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Fighter profile of Antonio The Sparta by

 Antonio "The Spartan" Sparta is a US Green Beret. He is competing this year on The Island Season . Sparta has high expectations and he is looking to take over the 205 weight class in the Chaos organization. Here is a interview with Antonio Sparta...

Interviewer:How does it feel to compete at the Island Season 2?

Sparta: Im Excited!! I feel as if im representing my Green Beret family and represenring the United States.

Interviewer: Once your first fight is scheduled, how will you prepare mentally amd physically? 

Sparta: I'll be ready mentally for sure. Being a Green Beret and member of the army special forces!! You have to have.alot of mental toughness because of the tough missions. On the physcial side, Im always in good shape and train in all aspects of mma with the army training makes me more than ready.. Im going for the finish, no matter who is in front of me.

Interviewer: How did you get the nickname spartan?

Sparta: Lol..I reminded people alot of the guy from the 300 Movie..The name has followed me everywhere. THIS IS SPARTA!! LOL.. I LOVE THAT SCENE!!

Interviewer:Thanks for talking with me and I cant wait till your first fight. I wish you luck and success in your journey. God Bless the Troops.

Sparta: Thank you!! I'm happy to hear support for our troops . I plan on making a statment the first fight, so dont blink. I have to meet up with the serg, he throwing a BBQ for the Green Berets and their family and friends..Till next time!


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