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Olaf Frost (358812)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Olaf  Frost
Record 25-23-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 18 (T)KOs (72.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
7 Decisions (28.00%)
Losses 18 (T)KOs (78.26%)
3 Subs (13.04%)
2 Decisions (8.70%)
Next Fight None
Song Manchester United Chants George Best Song Spirit In The Sky
Height 190 cm
Weight 235 lbs
Can cut to 213.4 lbs
Age 37
Hometown Manchester
Country England
Location Los Angeles
Base Los Angeles
Manager Wayne Bruce
Bank Balance $16,500.00
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 340 MMA
Creation Date 12th Feb 2020
Olaf has Sensational boxing, Exceptional Muay Thai, Exceptional wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 7 ($24,000)   
Weight: 393 P4P: 3666
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Wrestler Wayfare [7403]
Contracted to Trophies
Carnaval Combat Club [7344]

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Fighter Bio
Free from the constraints of a career & enabled by the wealth of his family, David spent most of his time at the pub, drinking, watching games, & getting into fights. Some might say he was wasting his life away. Not many people knew that he was an occasional "debt collector" or that he fought in clandestine bare-knuckle fight clubs. <b>Career Highlights:</b> <b>Bloodbath Fighting Championship</b> LHW Champ

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Altitude Clothing
Ma Balls Is Hot Clothing

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Anthony Jones TKO (Strikes) CCC 53 : Oneil vs Jay 2024-07-20 265 1 00:52 view

Managed by Not Rush (127835)
L Adam Hetman KO (Punch) CCC 36 : Jankovic vs Spence 2024-06-09 265 1 01:56 view
L Judas Priest Submission (Armbar) Quick Fight Championship 2024-04-08 265 1 01:59 view
W Harry Kane KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2024-04-04 265 1 00:34 view

Managed by Corwin Anstey (8798)
L Keith Bronson TKO (Strikes) BE 1: Violent Nights 2023-12-23 265 2 08:57 view
W Muggy Mugshot KO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2023-11-06 265 3 00:39 view
W Pedro Bonzela Franco Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2023-10-31 265 3 05:00 view
L Marcel Clay TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2023-10-20 265 3 04:23 view
L Bjorn Akerfeldt KO (Punch) SPFT #11 2023-09-17 265 1 02:53 view
L Yago Steve KO (Punch) SPFT #7 2023-08-23 265 1 01:13 view
W Elinho Mineiro Decision (Unanimous) SPFT #2 2023-07-23 265 3 05:00 view
W Kevin Faulk Decision (Unanimous) Nfld FN 44 2023-06-29 265 3 05:00 view
W Harris Benn KO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2023-05-26 265 1 03:33 view
L Bruno Bleak Submission (RNC) Nfld live 32 2023-05-20 265 3 01:34 view
L Naoise Durnin TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 29 2023-04-22 265 1 01:42 view
W Lee Van Cleefe TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 26 2023-03-25 265 3 01:17 view
W Eliott Leighton KO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2023-02-28 205 1 01:27 view

Managed by Dick Irons (142229)
W Jonny Picogram KO (Punches) Nfld live 17 2022-12-03 205 1 04:55 view
L Steel Penn Jr KO (Punches) Nfld live 14 2022-10-29 205 1 02:11 view

Managed by Corwin Anstey (65601)
L Ragnar Ragnarsson TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 11 2022-10-01 205 1 03:56 view

Managed by Ethan Downs (19034)
W Dubaku Womba Decision (Majority) SFL 144 | King of the Hill 2022-03-13 205 3 05:00 view
W Armand Christophe TKO (Strikes) SFL 139 | Free Rolex 2022-02-18 205 3 00:23 view
L Rob Kardashian KO (Punch) SFL 133 | Kimbo vs Tower 2022-01-28 205 1 04:49 view
L Antonio Atunes KO (Punch) SFL 128 | Medieval Combat 2022-01-05 205 3 00:42 view
W Tony Stark Decision (Unanimous) SFL 124 | Thailand vs Finland 2021-12-15 205 3 05:00 view
W Clinch King Smash Machine TKO (Cut) HFC 109 - Bigg vs Washington 2021-11-13 205 2 03:53 view
L Randy Randleman TKO (Strikes) HFC 104 - Sitsongrit vs Branko 2021-10-16 205 2 04:59 view
W Xmus Jaxon Flaxon Waxon KO (Punch) HFC 98 - Tai Kung vs Petrov 2021-09-18 205 3 04:59 view
L Boris Krylov KO (Punch) HFC 88 - Pisswater vs Ford 2021-08-01 205 2 02:39 view
L Lou Higgins TKO (Punches) HFC 81 - Ford vs Patriot 2021-06-26 205 1 02:56 view
W Blake Phoenix Decision (Split) BBFC 14: Connor Vs. Merel 2021-05-08 205 3 05:00 view
W Igor Warlovski KO (Punch) BBFC 10 Todd Vs. Chontamenti 2021-04-10 205 2 01:18 view

Managed by Buff Minion (105073)
L Randy Randleman KO (Head Kick) BBFC FIGHT NIGHT 5 2021-03-05 205 1 02:13 view
L Willy Mataitai KO (Punch) BFC Syndicate 7 2021-01-29 205 1 04:17 view
W Gilbervan Soares KO (Spinning Backfist) BFC 32: Soares Vs. King 2021-01-09 205 1 01:08 view
W T Bone Carver TKO (Strikes) BFC BLOODBATH 5 2020-11-20 205 1 03:07 view
W Jingky Bacolod TKO (Strikes) Checkmate Contenders 6 2020-10-10 265 1 04:49 view
L Banana Republic TKO (Strikes) Checkmate Knight Battle Finale 2020-09-19 265 3 04:40 view
W Joey Hernandez TKO (Strikes) Checkmate Fight Night 10 2020-08-12 265 1 03:13 view
L Patrick Murphy Decision (Unanimous) FFS 22: Hastings 2020-07-24 265 1 03:00 view
W Boris Balkan Decision (Unanimous) FFS 18: Crystal River 2020-07-10 265 1 03:00 view
L Tank Tribute Decision (Unanimous) FFS 11: Fellsmere 2020-06-13 265 1 03:00 view
W Ivan Jomoney KO (Punch) Medieval Combat 3 2020-06-06 265+ 2 01:35 view
W Handy James KO (Punch) RC6 Carver vs Reyes 2020-04-21 265+ 1 00:45 view
L Admir Bosnic Submission (Arm Triangle) Quick Fight Championship 2020-03-14 265 1 01:25 view
W Ajtuj Szminka KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2020-03-11 265 1 03:17 view
L Banana Republic TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2020-03-02 265 1 00:32 view
W Jaden Stephenson KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2020-02-27 265 1 01:59 view

Buzz at Olaf Frost (Logged in as )
Bloodsport Elite
Bloodsport Elite buzzed at Olaf Frost

BE 1: Violent Nights has its first two official fights to announce: Carlton Smithers (14-11) vs. Scott Dolton (12-8) & Keith Bronson (15-13) vs. Olaf Frost (24-19) both at Heavyweight. 3 Rounds, 10 minutes each. December 23rd at Hayashi's Lounge in Sydney, Australia! Don't miss it and stay tuned for more bouts to come! (Nov 24, 2023)

view conversation »

Current Gym : Wolfshark MMA
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

Recent Events

2024-07-15- Olaf Frost celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
2024-06-20- Moved base to Los Angeles
2024-06-12- Released By Not Rush [127835]
2024-04-21- Olaf Frost celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
2024-03-31- Bought SILVERBACK Elite Energy for $300 at White Gorilla
2024-01-27- Olaf Frost celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
2023-12-23- Released By Corwin Anstey [8798]
2023-11-03- Olaf Frost celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
2023-08-10- Olaf Frost celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2023-05-17- Olaf Frost celebrated his birthday - 32 today!

Previous Managers

Buff Minion Ethan Downs Corwin Anstey Dick Irons Corwin Anstey
Lani Lml Not Rush

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