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Buster Gloves (22785) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Buster Gloves
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Historic MMA Record

Record   203-128-2 (2 NCs)
Wins   106 (T)KOs (52.22%)
    38 Subs (18.72%)
    59 Decisions (29.06%)
Losses   69 (T)KOs (53.91%)
    15 Subs (11.72%)
    44 Decisions (34.38%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
TWGC 5 - 10
  Baltimore, MD
United States United States (P:15)
New York
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  3293 of 40618 (8.11%)
3238 (-55 drop)
330 average
Div 7. League 37 (P: 19)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $1,714,419.02
Buster's quote
The original creator/designer of PWNAGE Clothing est. 2010. Looking to do freelance design work. discord: Tim Applesauce#5418
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2023-01-08 13:06:49
Joined (y/m/d):
2021-11-22 20:48:16
Username: BusterGloves
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02 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Brutus Leagatius celebrated his birthday - 46 today!
29 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Jimbo Kreutz celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
26 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Enzo Salvatore celebrated his birthday - 43 today!
16 Mar, 2023 Thursday - Royce Gracie celebrated his birthday - 45 today!
06 Mar, 2023 Monday - Herrick Sahrahsahe celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
16 Feb, 2023 Thursday - John McSulley celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
05 Feb, 2023 Sunday - Saenchai Sor celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
01 Feb, 2023 Wednesday - Chuck Bomba celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
29 Jan, 2023 Sunday - Terje Warholm celebrated his birthday - 42 today!
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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Bert McAlroy Alain Aspect Decision (Unanimous) RISE 118 2022-11-20 3 05:00
   W Dio Nysus Milan Ponjevic TKO (Strikes) RISE 108: Franjic v Lancaster 2022-10-16 2 02:36
   L Bert McAlroy Alain Aspect Decision (Unanimous) RISE 107: McAlroy v Aspect II 2022-10-14 3 05:00
   W Sidroy Covington Christof Rollo Decision (Majority) RISE 107: McAlroy v Aspect II 2022-10-14 3 05:00
   L Larry Tact Colton Wilder TKO (Strikes) KOP KLAY 2022-10-14 1 02:55
   W Holden Ross Toutius Sextius KO (Punches) HFC 40: Jiminez vs Saneuji 2022-10-09 1 02:56
   W Geronimo Lindeman Tim Bellington KO (Punch) EMPIRE FN10 2022-10-05 1 02:56
   L Joey Crash Ryuji Hatakenaka KO (Punch) RISE 104: Chomofsky v Mesquit... 2022-10-01 1 04:08
   W Vadius Highwind Hermann Oestergaard KO (Punch) Nfld live 11 2022-10-01 1 01:27
   W Larry Tact Dan Horo KO (Punch) KOP MARS 2022-09-23 1 00:05
   L Nuke Death Brendan Baddock TKO (Strikes) KOP MARS 2022-09-23 1 00:09
   L Duncan Shepard Attila Hun KO (Punch) -- 2022-09-17 1 02:11
   W Dio Nysus Michael Lee Decision (Unanimous) Daan vs Fran - Money # 19 2022-09-11 3 05:00
   W Bert McAlroy Alain Aspect Decision (Split) RISE 97: Aspect v McAlroy 2022-09-09 3 05:00
   L Sidroy Covington Taz FeoTeo Decision (Unanimous) RISE 97: Aspect v McAlroy 2022-09-09 3 05:00
   W Holden Ross Haschuk Sucnek TKO (Strikes) HFC 32: Ivanovic vs Greene 2022-09-08 1 00:38
   W Eli Goode Yadiel Brown Decision (Unanimous) RISE 96: Thoupos v Kaspersky 2022-09-04 3 05:00
   W Geronimo Lindeman Thiago Braga TKO (Strikes) EMPIRE 11: Nimitz vs De Rossi 2022-09-03 1 00:47
   W Vadius Highwind Jack Serra Decision (Majority) KOP DOPE 2022-09-02 3 05:00
   L Nuke Death Colton Wilder Decision (Unanimous) KOP DOPE 2022-09-02 3 05:00
Last 20 TWGC Fights
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Enzo Salvatore Vartan Esteves Submission (Kimura) CWC 311 - Prelims 2022-07-03 1 11:59
   L Enzo Salvatore Jimmy Burroughs Decision CWC 310 - Prelims 2022-06-26 1 15:02
   L Enzo Salvatore Jamarcus Burroughs Decision CWC 305 2022-05-22 1 15:07
   L Enzo Salvatore Jackson Ramirez Submission (Triangle Choke) CWC 304 - Pavlov vs Halli 2022-05-15 1 07:33
   L Enzo Salvatore Kevin Walters Submission (Kimura) CWC 302 - Simone vs Ottke 2022-04-17 1 07:09
   W Enzo Salvatore Marc Read Decision CWC 301 - Prelims 2022-04-10 1 15:09
   W Enzo Salvatore Arm Breaker Submission (Kneebar) CWC 300 - SUPERNOVA Prelims 2022-04-03 1 09:55
   L Enzo Salvatore Koryu Miyagi Decision CWC 299 - Ottke vs Savkov 2022-03-20 1 15:07
   L Terje Warholm Anthony Lavicci Decision CWC 299 - Prelims 2022-03-20 1 15:04
   L Enzo Salvatore Joshua Brown Decision CWC 298 - Steel vs Lee 2022-03-13 1 15:11
   L Enzo Salvatore Xavier Merlin Decision CWC 297 - El Toro vs Silva Jr... 2022-03-06 1 15:05
   W Enzo Salvatore Khalid Magomedov Submission (RNC) CWC 296 - Jackson vs Priest 2022-02-27 1 11:44
   L Terje Warholm Richard Morgan Decision CWC 292 - Amsterdam 2022-01-23 1 15:03
   W Terje Warholm Marcelinho Lima Decision CWC 288 - Montreal 2021-12-26 1 15:02
   L Terje Warholm Katelynn Arby Decision CWC 287 - Las Vegas 2021-12-19 1 15:01
Top Fighter -

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