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Coming up we have a welterweight MMA rules bout between En Sabah Nur (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Ryan Noel (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Chooooooooon! I think Sabah Nur might be my favorite fighter, now he's come out to Apocalipse Now. Ryan Noel has the better chin. Will he look to stand and bang today?

183 cm
181 lbs
6 - 3 - 0
176 cm
183 lbs
7 - 4 - 0
BJJ Purple Belt
Solid boxing
Very strong
BJJ Brown Belt
Basic striking
Solid chin



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the welterweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 6 - 3 - 0, fighting out of Rio de Janeiro, En Sabah Nur!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 7 - 4 - 0, fighting out of Rio de Janeiro, Ryan Noel!
The judges for this bout are Edson Gomes, Thiago Cunha and Luis Engracia.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Sabah Nur keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.

Noel shoots in for a takedown from distance. He catches Sabah Nur napping and manages to drive through into side control!
Sabah Nur tries to get back to half guard but can't.

Noel working hard here to secure a kimura but he's not really in the right position for it.
Noel wants to control but Sabah Nur is keeping him busy.
You can see the frustration on Sabah Nur's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
An elbow from Noel crashes against the mat.
Noel wants to lay and pray for a moment but Sabah Nur keeps working.
Sabah Nur is looking for a sweep.

That's one minute gone in the round.

The referee has ruled that neither fighter is active enough on the ground and has stood them back up.
Noel wants to clinch.
Noel shoots in for a takedown but Sabah Nur shows good takedown defense there and keeps this one on the feet.

Noel gets caught flat footed, as Sabah Nur shoots in with a quick takedown into guard.

Noel is looking for a triangle but Sabah Nur pushes his legs off easily.
Sabah Nur trying to control the position from guard on top but Noel is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.

Sabah Nur got a little sloppy there for a moment and Noel has worked his way into a loose triangle - can he finish it?! No, Sabah Nur has managed to get both his arms back between Noel's legs - danger averted.
Sabah Nur trying to control but Noel is working from the bottom.
Sabah Nur stands up and looks to throw the legs aside to pass to side control. Noel swivels though and keeps the full guard.
Sabah Nur won't allow Noel to sweep him here.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Noel had isolated an arm as going for a kimura. Sabah Nur defends it easily.
Noel looks gassed!

Noel looking for a guillotine here but Sabah Nur defends easily.

Noel escapes his hips to the side and looks to be working for an armbar. Sabah Nur gives him a little smile and shakes his head. No chance.
Sabah Nur trying to control the position from guard on top but Noel is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Sabah Nur stays in close to Noel's body and controls the position.
Sabah Nur trying to control the position from guard on top but Noel is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Sabah Nur has to be careful here, sitting in the guard of a superior BJJ player.

Noel looking for submissions from the bottom but instead Sabah Nur passes into side control.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Sabah Nur working away diligently from side control. Landing strikes effectively there - that will score him some points on the judges scorecards.
Noel takes a big shot right to the temple there but he's taken it well.
You can see the frustration on Noel's face as Sabah Nur controls the position.
Noel manages to land a sweep and he's now on top! Lovely Jiu Jitsu!

Noel is working for a submission of some sort.
Noel trying to control the action but Sabah Nur is working from the bottom.
Noel is thwarting Sabah Nur's attempts to control the position.

Noel seems to be looking for submissions.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are showing their displeasure at the lack of action as loud boos ring out around the arena.
Noel is trying to control. Sabah Nur wants to improve his position but can't escape this time.
Noel misses with a head shot. Sabah Nur uses the momentum to regain guard.

Sabah Nur is looking for a triangle but Noel pushes his legs off easily.
Sabah Nur wants to control here, rather than go for any submissions from the bottom. At least for now.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Noel thows a big elbow that misses.

Sabah Nur looking for a guillotine here but Noel defends easily.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

En Sabah Nur dominated that round.
The fighters' corners scream their final instructions, as the referee calls time. Here we go, back to the action!

Noel shoots in but doesn't get the takedown
and Sabah Nur counters with a crisp hook to the side of the head.
Noel shoots in but doesn't get the takedown
letting Sabah Nur counter with a right hand.

Noel gets caught on his heels momentarily as he allows Sabah Nur to score an easy takedown into full guard.
Sabah Nur trying to control the position from guard on top but Noel is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Noel wants to sweep here but Sabah Nur controlling him for the moment.

Noel looking for submissions from the bottom here. Moving his hips around, possibly looking for an armbar.
Sabah Nur stays in close to Noel's body and controls the position.
Noel is breathing heavily.
Sabah Nur with a flurry of punches that miss.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Sabah Nur controlling from the guard. I say controlling but really, he's stalling.
Sabah Nur is in close to Noel's body, working some short punches and elbows.
Sabah Nur working from the guard for now, landing some ground and pound.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Sabah Nur working some ground and pound from guard but it's not doing any damage.
Noel looking to hit a scissor sweep but Sabah Nur is one step ahead there.
Sabah Nur wants to control from the top but Noel keeps moving.

Noel has a loose triangle. He'll be looking to tighten that up but Sabah Nur can see exactly what he's planning and manages to posture up and free himself.

Noel is looking for a triangle but Sabah Nur pushes his legs off easily.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are starting to boo a lack of action.

Sabah Nur stands up and waves to Noel to follow him.
Sabah Nur scores with a nice strike.
Sabah Nur wants to land a leg kick but Noel is out of range.
Sabah Nur throws a good cross that connects.
Noel tries to clinch

and Sabah Nur counters with a takedown into side control.
Sabah Nur lands a knee to the body and follows it up with some ground and pound to the head. That will wear Noel down.
Noel tries to bench press Sabah Nur off him but Sabah Nur keeps the position.
Sabah Nur slows the pace down.
Noel takes a big shot right to the temple there but he's taken it well.
Noel is not content to let Sabah Nur control the position.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Sabah Nur cracks Noel with an elbow. That is naaassty.
Noel wants to control but Sabah Nur postures up.
Noel tries to improve position but can't.
Noel is persisting with the attempt to improve his position.
Noel is moving his hips around well on the bottom and has managed to get back to half guard.
Noel missing with punches from the bottom.

Well, the referee has seen enough. Neither fighter is active enough on the ground so he's stood them back up.
Noel misses with a takedown attempt
and Sabah Nur counters with a three punch combination, finished off with a leg kick. Nice work.
En Sabah Nur has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Ryan Noel.

Sabah Nur takes the fight into the clinch.

Sabah Nur breaks the clinch and we return to the middle of the mat.
Noel misses with a takedown
and Sabah Nur counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Sabah Nur cracks Noel with a hook to the jaw. Both fighters smile at eachother and high-five before getting back down to business.
Noel takes a shot to the nose. Hopefully that hasn't broken it.
Sabah Nur lands with a nice body punch.
Noel misses with a takedown attempt
and Sabah Nur counters with a one-two to the body.
A jab lands there for Sabah Nur.
Sabah Nur connects with a hook to the side of his opponent's head.
Sabah Nur lands a nice shot to the body.

Sabah Nur looks for a takedown. He's got it. We're now in half guard.
Sabah Nur is figuring out what he wants to do next.
Noel is trying to get back to full guard.
The crowd applaud the fighters efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Noel makes his way to full guard. A much better position for Noel.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Noel is working from a closed guard but he's struggling to control his opponent.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

En Sabah Nur dominated that second round.
That's the end of the round. The referee orders the cornermen out of the cage so we can get back down to business. This is the final round!

Sabah Nur feints and then dives in with a takedown. That was a long way out but the feint bought him enough time to close the distance and complete the takedown. Now we'll play guard for a bit and see who can get the better of that position.

Noel has his foot on Sabah Nur's thigh. He's trying to push off and get in position for a triangle, I think. Sabah Nur works his way back into a safe position though.

Noel looks to be working for a triangle here. Oh, it looks like he might have it! Sabah Nur has picked Noel up and slammed him! Noel can't keep hold of the triangle and Sabah Nur manages to pass to side control!
Sabah Nur in side control lands a nice looking series of punches and elbows.
Sabah Nur is pausing for a moment. What's he doing? It looks like he's clearing his nose. Oh dude! He's shot a load of snot all down Noel's shoulder. That is not cool.
Noel taking punishment in the form of punches.
Sabah Nur in side control lands a decent elbow.
Noel tries to bench press Sabah Nur off him but Sabah Nur keeps the position.
Sabah Nur wants to lay and pray for a moment but Noel keeps working.
Noel tries to get back to half guard but can't.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Sabah Nur connects with a decent looking elbow from side control that caused Noel some visible discomfort.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.
You can see the frustration on Noel's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
Noel is trying to improve his position.

It looks like we're going to have a standup here. Neither fighter is doing enough on the ground.
Noel gets his takedown attempt stuffed easily
letting Sabah Nur counter with a right hand.

Sabah Nur scores with a nice takedown into half guard. Let's see what he's got on the ground.
Sabah Nur lands strikes from half guard.

Noel is rocked!

Sabah Nur maintaining the dominant position here and is working for a kimura. He's locked it up! Noel could be in real trouble here! He's trying to wriggle out but Sabah Nur has cracked it and Noel is screaming in pain - he's tapped out! Great finish by Sabah Nur!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:57 of round 3, we have a winner by way of Submission (Kimura). En Sabah Nur!
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