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This invterview is conducted by a Ray Garrety from New Jersey doing an article on manager The Mailman!!  

RG: So Mail Man rain sleet snow or hail were you really a mail man?

MM: I grew up in New Jersey We have some tough summers and pretty crappy winters so yes I have delt with being a mailman for 30 years until one magical day!

RG: And this magical day was?

MM: Well I was out on my route delivering mail and I came across a paper called the Tycoon Times and it got me interested. I enjoy boxing, Always loved the judo and Karate at the olympics. And then I had this great idea..Why don't we take martial artist from different disciplines and make them fight??

RG: A fight between martial artists of different disciplines? Have you ever heard of..

MM: I know amazing right..Who would win a boxer or a sumo wrestler? A ballet dancer vs tap..The world has wondered this for years. So I went out quit the mail bussiness and went on to become a manager.

RG: Now you manage your son Billy "Beardo" Hahn and some other fighters..How did that come around?

MM: Well one day I saw my son..Sitting around the house smoking and just wasting his life away.So I told him you either fight some people for some money or you go get a job!!

RG: And that's how?

MM: No he went and work at a Mcdonalds for about 6 minutes quit and went off to go train!  

RG: And the other fighters you manage?

MM: All my sons friends all of em no jobs just smoking all day..So i told them all..either go get some jobs or go train to be a fighter?

RG: And that's how you got them all?

MM: No..First they went to go work at the same Mcdonalds..6 minutes in they quit and so they all went to the gym to start training! 


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