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Dynasty MMA

Org name: Dynasty MMA
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 187
Number of events: 368
Base: Tokyo
Owner: Crazy Horse
Ranking (Global): 4
Ranking (City): 1
Satisfaction rating: 100% from 34 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: Furnace Performance 🔥
About us: Come be part of the Dynasty.
Latest News: New DMMA Trophies released!
  Just a quick news item to let everyone know that two new trophies have been approved for DMMA and are the beginning of potentially a number more. These two are on the more humorous side of things, but you can read about them here:

Additionally, you can browse the rest of that thread for the incredible press conferences released by newly signed DMMA fighter Mr Pickle and other items like the occasional card preview/review!
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 19 33 352632 159 RECRUITING
145 17 32 372922 189 RECRUITING
155 28 33 358805 160 RECRUITING
170 21 33 368893 160 RECRUITING
185 17 32 373005 156 RECRUITING
205 35 33 369814 163 RECRUITING
265 25 32 368206 154 RECRUITING
265+ 25 33 363793 145 RECRUITING 270 Pounds walking weight Min.
Upcoming Events
DMMA 334 Dall Jr vs Sitsongrit 2024-07-27 Tokyo
DMMA 335 Kuomanen vs Olcinius 2024-07-28 London
DMMA 336 Faolin vs Karjalainen 2024-08-03 Tokyo
DMMA 337 Rolls vs Dragneel 2024-08-04 London
DMMA 338 2024-08-10 Tokyo
DMMA 339 2024-08-11 London
DMMA 340 2024-08-17 Tokyo
DMMA 341 2024-08-18 Tokyo
DMMA 342 2024-08-24 Tokyo
DMMA 343 2024-08-25 Tokyo
DMMA 344 2024-08-31 Tokyo
DMMA 345 2024-09-01 Tokyo
Today's Events / Recent Events
DMMA 333 Sitsongrit vs Drake 2024-07-21 London
DMMA 332 Zahedi vs Okongwu 2024-07-20 Tokyo
DMMA 331 Kwong vs Brown 2 2024-07-14 Tokyo
DMMA 330 Double Trouble 2024-07-13 Tokyo
DMMA 329 Doomsday vs Rolls 2024-07-07 Tokyo

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (MMA)
  Name Rank
1 Ivan Petrov 8
2 Danyaal Zahedi 9
3 Jair Brown 13
4 Boyko Kersikov 15
5 Swole Ricky Martin 16
6 Kaengsaklek Sitsongrit 20
7 Bubba Rolls 22
8 Polish Power 26
9 Ahjo Kuomanen 46
10 Kwasi Kwong 68
11 Kimi Enqvist 75
12 Natsu Dragneel 76
13 Jakov Pavlek 82
14 Joey Faolin 83
15 Michal Materlak 85
16 Karl Karjalainen 114
17 Valdo Calamari 118
18 Slash Shredder 137
19 Mauro Okongwu 138
20 Cyrus Prix 149
Weight Name Last Win
135 Kimi Enqvist Jorgen Kruth
145 Kaengsaklek Sitsongrit Dezmond Drake
155 Jair Brown Kwasi Kwong
170 Bubba Rolls Kronos Doomsday
185 Boyko Kersikov Kane Thoupos
205 Ivan Petrov Swole Ricky Martin
265 Danyaal Zahedi Mauro Okongwu
265+ Polish Power Ghengis Khan

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Crazy Horse
Dolphin Consultant: Not Rush
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