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Don Rockmuller (400147)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Don Rockmuller
MMA 2-3-0 (W-L-D)
MMA Wins 2 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
MMA Losses 0 (T)KOs (0.00%)
1 Subs (33.33%)
2 Decisions (66.67%)
KT Record 2-2-0 (W-L-D)
KT Wins 2 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
KT Losses 2 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
TWGC 6-2
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 178 cm
Weight 205 lbs
Can cut to 187.0 lbs
Age 20
Hometown Cedar Rapids, IA
Country United States
Location Tokyo
Base Tokyo
Manager Alfred Winterbottom
Bank Balance $4,716.60
Alliance   Waiting for the Asteroid
Highest Rank 3341 MMA / 284 KT
Creation Date 29th Nov 2023
Don has Strong boxing, Respectable Muay Thai, Exceptional wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: KO of the night: 1 ($5,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 3347
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Kickboxing Hype
  KT Rank
Weight: NA P4P: 284
Grappling Hype
  Grap Rank
Weight: NA P4P: 328

Sponsored by
Advance Sport Supplements  [7056]
Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio
The all American hero is here to save the tournament. Only problem is he's not actually that good...

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Katman Drip Inc.
LazyCombat Clothing

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Jone White TKO (Strikes) Summit Series - MMA Rd 4 2024-06-23 205 1 03:14 view
L Jacek Siuta Submission (Guillotine) Summit Series - MMA Rd 3 2024-06-09 205 2 04:18 view
W Summit Panda TKO (Strikes) Summit Series - MMA Rd 2 2024-05-26 205 2 03:56 view
L Tinashe Chukwuma Decision (Majority) Summit Series - MMA Rd 1 2024-05-12 205 3 05:00 view
L Van Rockmuller Decision (Unanimous) CDM Round 2 2023-12-03 265+ 1 03:00 view

Kickboxing Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Jone White TKO (Punch) Summit Series - KT Rd 4 2024-04-28 205 1 01:32 view
L Rogelio Nunez TKO (Punch) Summit Series - KT Rd 3 2024-04-14 205 1 04:58 view
W Young Blood TKO (Punch) Summit Series - KT Rd 2 2024-03-31 205 2 02:30 view
L Michel Robillard TKO (Punch) Summit Series - KT Rd 1 2024-03-17 205 2 02:24 view

Grappling Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C  
W Hung Young Wang Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd 8 2024-03-03 205 view
W Jacek Siuta Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd 7 2024-02-25 205 view
W Kenji Matsuda Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd 6 2024-02-18 205 view
W Tinashe Chukwuma Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd 5 2024-02-11 205 view
W Caique Lima Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd 4 2024-02-04 205 view
W Frank Brown Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd 3 2024-01-28 205 view
L Super Macho Man Decision Summit Series - Grappling Rd 2 2024-01-21 205 view
L Ted Kona Submission (Armbar) Summit Series - Grappling Rd 1 2024-01-14 205 view

Buzz at Don Rockmuller (Logged in as )
No one buzzed at this fighter. Be the first to buzz at him!

Current Gym : Hammer House of Horror
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

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Recent Events

2024-07-21- Bought Super Sakura Style T-Shirt for $200 at Sakura Style
2024-07-17- received Recovery (160) from manager.
2024-07-07- Bought Arctic Island Shorts Prototype for $150 at LazyCombat Clothing
2024-06-18- Bought Katman White for $20 at Katman Drip Inc.
2024-06-15- Bought Red Kombat Shorts for $50 at KOMBAT KLOTHING
2024-06-13- Bought Baraka T-Shirt for $50 at KOMBAT KLOTHING
2024-06-10- Bought Red Kombat Shorts for $50 at KOMBAT KLOTHING
2024-05-21- Bought Katman White for $20 at Katman Drip Inc.
2024-05-18- Bought Red Kombat Shorts for $50 at KOMBAT KLOTHING
2024-05-17- Don Rockmuller celebrated his birthday - 20 today!

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