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Jersey Inc. (138625) - VIP Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Jersey Inc.
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Historic MMA Record

Record   161-90-1 (0 NCs)
Wins   105 (T)KOs (65.22%)
    29 Subs (18.01%)
    27 Decisions (16.77%)
Losses   54 (T)KOs (60.00%)
    19 Subs (21.11%)
    17 Decisions (18.89%)
Current 172-87-0 (0 NCs)
TWGC 13 - 13
  Newark, NJ
United States United States (P:15)
New York
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  111 of 40617 (0.27%)
162 (+51 gain)
122 average
Div 3. League 3 (P: 5)
Top Fighter   Ian Carter
Fighters   19
Alliance   East Coast MMA
Bank   $367,151.57
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-07-27 03:06:16
Joined (y/m/d):
2022-12-19 03:21:20
Username: Jersey
Ironbound MMA
East Coast MMA
Bookies of NJ
New York Fighting Champio... (Staff)
Recent Events

23 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Desmond Gallagher
09 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Chico Feijo celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
08 Jul, 2024 Monday - Released the fighter - Johnny Dough
02 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Akeen Coker celebrated his birthday - 46 today!
19 Jun, 2024 Wednesday - Johnny Dough celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
17 Jun, 2024 Monday - Jack Nice celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
14 Jun, 2024 Friday - Jason Payne celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
05 Jun, 2024 Wednesday - Leopold Shaw celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
04 Jun, 2024 Tuesday - Deon Graves celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
03 Jun, 2024 Monday - Desmond Gallagher celebrated his birthday - 20 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Marek Siuta Shirley Crabtree TKO (Cut) ENIGMA 210 2024-07-21 4 04:57
   L Jacek Siuta Super Macho Man TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 210 2024-07-21 1 02:06
   W Jack Nice MF Jones Decision (Unanimous) UCF 50: Casbon v Buddha 2024-07-20 3 05:00
   W John Knox Jorg Wegner Decision (Unanimous) ENIGMA 209 2024-07-14 3 05:00
   W Ian Carter Krypton Brussard Decision (Unanimous) NYF 74: Field vs Traumen II 2024-07-13 3 05:00
   L Desmond Gallagher Hans Job TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 208 2024-07-07 1 00:13
   L Jimmy Leeds Kree P Krawlee TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 208 2024-07-07 1 02:50
   L Johnny Dough Jamison Hutchinson KO (Punch) The Island Season 15, 170 lbs... 2024-07-06 2 04:32
   W Jokubas Antukis Jens Ryden KO (Punch) BB-8 2024-07-01 1 00:19
   W Jason Payne Repa Pulkkinen TKO (Cut) BB-8 2024-07-01 2 08:17
   W Deon Graves Kyle Prepolec KO (Punch) UCF 44: Nguyen v Taylor 2024-06-29 1 02:27
   L Johnny Dough Jukka Raikkonen Decision (Unanimous) MILF 94 Gardener VS Pai 2024-06-27 3 05:00
   L Devon Collins Chad Billingsly KO (Head Kick) SYN 1077 Sampson vs Prometheu... 2024-06-23 1 00:53
   W Jacek Siuta Caique Lima TKO (Strikes) Summit Series - MMA Rd 4 2024-06-23 1 04:55
   L Demyan Pulaski Charles Lee Ray TKO (Strikes) Summit Series - MMA Rd 4 2024-06-23 1 02:56
   W Jack Nice Uno Skibbo Submission (RNC) UCF 40: Casbon v Yksi 2024-06-22 1 03:26
   W Jason Payne Johel Yomero Submission (Armbar) BB-7 2024-06-18 2 00:28
   L Desmond Gallagher Motum Vakana TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 205 2024-06-16 3 03:42
   L Jan Siuta Hrvoje Kovacevic TKO (Strikes) HRL88 2024-06-15 1 04:35
   W Johnny Dough Will Hutchinson Decision (Unanimous) MILF 77 Frost VS Walls 2024-06-09 3 05:00
Last 20 TWGC Fights
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Jack Nice Remi Johnson Decision TWGC 41 (170lbs, D2): Rio de ... 2024-05-21 1 15:03
   W Jack Nice DeShawn West Decision TWGC 41 (170lbs, D2): Rio de ... 2024-05-20 1 15:10
   L Leopold Shaw Cole Hunt Decision SSG 307 Gascoigne vs Gabenagu... 2024-05-19 1 15:10
   L Leopold Shaw Raja Silalahi Submission (Kimura) SSG 297 Solo vs Macker 2024-04-28 1 10:19
   L Leopold Shaw Krister Soderberg Submission (RNC) SSG 295 Finn vs Chai 2024-04-21 1 06:39
   L Leopold Shaw Mecilvus Gabenagus Submission (Americana) SSG 290 Nutz vs Ottke 2024-04-07 1 06:37
   W Leopold Shaw Max Wahlstroem Decision SSG 286 Bar vs Hlervu 2024-03-31 1 15:05
   W Leopold Shaw Darrell Darkins Submission (RNC) SSG 281 Darkins vs Shaw 2024-03-17 1 05:57
   L Leopold Shaw Tanner Kyng Decision SSG 279 Hunt vs Vilmat 2024-03-10 1 15:15
   L Leopold Shaw Billy Grandall Submission (Armbar) SSG 274 Helvig vs Ottke 2024-03-03 1 01:19
   W Jacek Siuta Rogelio Nunez Submission (Americana) Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-03-03 1 00:50
   L Jacek Siuta Don Rockmuller Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-02-25 1 15:08
   W Jacek Siuta Ted Kona Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-02-18 1 15:05
   L Jacek Siuta Kenji Matsuda Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-02-11 1 15:06
   W Jacek Siuta Tinashe Chukwuma Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-02-04 1 15:07
   W Leopold Shaw T Mustana Chai Decision SSG 264 Ozy vs Le Boulder 2024-02-04 1 15:05
   W Jacek Siuta Caique Lima Submission (RNC) Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-01-28 1 12:40
   W Leopold Shaw Quinn Barnett Submission (Armbar) SSG 261 Thumb vs Gascoigne 2024-01-28 1 13:36
   L Jacek Siuta Frank Brown Submission (Arm Triangle) Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-01-21 1 02:38
   L Jacek Siuta Super Macho Man Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd ... 2024-01-14 1 15:04
Top Fighter - Ian Carter

New York Fighting Championship 7028
Record 12-5-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 8 (T)KOs (66.67%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
4 Decisions (33.33%)
Losses 3 (T)KOs (60.00%)
2 Subs (40.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight Fredrik White
2024-08-10 Title Fight
Last 5 Fights
W Krypton Brussard Decision (Unanimous)
W Nakagome Kakuzo KO (Punch)
L Jeffrey Tucker TKO (Strikes)
W Jimmy Logan TKO (Strikes)
L Jeffrey Tucker KO (Punch)
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Akeen Coker - (27-20-0) L,W,W,L,W 0 3356
Hero Complex - (7-0-0) W,L,W,W,W 0 22538
Jan Siuta 205 (15-9-0) L,W,W,L,W 84 639
Devon Collins 265 (11-6-0) L,L,W,W,W 30 906
Bryan White - (4-3-0) L,L,W,L,W 0 3028
Mark Smith - (10-6-0) W,L,W,L,W 0 3008
Frank Marino - (10-5-0) L,W,W,W,W 0 3325
Ian Carter 185 (12-5-0) W,W,L,W,L 46 357
Leopold Shaw - (11-4-0) L,L,L,L,W 0 2109
Chico Feijo - (4-2-0) L,W,W,W,L 0 3036
Jack Nice 170 (6-1-0) W,W,L,W,L 148 1127
Deon Graves 155 (9-5-0) W,L,W,W,L 146 1324
Jason Payne 185 (5-3-0) W,L,L,W,W 185 1473
Jokubas Antukis - (14-7-0) W,L,L,W,W 0 1619
Demyan Pulaski 185 (4-3-0) L,L,W,W,W 338 2942
John Knox 265 (6-2-0) W,L,W,W,L 168 1413
Jimmy Leeds 145 (3-2-0) L,W,L,W,W 253 3172
Marek Siuta 185 (9-0-0) W,W,W,W,W 110 805
Jacek Siuta 205 (5-4-0) L,W,W,W,L 306 2673
Buzz at Jersey Inc. (Logged in as )
Bookies of NJ
Bookies of NJ buzzed at Jersey Inc. (Jan 23, 2024)

Odds are up for 4 different NYC events! Jan Siuta, the newly announced CEO, would like to expand the betting after securing a deal with all the Atlantic City sportsbooks. Sadly, the NYSAC has capped the betting at $5k/bet, but rest assured, we will continue appealing and try to get the limit raised. Want odds on any specific fight in NYC? Contact us! We add fights as requested.

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Jersey Inc.'s recent buzzes
Jersey Inc. buzzed at Super Square Down(403k) , Bookies of NJ
MMA REPORT: The Jersey Management Group has officially parted ways with Super Square Down for the time being. A mutual separation due to the ongoing NYSAC investigation into Bookies of NJ, it is not permanent, and it doesn't remove complete involvement. The Jersey Group will just no longer be handling contracts or any matchmaking. This coming after selling their off-shore supplement company shows that they are trying to get ahea... (Feb 08, 2024)
Jersey Inc. buzzed at Super Square Down(403k) , Bookies of NJ
NEWS REPORT: Amidst rumors of an ongoing investigation into Bookies of NJ coordinated on both a state and federal level, The Jersey Management Group has been slowly liquidating accounts and selling businesses, including their off-shore supplement company. Reports seem to confirm that the investigation was initially launched by the NYSAC and has gained enough traction to call in to question the future of the group promoting at Super Squ... (Feb 05, 2024)
Jersey Inc. rebuzzed Bloodsport Elite's buzz
Bloodsport Elite
Kumite Kyle is back with another Event Preview! This time for BE 3: Bronson vs Alyoshin Click here (Feb 02, 2024)
Jersey Inc. buzzed at Loke Axelsen , Vahid Gangster , Mike Mfer , New Meta
MORE #SSD Bookings: Oh did you think we were done? No way. On 2-4, we have TWO title fights! First, for the inaugural HW championship, Mike Mfer will be taking on New Meta in a fight that should produce absolute fireworks. Speaking of fireworks, the Buzz beef that everyone has been waiting for. Main Event. Open weight title on the line. I don't even need to hype this one up. #SSD bookings: We have two big fights booked for our 1-28 card held at the The Underground in NYC. In our co-main event, we will crown our inaugural FW champion when Pate Boxeri faces off with Declan Bernard. Then in the main event, Sergeant Dick, the most hated man in NYC MMA returns after 1-punch KO of Devon Collins. H... (Jan 17, 2024)
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