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Barry Bonds Performance Enhancers -160Q (6579)

Barry Bonds Performance Enhancers -160Q
  Las Vegas
Proof of Quality
  Johnny Tirado
500 Weeks:   13 in 163 weeks
7 Day Sales:   52
Rank:   20
Gym Partner:
  House of 1000 Corpses
California Top Team
Event Partner:   None
About Us:
  Great Recovery supplement, over $1 mil more than we'd need to have spent, to have it round to 160. 160 Strength supplement also, which when we created the company no Str supps at all were on sale in Japan. The others aren't as amazing of supp's, but are still very good, with prices that are a great value!
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News: HEY! LOOK OVER HERE! (Jul 08, 2021)
  160q Strength, a 160q Recovery which is sold for less than any other local 160q Recovery that cost us over 1M research over the minimum to round off for verification as 160q.

Be like Barry, who showed how well PED's can allow you to break records and use ours!

Yes, true 160q doesn't exist: The closest possible is 159.9. Ours like everyone's advertised at 160 means it's the closest whole number. Most in the game is 159.501 or something, about what our Str is. Our Recovery 160 is more like 159.65.

We do Laundry too, but please ask first to set it up. It's popular enough that we get bought out of our Laundry often lately. But if you see the Laundry listing, then we can do it;

160q (rounded) provably, 159.61, not the usual 159.5, when carried out to the decimal places) researched successfully! Coming as soon as the order is filled, probably in stock by the time you read this. Now 160q's for the 3 main supplements!
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Reduce energy loss 160q

Effects: Reduce energy loss
Cost: $ 300 for 14 days supply
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Muscle bulk 160q

Effects: Muscle bulk
Cost: $ 300 for 14 days supply
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Increase stamina 160q

Effects: Increase stamina
Cost: $ 300 for 14 days supply
In Stock: 2019

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Weight Loss 157q

Effects: Weight Loss
Cost: $ 150 for 14 days supply
In Stock: 299

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Reduce energy loss 159q

Effects: Reduce energy loss
Cost: $ 200 for 14 days supply
In Stock: 220

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OwnerJohnny Tirado

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