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Oscar Degrouch (142678) - VIP Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Oscar Degrouch
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   26-12-1 (0 NCs)
Wins   17 (T)KOs (65.38%)
    1 Subs (3.85%)
    8 Decisions (30.77%)
Losses   2 (T)KOs (16.67%)
    6 Subs (50.00%)
    4 Decisions (33.33%)
Current 41-23-2 (0 NCs)
United States United States (P:13)
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  207 of 40616 (0.51%)
175 (-32 drop)
1,349 average
Div 4. League 6 (P: 8)
Top Fighter   Ford Kish
Fighters   30
Alliance   East Coast MMA
Bank   $143,208.56
Oscar's quote
I try to be a good person. But being around these animals in the fight game every day will make you callous and jaded sometimes. I do not support nor endorse the statements or sentiments of the fighters I manage. They are their own people and this is just a financial business so please, I beg of you do not use government threats or public threats with government backing to cancel me because that is the definition of fascism. If you are a great athlete with a mind for learning then I have fighter slots left for you! even if you are a freak and think you are a chicken, unicorn, or woman. We can put you in the female division, those pretty privileged people dont need rights anyway since we can replace your rights with love and inclusiveness.
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-07-22 04:42:58
Joined (y/m/d):
2022-12-30 20:47:28
Username: Hick
No need to message me before washing cash.
Sheeple Shop. Free Lies.
Emergency Powers Division
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27 Jun, 2024 Thursday - Picked up Miles O Brien from the free agents list
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21 Jun, 2024 Friday - Created a new fighter - Nennen Clements
21 Jun, 2024 Friday - Created a new fighter - Grover Locke
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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Rutbane Blight Johel Yomero Submission (Triangle) FCL - 44 2024-07-26 2 03:34
   L Livver Sardino Lee Murray TKO (Strikes) CCC 52 : Obama vs Bacia 2024-07-19 3 04:21
   W Ford Kish Sparky Anderson Decision (Unanimous) MFC-7 2024-07-06 5 05:00
   W Miles O Brien Aeson Beckley Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2024-06-30 3 05:00
   W Livver Sardino Austin Stevens TKO (Strikes) CCC 42 : Winston vs Stankovic 2024-06-23 1 03:51
   W Emelia Kooldfish Bum Phillips TKO (Strikes) CCC 42 : Winston vs Stankovic 2024-06-23 2 04:35
   L Heyward Rutledge Darryl Gray Submission (Triangle Choke) Quick Fight Championship 2024-06-22 1 02:20
   W Chase Carroll Spring Time Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2024-06-22 3 05:00
   W Ford Kish Andor Kovacs KO (Punch) MFC-3 2024-06-20 3 04:36
   W Ford Kish Sonny Shine TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2024-06-11 1 04:17
   W Ford Kish Isduby Cool KO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2024-06-08 1 01:12
   W Rutbane Blight Anderson Adesanya TKO (Strikes) FCL - 34 2024-06-05 1 03:08
   L Emelia Kooldfish Austin Stevens Decision (Unanimous) RSE 80: 2024-05-25 3 05:00
   L Livver Sardino Brayden Abner KO (Punch) RSE 79: 2024-05-22 1 04:19
   D Ford Kish Korben Dallas Draw Quick Fight Championship 2024-05-03 3 05:00
   W Rutbane Blight Terrance Glover Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2024-05-03 3 05:00
   L Takemedown Cheaatingbs Kakkos Salama Submission (Armbar) QFC Tournament 1176 Round 1 2023-12-08 1 02:36
   L Ranley Teelmay Pikku Salamamies Submission (Armbar) QFC Tournament 1175 Round 2 2023-12-01 1 01:29
   W Ranley Teelmay Sara Singleton Submission (Triangle) QFC Tournament 1175 Round 1 2023-11-30 1 00:33
   L Shabby Leather Rene Navarro Submission (Armbar) QFC Tournament 1174 Round 3 2023-11-23 1 01:19
Top Fighter - Ford Kish

MFC 7435
Record 6-1-1 (W-L-D)
Wins 4 (T)KOs (66.67%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
2 Decisions (33.33%)
Losses 0 (T)KOs (0.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (100.00%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight Fight Under Offer
Last 5 Fights
W Sparky Anderson Decision (Unanimous)
W Andor Kovacs KO (Punch)
W Sonny Shine TKO (Strikes)
W Isduby Cool KO (Strikes)
D Korben Dallas Draw
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Miles O Brien 145 (22-17-1) W,W,W,W,W 145 1688
Ford Kish 185 (6-1-1) W,W,W,W,D 159 1192
Emelia Kooldfish 185 (5-1-0) W,L,W,W,W 255 2057
Livver Sardino 185 (6-2-0) L,W,L,W,W 238 1927
Rutbane Blight 185 (2-1-0) L,W,W,-,- 290 2424
Agony Boil 185 (0-0-0) 454 4389
Ellery Stockton - (0-0-0) 0 4222
Heyward Rutledge - (0-1-0) L,-,-,-,- 0 5489
Lightfoot Lee - (0-0-0) 0 4223
Braxton Wythe - (0-0-0) 0 4224
Chase Carroll Retired - (1-0-0) W,-,-,-,- 0 0
Rodney Ceasar - (0-0-0) 0 4225
Thomas Stone - (0-0-0) 0 4792
Wolcott McKean - (0-0-0) 0 4790
Walton Hall - (0-0-0) 0 4230
Jefferson Lynch - (0-0-0) 0 4794
Button Gwinnett - (0-0-0) 0 4231
Abe Hopkinson - (0-0-0) 0 4232
Josiah Bartlett - (0-0-0) 0 4795
Sherman Whipple - (0-0-0) 0 4233
Edel Washington - (0-0-0) 0 4796
Alerid Hancock 135 (0-0-0) 282 4797
Theodore Churchill - (0-0-0) 0 4221
Winston Roosevelt - (0-0-0) 0 4791
Woodrow Cromwell - (0-0-0) 0 4789
Poe Kant - (0-0-0) 0 4234
Thomas Hipopah - (0-0-0) 0 4788
Grover Locke - (0-0-0) 0 4216
Nennen Clements - (0-0-0) 0 4798
Carlisle Jefferson - (0-0-0) 0 4307
Buzz at Oscar Degrouch (Logged in as )
Bryan White
Bryan White replied Oscar Degrouch's Buzz buzzed at Oscar Degrouch (Sep 26, 2023)

So grouchy.

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Oscar Degrouch's recent buzzes
Oscar Degrouch buzzed at Sonny Shine
I think that fight was a fluke. Did you get paid to take the fall or did you have a broken hand before the fight? (Jun 12, 2024)
Oscar Degrouch buzzed at Sonny Shine
Whelp, I'm in over my head! Can we make gentleman agreement to let me keep breathing until round 2 at least? (Jun 10, 2024)
Oscar Degrouch buzzed at Isduby Cool
Good try... sorry for the unfair matchup. I dont pickem. but try to diversify your attacks for better landing percentage. (Jun 09, 2024)
Oscar Degrouch buzzed at Austin Stevens
whole Leee fk... I underestimated you or I just really sucked in the fight. I want rematch ASAP!!! (Jun 09, 2024)
Oscar Degrouch buzzed at Anderson Adesanya
I wish you luck in our fight. The names blight. I dont have a lot of confidence but I hope ur ready and put on a good show with me. Just remember my mom is watching and dont hurt me too much. (May 17, 2024)
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