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Cardiff Wanderer (13520) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Cardiff Wanderer
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   151-99-2 (3 NCs)
Wins   73 (T)KOs (48.34%)
    19 Subs (12.58%)
    59 Decisions (39.07%)
Losses   35 (T)KOs (35.35%)
    13 Subs (13.13%)
    51 Decisions (51.52%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
Wales Wales (P:16)
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  15146 of 40617 (37.29%)
15097 (-49 drop)
1,155 average
Div 7. League 246 (P: 48)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $724,145.16
Cardiff's quote
Beware of the flowers because I'm sure there gonna get you yeah!
Contact Details
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2019-05-18 04:18:13
Joined (y/m/d):
2009-10-21 01:03:39
Username: CardiffWanderer
Recent Events

02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Charlie Leake celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Arthur Batten Poole celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
27 Mar, 2020 Friday - Netrabadahur Thapa celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
08 Jan, 2020 Wednesday - Charlie Leake celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
08 Jan, 2020 Wednesday - Arthur Batten Poole celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
02 Jan, 2020 Thursday - Netrabadahur Thapa celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
15 Oct, 2019 Tuesday - Charlie Leake celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
15 Oct, 2019 Tuesday - Arthur Batten Poole celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
09 Oct, 2019 Wednesday - Netrabadahur Thapa celebrated his birthday - 27 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Lou Simpemba Dalek Gallifrey Decision (Split) Utopia 8: Special Celebration... 2013-08-11 5 05:00
   W Lou Simpemba Colin Tasco KO (Punches) Utopia: Vacation 1 2013-08-01 3 01:58
   W Dai Evans Shamsudin Khulagov KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2013-07-29 1 02:09
   W Lou Simpemba Robson Ethita TKO (Strikes) Utopia 4: Exotic Tantrem 2013-07-17 1 01:49
   W Lou Simpemba Sabrini Mankini Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2013-07-06 3 05:00
   L Clement Greenburg Tadashi Nakamura TKO (Cut) BHFC 173 2012-08-18 2 02:39
   L M I Callis Julius Steel Decision (Unanimous) TTFC Tuesday Night Fights 33 2012-08-14 3 05:00
   L Torsten Hoffman Gabriel Fenili Decision (Unanimous) PCL Rise of the Pegasi 97 2012-08-04 3 05:00
   L Clement Greenburg Brett Gray TKO (Strikes) BHFC 168 2012-07-28 1 03:54
   W Noel James Radomir Jareszczuk KO (Punches) Torment II 2012-07-22 1 02:44
   L Torsten Hoffman Christopher McCormick Decision (Unanimous) PCL 103: Hindu Kush 2012-07-08 3 05:00
   L Clement Greenburg Xavier Mack Submission (Armbar) BHFC 160 2012-07-07 1 03:30
   W Sean Devine John Ketchup TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2012-06-22 1 00:47
   L M I Callis Sean Brophy Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2012-06-14 3 05:00
   W Eric Ernest Callis Lance Jones KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2012-06-09 1 00:49
   W Clement Greenburg Ravish McTavish Iii TKO (Cut) Quick Fight Championship 2012-06-08 1 02:58
Top Fighter -

Record 0-0- (W-L-D)
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