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Don Dellionni (102245) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Don Dellionni
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   51-64-1 (0 NCs)
Wins   16 (T)KOs (31.37%)
    17 Subs (33.33%)
    18 Decisions (35.29%)
Losses   30 (T)KOs (46.88%)
    13 Subs (20.31%)
    21 Decisions (32.81%)
Current 18-21-1 (0 NCs)
Italy Italy (P:42)
Los Angeles
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  391 of 40617 (0.96%)
403 (+12 gain)
371 average
Div 4. League 12 (P: 4)
Top Fighter   Dougie McFistface
Fighters   2
Bank   $66,566.28
Don's quote
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-07-26 17:21:51
Joined (y/m/d):
2014-11-11 10:52:49
Username: jkhagel
Recent Events

26 Jul, 2024 Friday - Yilmaz Kurth celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
16 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Fighter: Dougie McFistface moved location to - New York
10 Jul, 2024 Wednesday - Fighter: Dougie McFistface moved location to - Los Angeles
06 Jun, 2024 Thursday - Dougie McFistface celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
28 May, 2024 Tuesday - Fighter: Dougie McFistface moved location to - New York
15 May, 2024 Wednesday - Fighter: Dougie McFistface moved location to - Los Angeles
02 May, 2024 Thursday - Yilmaz Kurth celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
13 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Dougie McFistface celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
07 Feb, 2024 Wednesday - Yilmaz Kurth celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
29 Jan, 2024 Monday - Fighter: Yilmaz Kurth moved base to - Los Angeles

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Dougie McFistface Phil Rivers Submission (Triangle) SYN 1082 Farman vs Ivanovic 2024-07-14 1 00:48
   W Yilmaz Kurth Iakopo Fuimaono KO (Punches) FCL - 40 2024-07-05 1 00:21
   L Yilmaz Kurth George West Decision (Unanimous) FCL - 34 2024-06-05 3 05:00
   L Dougie McFistface Roko Matijevic Decision (Unanimous) SYN 1070 Sergey vs Anton 2024-05-19 3 05:00
   W Dougie McFistface Nori Voluspa Submission (Americana) HZN 15 Tenryu v Doherty 2024-04-06 1 03:47
   L Dougie McFistface Ricardo Desceosarrafo Decision (Unanimous) HZN 12 Ivanovic v Nomura 2024-03-16 3 05:00
   W Yilmaz Kurth Kristoff NoocOuut TKO (Strikes) SUPREME 13 2024-02-18 2 01:29
   L Dougie McFistface Everett Covington KO (Strikes) HZN 7 Choi v Nomura 2024-02-17 1 03:57
   L Yilmaz Kurth Pedro Quarto Decision (Unanimous) SUPREME 7 2024-01-21 3 05:00
   W Dougie McFistface Roman Reyes TKO (Strikes) HZN 3 Lancaster v Tenryu 2024-01-19 1 04:18
   L Dougie McFistface Marco Vera Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Sitsongrit vs Hatfield 2023-12-24 3 05:00
   L Dougie McFistface Abdul Rahman Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Bispen vs DKasada 2023-12-02 3 05:00
   L Yilmaz Kurth Clay Dunn Decision (Majority) SCF 1: Rhodes vs. Maron 2023-11-29 3 05:00
   L Dougie McFistface Malachi Lawrence Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Spratt vs Khan 2023-11-04 3 05:00
   W Dougie McFistface Unicorn Big Foot Submission (Guillotine) SMASH: Materlak vs Kentas 2023-10-07 1 00:43
   W Dougie McFistface Pope Cozad Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Obama vs Dankovich 2023-09-03 3 05:00
   L Dougie McFistface Bobby Knuckles Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Thai vs Averyanov 2023-08-06 3 05:00
   D Dougie McFistface Bobby Knuckles Draw SMASH:181 2023-07-08 3 05:00
   W Dougie McFistface Austin Weaver Submission (Triangle Choke) SMASH: Schrodinger vs Donovan 2023-05-27 1 01:56
   L Dougie McFistface Malik El Shabazz Submission (Triangle) SMASH: Tosen vs Merel 2023-04-29 1 02:50
Top Fighter - Dougie McFistface

Synchronicity 108
Record 16-18-1 (W-L-D)
Wins 4 (T)KOs (25.00%)
10 Subs (62.50%)
2 Decisions (12.50%)
Losses 5 (T)KOs (27.78%)
2 Subs (11.11%)
11 Decisions (61.11%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight None
Last 5 Fights
L Phil Rivers Submission (Triangle)
L Roko Matijevic Decision (Unanimous)
W Nori Voluspa Submission (Americana)
L Ricardo Desceosarrafo Decision (Unanimous)
L Everett Covington KO (Strikes)
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Dougie McFistface 155 (16-18-1) L,L,W,L,L 307 3049
Yilmaz Kurth 185 (2-3-0) W,L,W,L,L 362 3174
Buzz at Don Dellionni (Logged in as )
buzzed at Don Dellionni (Feb 28, 2016)

Nice win against my guy today. You had him screaming for his mummy.

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