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Org name: STRIKE!
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 91
Number of events: 38
Base: Amsterdam
Owner: Car MacGib
Ranking (Global): 28 MMA (1 Kickboxing)
Ranking (City): 2 MMA (1 Kickboxing)
Satisfaction rating: 67% from 11 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: Brooklyn Threads
About us: Where the games best Strikers live!
Latest News: STRIKE! PPV Premiere
  Strike! took a major step forward last event and ran its first PPV. We weren't quite sure what the results would be given KT PPV's havnt been attempted in a very long time, but considering all PPV's lose money in their first attempt (we did too), the results were very positive.
Many people believe the PPV model doesnt work with KT, and its potential hype issues, but after the success of the first one we're quietly confident we can make it work.
We'll know more after our next event, but so far so good.
The end game here is obviously for the org to make PPV type money in the hope we can offer contracts somewhere closer to what the best MMA fighters make - which is what the best KT guys deserve.

Stay tuned!
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 6 36 364336 62 Min Weight 135
145 19 31 369105 39 Min Weight 145
155 10 33 364915 35 Min Weight 155
170 10 33 369058 54 Min Weight 170
185 12 34 357387 58 Min Weight 185
205 13 34 369634 31 Min Weight 205
265 10 31 368810 77 Min Weight 245
265+ 12 29 372610 58 Open Weight
Upcoming Events
STRIKE! 28 Kickboxing Event 2024-07-27 Las Vegas
STRIKE! 29 Kickboxing Event 2024-08-03 Las Vegas
STRIKE! 30 Kickboxing Event 2024-08-10 Sydney
STRIKE! 31 Kickboxing Event 2024-08-17 New York
Today's Events / Recent Events
STRIKE! 27 Kickboxing Event 2024-07-20 Sydney
STRIKE! 26 Kickboxing Event 2024-07-13 Hilo
STRIKE! 25 Kickboxing Event 2024-07-06 Montreal
STRIKE! 24 Kickboxing Event 2024-06-29 Sydney
STRIKE! 23 Kickboxing Event 2024-06-22 Sydney

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (Kickboxing)
  Name KT Rank
1 Beta Tua 1
2 Bardia Farrokhzad 2
3 Herbert Kreischer 3
4 Nikolai Magomedov 5
5 Kenny Smith 6
6 Michael Venom 7
7 Cheyenne Little Dove 8
8 Fester Adams 9
9 Cristóforo Carretero 10
10 Bruno Berinjela 12
11 Ngozi Chai 13
12 Bigi Boi Chai 14
13 Tommy Harinck 15
14 Theodore Rothschild 37
15 Carlos Narvaez 24
16 Seung Joon 16
17 Gordon Masten 25
18 Franko De Cremonesi 20
19 Marco Salamanca 36
20 Jacques Durand Jr 50
Weight Name Last Win
135 Bardia Farrokhzad Koos Van Asch
145 Cheyenne Little Dove Carlos Narvaez
155 Michael Venom Marco Salamanca
170 Cristóforo Carretero Shahzad Abdelrahman
185 Kenny Smith Michał Kowalkiewicz
205 Beta Tua Azor Ahai
265 Herbert Kreischer Nikolai Magomedov
265+ Nikolai Magomedov Fester Adams

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Car MacGib
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