W,L,L,L,L NA 0
Bogdan Kersikov 265+ (1-0-0) L,L,W,W,L 248 22385
Vitali Kersikov I I 205 (23-13-1) L,W,W,W,L 46 320
Sergej Kersikov 155 (15-10-0) W,L,W,L,W 102 878
Boyko Kersikov 185 (23-7-2) W,W,W,W,D 1 15
Elvis Milissis - (9-10-0) L,L,W,L,- 0 3246
Rak Boonliang - (11-3-0) L,L,L,W,W 0 4435
Volodymyr Kersikov 135 (6-3-0) W,W,W,W,L 24 309
Vladymyr Kersikov 205 (3-2-0) W,L,W,W,L 233 1890
Nykolai Kersikov 145 (5-2-1) W,W,W,L,D 15 148
Roman Kersikov 265+ (0-1-0) L,W,L,L,W 297 23787
Sean Rivers 170 (5-6-0) W,W,L,L,L 216 1648
Randy Wieland 170 (4-0-0) W,W,W,L,L 219 1686
Fabian Bohn 205 (7-3-0) W,L,W,L,W 99 768
Koen Bauweraerts 155 (7-1-0) W,W,W,L,W 89 755
Patrick Van Kerckhoven 265 (3-2-0) W,L,W,W,L 179 1451
Kelly Van Soest - (4-0-0) W,W,W,L,W 0 1670
Roy Olivero Den Burger - (1-0-0) W,-,-,-,- 0 4765
Rene Dif - (0-1-0) L,-,-,-,- 0 4766
Hans Peter Geerdes - (0-1-0) L,-,-,-,- 0 4820
Mats Olle Soderlund - (1-0-0) W,-,-,-,- 0 4821

Hall of Fame - Retired / Previously Managed Fighters
Name Weight Record Highest Rank
Andrei Kersikov270lbs(22-7-1)13
Marko Kersikov140lbs(18-10-1)25
Dmitri Kersikov149lbs(15-5-1)25
Andrei Kersikov269lbs(29-11-0)1
Buzz at Don Frye (Logged in as )
Alfred Winterbottom
Alfred Winterbottom buzzed at Don Frye (Jan 02, 2023)

Scotland will never take England's oil!

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Don Frye's recent buzzes
Don Frye replied Alfred Winterbottom's Buzz buzzed at Alfred Winterbottom
Hail Hit... I mean Alfred! (Jan 02, 2023)
Adios (Jun 13, 2016)
Don Frye rebuzzed Klay Thompson's buzz
Mark O'Sullivan
I think Bjorn is the only person I've known on the forums who actively seeks out who down votes him, only so he could then go on and down vote the person who down voted him. Bjorn O'Donnel stop asking me who down voted you. (Jun 07, 2016)
Don Frye rebuzzed John Hetfield's buzz
Mark O'Sullivan
I think Bjorn is the only person I've known on the forums who actively seeks out who down votes him, only so he could then go on and down vote the person who down voted him. Bjorn O'Donnel stop asking me who down voted you. (Jun 03, 2016)
Don Frye rebuzzed Mark O'Sullivan's buzz
Mark O'Sullivan
I think Bjorn is the only person I've known on the forums who actively seeks out who down votes him, only so he could then go on and down vote the person who down voted him. Bjorn O'Donnel stop asking me who down voted you. (Jun 02, 2016)
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