MMA Tycoon Game

Fighters looking for Contracts

Org name: Highland: Resurrection
Fighters signed: 118
Number of events: 180
Base: Montreal
Owner: Thomas Edwards
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
Weight Name Last Win
135 Stan Man Colby Taylor
145 Small Richard Colby Taylor
155 Lucky Lemon Santino Oliviera
170 Mounir Ayari Roger Glover
185 Anton Krylov Riku Momomoto
205 Raimo Kivi Fabio Gurgel
265 Tevita Maui Wang Jang Jai
265+ Ryder Young Ricky Thompson

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Looks like Thibs Rogues closed down. That leaves us the only Org on the Island. If you got fighters that were in the Rogues send me their names, I will get them a contract. I can produce more fight cards, we have plenty of talent and have been able to hold 15 full fight cards since the Island opened, so everyone should be busy. We have 7 more cards already purchased with 5 of them full. Right now, we are doing 3 to 4 a week. I can do more if you want to fight more often, let me know. I have been skipping fighters that are AFK and cutting them once they are gone for a month. Our roster is pretty active. If you have a fighter that gets hurt or cut for a long time and you don't want to cut them let me know I can work out a contract so you can afford to train while they heal. Contracts are going up as we have more money so you guys can start getting into better gyms. Fight bonuses are already $1000 and will just to $1500 at KIFC 16. I have been seeing call outs for championship fights. I love that but make sure that your fighters aren't 1-5, I don't want our champs being charged with a hate crime for murdering some poor gym rat because their manager thought the kid was tough.

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