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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

What good is it to have without giving it back?

Editorial by Steven Stepp

New managers sign up almost everyday,  most of them, or actually I should say the fighters, start out with nothing just like in real life. If you have recruited new managers to be part of your organization or if you're a manager who owns a clothing company with a merch partner and have extra money to spend, I encourage you to sponsor new managers and their fighters to help keep competition at a level where new managers feel competent enough to continue playing on.

Org owners should not expect to sign a fighter for $500 dollars. I know and understand that as companies we sometimes want to sponsor the most hyped fighter we find, but we need to focus on the future of our game.  For example, a non-VIP Player who really doesn't want to spend money on VIP status but enjoys playing the game.  If we as org owners or clothing companies, etc, don't want to waste our time on someone who is non-VIP or give him or her a fair chance by offering them a decent contract or sponsoring their fighters how are we to expect something from him or her? 

My point: We as VIP members should always give a non-VIP manager the desire to sign on to go VIP.  I give most all my profits back to managers and their fighters, especially new managers.  Just like in real life guys,  we can't take it with us when we're gone.  So help us with making it easier for new managers to experience what we have been so fortunate to experience by giving good contracts and sponsors.

I challenge every manager who owns a clothing Company search or find new managers and offer them a good sponsorship.  Example: $2-3k  for 60-90 days or even the max!  Just like in real life, encourage them to go VIP by teaching or telling them the benefits they will receive as a VIP member.  when you see their fighter's build and have a feeling they are going to suck,  let them know why you don't want to sponsor their fighter. in a good way, maybe offer them advice.  The fighter is created already, so in my opinion sponsor them but do it cheap.   I have been known to offer cheap sponsors for great fighters but if and when your company starts profiting share the wealth!  My whole point is to keep money circulating through the game for all to benefit from.  That's just me and how I think I guess.

Good Luck to all and Happy Tycooning.   Give the money back, keep it circulating and make sure most of it goes to new managers to keep their fighters training and ready to fight.



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