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Kenny Smith Body Shames Leo Narushima

Fighter profile of Kenny Smith by Chris Karter

Kenny Smith (17-6 MMA, 6-1 KT) lived up to his monicker "The Body Shamer" after his fight with Leonardo Narushima (9-3 MMA) at WVT 45. Not only did the sparbot of Convicted Fight Club Kenny Smith dismantle the homegrown hidden farmer Narushima inside the cage, Kenny embarrassed Leo and his legacy once he was given the mic.



"This dude is so fat, I can't believe he could fit through the cage door. I'm surprised Dino even showed up with his fighter looking like that. I put on a clinic verse this tubby tire of a fighter. You see how easily I gassed this man? He must be on the same diet as his manager to come in this out of shape. Bro, it's called a salad. Some asparagus. Peas for protein dude, save the bees and get off the Micky D's."



Kenny started laughing when he looked at Leonardo lying on the canvas, gasping for air after the second round beat down.



"I mean look at him. He looks like a beached whale down there, flopping around like a fish out of water. He's got the cardio of a 90 year old chain smoker and the waistline of a pregnant walrus. Lay off the carbs Leonardo."



As for what's next for Kenny Smith after soaring to World Vale Tudo stardom?:



"I'm just trying to smack some sense into these fat boys. The way they eat, it isn't healthy. I want to live by example, set a good foot forward to society, and save the cows man. These guys are murdering all the animals and all it takes is some sacrifice. Vegan patties are delicious."


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