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Contender Spotlight 1: Clinton "Baked Fish" Offley

Fighter profile of Clinton Offley by M Maestro

Welcome to the first edition of Contender Spotlight! I am M. Maestro doing an one on one interview with #2 ranked heavyweight, Clinton “Baked Fish” Offley. He is pretty much one of the best fighters in World Combat and he is here to answer some of our questions!

Maestro: To start off, what is a normal day for Clinton Offley?

Offley: To start off I get a good breakfast with many proteins and shit, like coffee and brownies, or brownies and coffee. To follow that up I hit the gym and train hard and then I relax listening to Marley and smoking wee... not doing anything illegal in the state of New York for sure.

Maestro: You are now being managed by Max Bennet and so far so good. Did anything change in the management style/training/etc.? Or business as usual?

Offley: Yes! My previous manager was really good but he was very strict. Mister Bennet's letting me relax a little bit more. And my training's changed drastically. I've spent much time and effort to improve my standup game and it shows results, even though I am not giving it my 100% yet,you know? Many new tricks he taught me, lots of shit to surprise my opponents with.

Maestro: Your next fight would be the third time fighting Magnus Cross, what do you think of him?

Offley: Magnus Cross is a chill dude, he never really *crossed* me... get it? He is a good fighter and I thought he is a fan of mine.... like a stalker fan............. I've heard he has not only watching me fight and train, he is also watching me eat and sleep.To think of it I did felt watched a lot recently... or maybe its just paranoia from this new pot
...*cough* training schedule!..

Maestro: He has beaten you on the Island before but you've beaten him in QFC, do you feel you know Cross' every move by now and vice versa?

Offley: Well, both fights ended really soon, so we did not learn that much about one another but for sure both me and him will try a different tactic for upcoming fight than we did for the last two.

Maestro: If you win this match, you'll get a title shot. Does this add more pressure? Or adds more incentive?

Offley: Yes, and both. Definitely. I've never held a belt even though my career was always a very successful one. I shall do everything in my power to get my hands on that belt. It's a great incentive and a great pressure - if I lose, there is not enough wee... consolation to ease the pain

Maestro: Before we go, we end this interview with Maestro's 10! Ten questions, ten weird answers every time!

Here's what Clinton Offley answered:

1. What is your favorite word?

Offley: Buffalo

2. What is your least favorite word?

Offley: Soldier

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

Offley: Bob Marley.

4. What turns you off?

Offley: Violence I guess... I know, it's weird.

5. What is your favorite curse word?

Offley: Shiiit.

6. What sound or noise do you love?

Offley: Jimmy Hendrix.

7. What sound or noise do you hate?

Offley: Knife on a porcelain.

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Offley: Musician.

9. What profession would you not like to do?

Offley: Soldier.

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Offley: Shiiit, Clinton.

After the interview, Offley gave me some tips on how to stay healthy. He was talking about the herb and when I asked what herb it is?he just told me, ”The Herb.”

See you again on the next edition of Contender Spotlight!

- M. Maestro


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