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Igor Byhenikov (74745) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Igor Byhenikov
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Historic MMA Record

Record   204-95-4 (0 NCs)
Wins   109 (T)KOs (53.43%)
    21 Subs (10.29%)
    74 Decisions (36.27%)
Losses   36 (T)KOs (37.89%)
    10 Subs (10.53%)
    49 Decisions (51.58%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
Finland Finland (P:4)
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  3912 of 40616 (9.63%)
3857 (-55 drop)
1,105 average
Div 7. League 471 (P: 48)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $3,308.00
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2023-09-17 19:24:35
Joined (y/m/d):
2012-07-07 06:06:03
Username: igorbyhenikov
Recent Events

19 Oct, 2022 Wednesday - Atso Kuura celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
19 Oct, 2022 Wednesday - Otso Tuura celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
10 Oct, 2022 Monday - Maxim Vyacheslav Volkov Mladshii celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
06 Oct, 2022 Thursday - Scottie Shanks celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
01 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Travis Bickle Jr celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
01 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Mickey Shanks Fourth celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
01 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Travis Bickle Third celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
25 Sep, 2022 Sunday - Anabolinen Steroidi Fifth celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
21 Sep, 2022 Wednesday - Castor Rollins Jr celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
26 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Atso Kuura celebrated his birthday - 22 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Castor Rollins Jr Mate Orsic Submission (Arm Triangle) Slavic FL 7 2022-01-24 1 01:57
   W Castor Rollins Jr Jorge Masvidal TKO (Knee) Slavic FL 5: Champions 2021-12-31 1 03:34
   W Atso Kuura Otso Tuura Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 3 2021-08-29 1 03:00
   L Otso Tuura Atso Kuura Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 3 2021-08-29 1 03:00
   L Kanis Zakura Scottie Shanks TKO (Punches) Quick Fighting 3 2021-08-29 1 02:43
   W Scottie Shanks Kanis Zakura TKO (Punches) Quick Fighting 3 2021-08-29 1 02:43
   L Castor Rollins Jr Mickey Shanks Fourth Decision (Majority) Quick Fighting 3 2021-08-29 1 03:00
   W Mickey Shanks Fourth Castor Rollins Jr Decision (Majority) Quick Fighting 3 2021-08-29 1 03:00
   L Anabolinen Steroidi Third Castor Rollins Jr TKO (Strikes) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 00:27
   W Castor Rollins Jr Anabolinen Steroidi Third TKO (Strikes) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 00:27
   W Kanis Shanks Anabolinen Steroidi Fifth Decision (Split) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   L Anabolinen Steroidi Fifth Kanis Shanks Decision (Split) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   W Maxim Vyacheslav Volkov Mladshii Travis Bickle Third Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   L Travis Bickle Third Maxim Vyacheslav Volkov Mladshii Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   L Travis Bickle Jr Mickey Shanks Fourth Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   W Mickey Shanks Fourth Travis Bickle Jr Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   L Scottie Shanks Mickey Shanks Jr Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   W Mickey Shanks Jr Scottie Shanks Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fighting 1 2021-08-20 3 05:00
   W Ruslan Mstislav Volkov Yaniv Schulmann Decision (Unanimous) ~T~ ITFL Round 10.1 2015-11-28 3 05:00
   W James Delaney Matt Hunt TKO (Strikes) UNFC84: Nicolosi Vs Bomb 2015-11-14 2 01:52
Top Fighter -

Record 0-0- (W-L-D)
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Buzz at Igor Byhenikov (Logged in as )
Sir Castor Rollins
Sir Castor Rollins replied Igor Byhenikov's Buzz buzzed at Igor Byhenikov (Jun 25, 2016)

You should make the logo Black and fade some parts gray. Castor Rollins style.

view conversation »
Igor Byhenikov's recent buzzes
Igor Byhenikov replied Sir Castor Rollins's Buzz buzzed at Sir Castor Rollins
hi goebbels (Jun 24, 2016)
What do you guys think, could this be the new logo? Feedback and opinions more than welcome. #umbrellaascension (Jun 22, 2016)
Igor Byhenikov rebuzzed Liam O'Connor's buzz
Liam O'Connor
For anyone wanting to know what I had to say about a potential come back fight in Igor Byhenikov 's new org: Click here (Jun 22, 2016)
bjorn reminds me of vaginal warts (Jun 09, 2016)
Igor Byhenikov rebuzzed Igor Quincy's buzz
Igor Quincy
Yeah glass chin cause I have been KO'ed before great logic. IF you look at me I am on my way to being a complete fighter. While you couldnt even defeat #bjornsmom on the ground. #lacking #staydetermined @F270037 (Aug 26, 2015)
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