MMA Tycoon Game
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Advance Sport Supplements (7056)

Advance Sport Supplements
  St Petersburg
  Bobby Bowen
500 Weeks:   15 in 89 weeks
7 Day Sales:   5
Rank:   25
Gym Partner:
  The Factory
Event Partner:   GFY Grappling
About Us:
  Chemical Enhancement since 11-22 as of open all sups at 158 want a sponsorship send me a pm. Laundry is a flat 30% this includes tycoon transfer tax. pm me before and after to complete the wash cycle
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Products on sale

A.S.S. Androstenedione

Effects: Increase stamina
Cost: $ 100 for 14 days supply
In Stock: 338

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Effects: Reduce energy loss
Cost: $ 100 for 14 days supply
In Stock: 252

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The Stack

Effects: Muscle bulk
Cost: $ 100 for 14 days supply
In Stock: 407

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Machine Wash Cold 30% (Laundry)

Effects: Weight Loss
Cost: $ 300 for 14 days supply
In Stock: 16000

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Sponsored fighters

P4P / Record Name P4P / Record
Luke Smith 669 (10-4-0) Paul Nichols 885 (14-6-0)
Barnabus Sanitario 914 (9-4-0) Kazhymukan Manaitpasov 2404 (7-7-0)
Bulk Bogan 1259 (8-0-0) Jorg Wegner 2346 (4-3-0)
Kevin Neidhart 2788 (3-1-0) Charles Sanders 2863 (3-2-0)
Don Rockmuller 3348 (4-5-0) Giorgi Gorgodze 3084 (3-3-0)
OwnerBobby Bowen

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