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All out Blitz in Sydney!!!

Sydney Fight Championship, Fight Organization, Sydney
Company profile by Louie DePalma

Coming to you live from the Astral Towers on Pyrmont Street in picturesque Sydney Australia, the two key masterminds behind the Australian Xtreme franchise Silver Blunt & Louie DePalma stand side by side at the head table and both men seem to be bursting with a look of excitement which is quite surprising given the time of day they have called us all here. Having apparently finished celebrating last evening’s event at the Sydney Super dome which garnered an AXF event rating record of 297.03 skyrocketing the Organization from #27 in the Global market all the way up to #5. They have moved their party to the Astral Towers to make some sort of special announcement to the MMA community.

Louie gracefully walks to the podium to begin the proceedings…” Greetings everyone who is awake at this crazy hour and to those who will be watching at home on the highlight shows!! We are happy to be here tonight to make a very special announcement that we feel will change the landscape of the Sydney MMA scene and also that of the Global market!! Please give my good friend and business partner Silver Blunt a warm welcome so he can begin with the news…

The ever classy Silver Blunt offers Louie a handshake and a wide smile before positioning the microphone…”We have brought you all together today to make a very auspicious and exciting announcement that is sure to rock the Sydney MMA scene and for that matter the Global scene to its very core. With all successful ventures come times of great tribulation and change. It is with great sadness that I stand before you to announce the end of an era and the closing of Australian Xtreme Elite Supplements no later then the end of business hours today. Before Silver has the chance to continue he is quickly interrupted…

Reporter 1 “Wait, after all you 2 have brought to Sydney you are just going to close up shop and leave us all just hanging here??”

Silver … “Thank you for your input however you did not give me the opportunity to continue my statement, with the closing of AXES comes a new beginning and the opening of “Down Under Supplements” It is our belief that change is good to stay fresh and on top”

Reporter 2 “Why the change in brand names, your companies have been so successful to date if it’s not broke why fix it?”

Silver… “Like I said previously, all good things must come to an end... Now my good friend and business partner Louie DePalma would like to say a quick few words but please keep in mind, we both have a flight to catch to NY in order to attend a scheduled meeting to wrap up business that has just recently presented itself to us so we must keep this short…”

Louie… “Thank you Silver, and thank you to those who are here this morning. Like Silver has mentioned all good things must come to an end, what he did not mention is the concept of evolution, and this may answer your previous questions but in order for companies to thrive they must also evolve and adapt with the world around them if they wish to remain on top, and that is what we are doing, evolving. Like Silver stated we are on a bit of a time crunch here but I want to leave you all with…” Just then a phone is heard ringing and Louie excuses himself for a moment to answer his cell phone as 1 sly reporter sneaks a listen to the conversation taking place… “Hey Josh, yeah, the limo is waiting outside, ok no problem we are on our way, we won’t miss the flight…” Louie turns back to the crowd and makes this statement…” I am very sorry but Silver and I must run, but please before I make my way out, allow me to leave you with this key statement to remember from this day forward… a statement which will wrap this up in its entirety so you all have a very good understanding of what is about to happen… “

“its coming” Louie pauses briefly but before any reporters can jump in to ask what is “it” Louie completes his sentence with….

Blitz: Down Under!

A lower ranking official from Australian Xtreme takes over as Silver and Louie depart with beaming smiles and reporters are almost rabid as they try and seek more answers to the questions that are beginning to develop in their minds…”Sorry we do not have time for questions today, please stay tuned as we will release more information as it becomes available.


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