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The Life of fighter Mathew Galloway

Fighter profile of Mathew Galloway by Eric Jackson

 Born April 14,1999 Mathew Galloway wasn't the most popular kid he had been bullied alot in grade school. At a young age Matt was often told he would never a mount to anything because he had a IQ of a dog.

It got worst at the age of 7 his mother and father separated and he went to live with his father, because his dad didn't want his son to grow to be soft. So he really never went anywhere because his dad kept the house and he never had the affection of his mother.

Until when he was 12 something in Matt snapped he stood up for himself. The guy who has bullied him since kindergarten hit him in the face and he fell to the ground. Then he got up and punched the guy in the face and literally knocked him out with one hit. From that day forward Matt didn't take crap from anyone.

He joined a boxing gym at 13 and trained and become one of the greatest under the age 18. At age 16 he become the best amateur boxer in the world.

After dominating the world of boxing for the past 3 years he took up a new passion in Mixed Martial Arts. He joined a gym later that year to start to train and chase his new passion. And the rest as they say is history!


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