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BE 9: Smithers vs Chunks 2 Recap

Org name: Bloodsport Elite
Fighters signed: 66
Number of events: 18
Base: Sydney
Owner: Mae Joon
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BE 15 2024-08-04 Sydney
Weight Name Last Win
135 Jim Bob Walton Little Bandit
155 Diego Lacasa Ziggy Ozbourne
170 Tim Horton Jeremy Arnason
185 Nazaire Chenevert Nathan Fedorov
205 Caleb DeCoteau Hamed Juniorss
265 Moses Okafor Murfum Orcarm

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BE 9: Smithers vs Chunks 2 Recap

Main Event
265 Pound Championship Bout
Carlton Smithers vs Bobby Chunks

In an electrifying rematch, Carlton Smithers successfully defended his Bloodsport Elite Heavyweight Championship for the fourth time, extending his win streak to an impressive six fights. This bout was highly anticipated as it marked Smithers' second clash with Bobby Chunks, who he famously knocked out with a punch in just 19 seconds during their first encounter.
The bell rang for round one, and the fighters immediately engaged. Chunks shot in for a takedown, driving through Smithers, who sprawled well to defend. Chunks then attempted to clinch but failed. Undeterred, Chunks threw a loose overhand right and managed to secure a double leg takedown, bringing Smithers to the mat and landing in his guard. Smithers showcased excellent defensive skills, working to prevent strikes from Chunks while looking for an opportunity to counter.
Despite Chunks' efforts to maintain control, Smithers used his butterfly guard to sweep and reverse the position, ending up in top guard. Chunks tried to lock in a triangle choke, but Smithers easily defended it and passed into side control. The pace slowed as Smithers maintained control from the top, eventually transitioning into full mount.
As the fighters were repositioned to the center of the ring, Chunks continued to struggle for an advantageous position, but Smithers' dominance was evident. Smithers attempted to control the pace while Chunks squirmed and tried to escape. Despite a few moments of inactivity, the crowd's anticipation grew.
Smithers then made the surprising move to stand up from mount, engaging Chunks with precise strikes. He landed a solid jab, followed by a series of straight punches that connected cleanly. Chunks, visibly winded and desperate, attempted several takedowns, all of which were deftly avoided by Smithers.
With time running out in the first round, Smithers seized the moment. He landed a right hand that staggered Chunks, who instinctively tried to clinch. Smithers countered with a short knee that dropped Chunks, bringing the fight to an explosive end at 4:57 of round one.
The crowd erupted as the referee stepped in, declaring Carlton Smithers the winner by TKO (Punch and Knee). Smithers' reign as the Bloodsport Elite Heavyweight Champion continues, solidifying his status as a dominant force in the division.

Carlton Smithers via TKO(Punch & Knee) Round 1 4:57

Co-Main Event
170 Pound Championship bout
Viktor Kruglov vs Tim Horton

In a highly anticipated bout for the vacant Bloodsport Elite Welterweight Championship, Viktor Kruglov and Tim Horton delivered a thrilling showdown. As the bell rang for round one, the fighters wasted no time, engaging in a series of rapid exchanges.

Horton started aggressively, attempting to chop away at Kruglov's legs and landing a solid right hand early on. Kruglov responded with a crisp straight right that Horton didn't see coming, setting the tone for a fierce stand-up battle. Both fighters showcased their striking skills, with Horton landing several leg kicks and Kruglov countering with powerful punches.

Throughout the round, Horton mixed his attacks, connecting with body shots and leg kicks, while Kruglov demonstrated his striking precision, landing hooks and jabs. Horton attempted to clinch multiple times, but Kruglov managed to avoid being trapped against the ropes, maintaining his distance and composure.

As the action continued, Kruglov began to find his rhythm, scoring with significant strikes that kept Horton on his toes. Horton's attempts to close the distance and clinch were met with resistance, and Kruglov's counter-punching proved effective. The intensity of the exchanges had the crowd on their feet, as both fighters landed impressive shots.

Kruglov's consistent jabs and hooks started to wear on Horton, who remained determined but visibly affected by the barrage. With just over eight minutes into the round, Kruglov seized the moment. He landed a perfectly timed right hand that rocked Horton, causing him to stumble. Sensing the end, Kruglov followed up with a flurry of hammerfists on the ground, forcing the referee to step in and stop the fight.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 8:20 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Viktor Kruglov is the new Bloodsport Elite Welterweight Champion!

Viktor Kruglov via TKO (Strikes) Round 1 8:20

Main Card
155 Pound bout
Mattew Bandini vs Moe Lester

Moe Lester dominated Matthew Bandini across three rounds with superior striking and grappling. Bandini's repeated takedown attempts were mostly thwarted by Lester's solid defense. Lester landed effective strikes and maintained control from top positions, showcasing his ground-and-pound. Despite Bandini's resilience and attempts to reverse positions, Lester's skillful defense and relentless pressure secured him a unanimous decision victory. Judges scored the fight 30-27 in favor of Lester.

Moe Lester Via Unanimous Decision

Main Card
155 Pound bout
Ziggy Ozbourne vs Jello Belly

The bell rings for round one, and action kicks off quickly. Ziggy Ozbourne lands a stiff left hand and an open hand slap, cutting Jello Belly. A follow-up jab connects cleanly to Belly's head. Ozbourne then fakes a right and delivers a powerful left, dropping Belly to one knee. Despite Belly's attempt to clinch, Ozbourne throws him off and pummels him into submission. Belly taps out under the strikes, ending the fight at just 0:14 of round one.

Ziggy Ozbourne via Submission (Strikes) Round 1 0:14

Main Card
265 Pound bout
Jacques Pierre vs Moses Okafor

The opening bell rings, and Moses Okafor quickly closes the distance, engaging Jacques Pierre in a clinch. Okafor lands several punches to Pierre's head, pressing him against the ropes. Pierre attempts to break free but struggles against Okafor's pressure. After escaping the clinch, they return to striking, with Okafor showcasing his improved boxing skills. Despite Pierre's efforts, Okafor's precise strikes find their mark, causing Pierre's cut to worsen. Okafor maintains control, landing powerful punches and forcing Pierre into the ropes again. Pierre tries to fight back but is overwhelmed by Okafor's relentless assault. With Pierre visibly hurt and bleeding profusely from the cut, the referee steps in to stop the fight, declaring Moses Okafor the winner by TKO at 2:55 of round 1.

Moses Okafor via TKO (Strikes) Round 1 2:55

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