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Post event - Bots de Garra 92

Organization: Gigantes
Event Name: Bots de Garra 92
Event Commentary: View Commentary / View PBP
Event Discussion: Click here
Date: 2023-11-01
City: Rio de Janeiro
Arena: Redeemerarena (21,000)
Number of fights: 10
Rules: Grappling
Ticket Price: Premium
Ring / Cage: Ring
Pay per View?: Yes
PPV Length (hours): 3
PPV sales: 338,763
Event Rating: 792.49
Attendance: 21000
Disclosed fighter pay: $211000
Award amount: $25000
 KO of the night: -
Sub of the night: Rio Rolla
Fight of the night: Jari Laitila vs Ivan Kamenev
Merchandise Partner: Savage Fightwear
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The fights
Weight Rnds Winner Loser Method Round Time    
265+ lbs 1 Donovan Trumpinov Abu Schaubi Decision 1 15:11 265+ lbs Title
265+ lbs 1 Matvey Pavlov Kurt Diesel Decision 1 15:10
265+ lbs 1 Malaki Fiso Enamorado Bandito Decision 1 15:02
265+ lbs 1 Rio Rolla Jamarcus Burroughs Submission (Triangle) 1 00:18
265+ lbs 1 Ricky Clubber Tommy Toehold Decision 1 15:04
265+ lbs 1 Bobby Lee Nickal Helio Gracias Decision 1 15:12
265+ lbs 1 Jari Laitila Ivan Kamenev Submission (RNC) 1 12:48
265+ lbs 1 Richard Anderson Bjj Steel Decision 1 15:12
265+ lbs 1 Tres Sulvar Isaac Vernon Decision 1 15:02
265+ lbs 1 Ikemba Okoye Hirata Hitoshi Submission (Arm Triangle) 1 09:57
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