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Toby "Scarface" MacAlister (380039) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Toby MacAlister
Record 13-10-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 9 (T)KOs (69.23%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
4 Decisions (30.77%)
Losses 1 (T)KOs (10.00%)
2 Subs (20.00%)
7 Decisions (70.00%)
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 176 cm
Weight 163 lbs
Can cut to 148.1 lbs
Age 29
Hometown Glasgow
Country Scotland
Location Los Angeles
Base Los Angeles
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $53,000.00
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 414 MMA
Creation Date 8th Nov 2021
Toby has Sensational boxing, Wonderful Muay Thai, Wonderful wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 5 ($7,500)   KO of the night: 2 ($2,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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© Trap House [5878]
Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Magic White T-Shirt

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Mysterious Returner (141667)
L Panfilo Acerbi Decision (Unanimous) RFL - Connected 4.2 2024-05-25 155 3 05:00 view

Managed by Ahmed Ahmeti (143691)
W Aljosa Medeiros Decision (Unanimous) CFC 634 2024-01-21 155 3 05:00 view
L Aljosa Medeiros Decision (Unanimous) APEX 13 2023-11-26 155 3 05:00 view

Managed by Corey Mcgraugh (123019)
L Malig Hunt Decision (Unanimous) APEX 4 2023-10-01 155 5 05:00 view
W LaDaniel Strong Decision (Split) APEX 1 2023-09-08 155 3 05:00 view
L Jumba Smif Decision (Split) RISE 177 2023-06-10 155 3 05:00 view
L Eric Jacquin Submission (RNC) RISE 172 2023-05-20 155 1 03:58 view
W Aljosa Medeiros KO (Strikes) RISE 166 2023-04-29 155 3 00:55 view
L Danny Sitsongrit Decision (Unanimous) RISE 159 2023-04-08 155 3 05:00 view
W Cau Ryhein TKO (Strikes) RISE 154 2023-03-19 155 2 01:31 view
L Da Jiang Decision (Unanimous) RISE 146 2023-02-19 155 3 05:00 view
L Ryuji Hatakenaka KO (Punch) RISE 137 2023-01-22 155 3 02:08 view
W KJ Hoodwell KO (Punch) RISE 133 2023-01-06 155 1 00:19 view
L Jumba Smif Decision (Unanimous) RISE 124 2022-12-11 155 3 05:00 view
L Richard Mesquita Submission (RNC) RISE 112 2022-10-30 155 1 04:55 view
W John Burdon KO (Punch) RISE 98: MacAlister v Burdon 2022-09-11 155 2 02:27 view
W Deacon Kingsley Decision (Unanimous) RISE 90: Thomas v Franjic 2022-08-14 155 5 05:00 view
W Richard Mesquita Decision (Unanimous) RISE Fight Night 3 2022-07-15 155 5 05:00 view
W Jackson Alvarez TKO (Strikes) RISE 68: 2022-05-22 155 1 03:28 view
W Aiden Redding KO (Punch) SENSEI FC 20 2022-04-16 155 1 00:52 view

Managed by Danilo Đilas (106878)
W Joey Crash TKO (Strikes) SENSEI FC 15 2022-03-12 155 1 02:43 view
W Pacome Thibodeaux TKO (Strikes) SENSEI FC 8 2022-01-22 155 1 02:13 view
W Shinohara Sosuke TKO (Strikes) SENSEI FC 1 2021-12-04 155 1 00:12 view

Buzz at Toby "Scarface" MacAlister (Logged in as )
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No training.

Recent Events

2024-05-31- Toby MacAlister celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
2024-05-26- Released By Mysterious Returner [141667]
2024-05-05- Moved base to Los Angeles
2024-03-07- Toby MacAlister celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
2023-12-13- Toby MacAlister celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
2023-11-01- Moved base to London
2023-10-24- Released By Corey Mcgraugh [123019]
2023-09-19- Toby MacAlister celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
2023-06-26- Toby MacAlister celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
2023-05-16- received 160Q DNP Reduce Energy Loss from manager.

Previous Managers

Danilo Đilas Corey Mcgraugh Ahmed Ahmeti Mysterious Returner

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