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Special Ops N7 Training news history

Gym Name :   Special Ops N7 Training
Gym fees :   $350 a week (paid Thursdays).
Location :   Hilo
Current Cleanliness :   Pristine
Equipment Condition :   Decrepit
Invite only :   No
Capacity :   80
Current # of fighters :   19
Current # of coaches :  
Fighters per coach :   no coaches
Sauna :   Yes
Website :   None
Company owner :   Jiří Matoušek
Sparring Schedule :   Click here
Gym Champions:   Click here
Nutrition Partner :   -
10 Aug 19 - Hi everybody....
Can have someone some ideas,problem's,question or wishe's,pleas dont't afraid write this to chat in gym,or send me PM...
06 Aug 19 - First changes...
Raise the week fees from 200 to 350...
Reduce capacity to 80 fighter...
Buy new supplement's to vending machine...
New equipment from exelent to brand new...
06 Aug 19 - Hi everybody....
I am new owner of this gym,and here be a little bit of changes,but don't be angry to me pleas,I have some new ideas and plan with this...

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