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Canadian Fighting Championship

Org name: Canadian Fighting Championship
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 60
Number of events: 676
Base: Montreal
Owner: Chuck W94
Ranking (Global): 31
Ranking (City): 5
Satisfaction rating: 0% from 0 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: None
About us: .
Latest News: CFC Grappling and KT
  Ran out of time to do an org properly, but to pass time I'm gonna do some grappling and possibly KT events if we have enough interest in it.

Everything we do will be open ID and at least starting out Openweight. If you want to grapple hit me up and we'll work something out.
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 0 0 0 0 390k
145 0 0 0 0 390k
155 0 0 0 0 390k
170 0 0 0 0 390k
185 0 0 0 0 390k
205 0 0 0 0 390k
265 31 29 362314 51 390k
265+ 29 33 364850 53 Open Weight / Open ID
Upcoming Events
CFC CG 29 2024-07-28 Montreal
CFC CG 30 2024-07-31 Montreal
CFC CG 31 2024-08-04 Montreal
CFC CG NY 2024-08-04 New York
CFC CG 32 2024-08-07 Montreal
CFC CG 33 2024-08-11 Montreal
CFC CG 34 2024-08-14 Montreal
CFC CG 35 2024-08-17 Montreal
CFC CG 36 2024-08-21 Montreal
CFC CG 37 2024-08-24 Montreal
CFC CG 38 2024-08-28 Montreal
CFC CG 39 2024-08-31 Montreal
Today's Events / Recent Events
CFC CG 28 2024-07-24 Montreal
CFC CG 27 2024-07-21 Montreal
CFC CG 26 2024-07-17 Montreal
CFC CG 25 2024-07-14 Montreal
CFC CG 24 2024-07-10 Montreal

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (Grappling)
  Name TWGC Rank
1 Cesare Borgia 22
2 Yojizo Trismegistus 57
3 Jisoo Oh 71
4 Shane Goble 84
5 Walon Green 89
6 Bob Le Boulder 104
7 Khadem Abdul Karim 116
8 Julián Cicerón 128
9 Android Sixty Five 137
10 Yuri Prochazka 145
11 Mean Gean 146
12 Zawisza Czarny Z Garbowa 150
13 Tsuyoi Kakuto 154
14 Satan Blue 155
15 Ceph Alopodis 163
16 Anderson Da Silva 193
17 Roddy Banner 211
18 Paddy Mcgillicutty 213
19 Benjamin Sisko 214
20 Darian Cruz 219
Weight Name Last Win
265 Rufus Globe Satan Blue
265+ Jisoo Oh Cesare Borgia

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Chuck W94
Matchmaker extraordinaire: Scottie 2 Hottie
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