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Leland Leatherwood (106651) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Leland Leatherwood
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Historic MMA Record

Record   95-43-0 (1 NCs)
Wins   70 (T)KOs (73.68%)
    13 Subs (13.68%)
    12 Decisions (12.63%)
Losses   20 (T)KOs (46.51%)
    15 Subs (34.88%)
    8 Decisions (18.60%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
United States United States (P:15)
Month Rank
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  10808 of 40617 (26.61%)
10758 (-50 drop)
554 average
Div 7. League 509 (P: 55)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $87,986.86
Leland's quote
The only place Success comes before Work is in the dictionary. - Vince Lombardi
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2016-05-05 02:20:22
Joined (y/m/d):
2015-09-16 03:25:54
Username: Leland
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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Malachi Leatherwood Heinz Doofenshmirtz TKO (Strikes) SP-ICON:Kingdom Come 2016-05-14 1 00:43
   W Jeff Probst Hyman Krustofski Submission (Kneebar) ISLAND FC 22 2016-04-22 3 02:36
   W Malachi Leatherwood Kuula Natsi KO (Knee) SP-ICON: Ohchooto V.S Unkown ... 2016-04-09 1 03:54
   L Hortensius Cornelius Bubba Kush TKO (Slam) ROV 66 2016-04-01 1 01:11
   L Uriiz Monai Alun Warburton Submission (Arm Triangle) Immortals 16 New York Style 2016-03-23 1 01:24
   L Malachi Leatherwood Homer Simpson Submission (Triangle) SP ICON 205 and 265 bash 2016-03-19 3 01:35
   W Jeff Probst Heimdal The Destoryer Submission (Kneebar) ISLAND FC 15 2016-03-16 2 01:21
   W Maxin Leatherwood Igor Wietrzny Decision (Unanimous) BFT-440: Schooner or Later 5 2016-03-09 3 05:00
   W Derek Mitchell John Davis TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2016-02-28 2 00:51
   NC Hortensius Cornelius Marko Falconi No Contest ROV 63 2016-02-27 1 00:00
   L Jeff Probst Tweedle Dum TKO (Strikes) ISLAND KINGS 2016-02-27 2 00:13
   L Malachi Leatherwood Chris Palmer Decision (Unanimous) fogies Contemprato V Trudeau 2016-02-27 3 05:00
   L Timothy Carbon Solomon Lawal Submission (Arm Triangle) Quick Fight Championship 2016-02-27 1 00:35
   W Uriiz Monai Mickey Rourke KO (Punch) Immortals-12 Zar v Spencer 2016-02-24 2 04:11
   W Shaun Dista Harald Jensen Submission (RNC) Quick Fight Championship 2016-02-23 2 03:41
   W Shaun Dista Harald Jensen Submission (RNC) Quick Fight Championship 2016-02-20 1 04:55
   L Timothy Carbon Dave Semenko TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2016-02-13 1 01:47
   W Derek Mitchell Van Jones TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2016-02-13 2 00:27
   W Maxin Leatherwood Seth Duplesris TKO (Strikes) BFT-434 2016-02-10 1 00:32
   W Jeff Probst Jake Belcher Submission (Armbar) ISLAND FC 9 2016-02-10 5 01:59
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Buzz at Leland Leatherwood (Logged in as )
Kris Hughes
Kris Hughes buzzed at Leland Leatherwood (Nov 15, 2015)

#RFC Rehab Fighting Championship has just announced dates for its first round of the chase for the inaugural belts.

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Leland Leatherwood's recent buzzes
Leland Leatherwood replied Ryuu Wakahisa's Buzz buzzed at Ryuu Wakahisa
You are undoubtedly the strongest Muay Tai fighter in #RFC ... Cant wait to see what you got in your debut! (Oct 29, 2015)
Leland Leatherwood replied Jamaal Brown's Buzz buzzed at Jamaal Brown
Cant wait to have you. Let me know when you're ready and the offer will be faxed to your agent! (Oct 29, 2015)
Any 280k Fighters looking for the MOST competitive org they could participate in.. #RFC is open and growing quickly. At #RFC we take pride in our managers and work hard as staff, closing in on 200 fighters signed, its never been a better time to join #Rehab. Hit me up! (Oct 29, 2015)
Leland Leatherwood replied Ramon Gracie's Buzz buzzed at Ramon Gracie
#RFC Supports the fighters. You too both want the fight then we will make it happen. (Oct 28, 2015)
Leland Leatherwood replied Michael Bizping's Buzz buzzed at Michael Bizping
#RFC Would love to oblige. Lets see what Ramon thinks. Gracies don't mess around... (Oct 28, 2015)
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