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Rick Hustle (125232) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Rick Hustle
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   88-64-3 (1 NCs)
Wins   42 (T)KOs (47.73%)
    21 Subs (23.86%)
    25 Decisions (28.41%)
Losses   23 (T)KOs (35.94%)
    23 Subs (35.94%)
    18 Decisions (28.13%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
United States United States (P:15)
Las Vegas
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  5135 of 40618 (12.64%)
5084 (-51 drop)
154 average
Div 7. League 107 (P: 5)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $1,968,142.71
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2020-03-02 11:23:43
Joined (y/m/d):
2018-08-07 16:13:46
Username: FightGame26
Recent Events

30 May, 2020 Saturday - Kron Gracie celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
24 May, 2020 Sunday - Kenny Smith celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
21 May, 2020 Thursday - Eragon Brom celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
17 May, 2020 Sunday - Hatori Hanzo celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
25 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Derek Erwin celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
20 Apr, 2020 Monday - Stu Balls celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
28 Mar, 2020 Saturday - Wyatt Measles celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
25 Mar, 2020 Wednesday - Dalton McConnell celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
24 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Austin Smith celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
21 Mar, 2020 Saturday - so Bitch celebrated his birthday - 26 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Wyatt Measles Timo Bader KO (Strikes) Madness Clown Chaos 2020 2020-03-22 1 02:39
   L so Bitch Digi Box Submission (Armbar) AWC S01 RD4 A 2020-03-22 1 00:29
   W Derek Erwin Tobi Terrorelli TKO (Strikes) UnderGround FC 103 2020-03-14 2 00:49
   W Kenny Smith Chief Claw Decision (Unanimous) FARTMMA 89 2020-03-14 3 05:00
   L Phillip Terrell Holden Caulfield Decision (Unanimous) FARTMMA 89 2020-03-14 3 05:00
   W Kron Gracie Roberto Soldic Submission (Americana) Madness 38 Haba vs Robinson 2020-03-07 1 03:44
   W Dalton McConnell Roland Weudke TKO (Cut) JAG Garuda vs Raper 2020-02-29 4 03:31
   L Austin Smith Aku Serronen Submission (Strikes) FARTMMA 86 2020-02-28 1 04:58
   L Eragon Brom Peter Zonta Decision (Majority) FARTMMA 86 2020-02-28 3 05:00
   L Logan Nail Mohammed Kahn TKO (Punches) Madness Fright Night 27 2020-02-26 2 01:16
   L Hatori Hanzo Deez Nuts Submission (RNC) JAG Point vs Cole 2020-02-22 1 04:22
   L Wyatt Measles Kaoru Hanayama Submission (Arm Triangle) Madness Fright Night 26 2020-02-19 2 02:57
   W Andor Seres Shamus Murphy Submission (Kimura) Madness Fright Night 26 2020-02-19 1 02:31
   D Phillip Terrell Holden Caulfield Draw FARTMMA 84 2020-02-15 3 05:00
   W Joseph Stalinovich Vernon Wells TKO (Strikes) SAFO 39 Gracie vs Turban 2020-02-15 2 00:31
   L so Bitch Chubby Funster Submission (Armbar) AWC S01 RD2 B 2020-02-09 1 00:27
   L Kron Gracie DeShawn West Decision (Unanimous) Madness 34 West vs Gracie 2020-02-08 5 05:00
   L Derek Erwin Gabriel Torres TKO (Strikes) UnderGround FC 92 2020-02-01 1 02:40
   W Wyatt Measles Vladimir Kosmanov Decision (Unanimous) Madness 32 Petrov vs Jansen 2020-01-25 3 05:00
   W Austin Smith Didi Hamman Submission (Guillotine) FARTMMA 81: Awakenings 2020-01-25 1 00:35
Top Fighter -

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Rick Hustle's recent buzzes
Rick Hustle buzzed at Ricardo Gonzales
Nothing makes me happier than beating the shit out of a pig! Bring it piggy piggy!!! (Dec 14, 2019)
Rick Hustle buzzed at Janus Hassildor
This vampire going to get his fucking arms broke. (Nov 27, 2019)
Rick Hustle buzzed at Gabriel Torres
My boy Derek is going to come get that strap dawg I've had my eye on it for a while (Aug 25, 2019)
Rick Hustle buzzed at Joseph Stalinovich
my boy ariel about to wreck your shit dawg (Jul 30, 2019)
Rick Hustle buzzed at Jacob Proudmoore
After I mop the floor with ya might wanna sack this piece of shit (Jun 13, 2019)
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