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  • Posts

    • I literally addressed your first question, you just didn't like the answer. And this game being a simulation of real life sports doesn't give you free reign to joke about topics like rape, or what the fuck else you like to under the guise of it being just a game. You are quick to claim others are not using their brain when using yours could have prevented this conversation happening in the first place. No matter what ruleset was put out someone will always try to work around it then use the rules to justify whatever bullshit they came up with that wasn't explcity covered by the rules. I have a feeling you would be like that, constantly working to find any loophole they could & thinking they are clever for not falling foul of the rules yet still being able to something say truly heinous being an abject pedant rather than operating under the "spirit" of the rules. But if you need a simple rule to follow Mike already gave you it. Stop being a dick.
    • Why you didnt point your answer on my first question? You still cant compare real life to this.. And still yes, ruleset is needed, and yes as i see you are still ignoring bunch of other stuff i mentioned.
    • You're asking for "rules" when all you need is some common sense. The smack talk is expected to be a little edgy but even for a game like this that aims to emulate the real world fighting sport & the people involed in it you have to apply a little logic & ask yourself would something be acceptable to say at a press conference maybe? It's not fucking 4CHAN,
    • Bob where did i exactly say he was wrong? And yes, me personally if someone tells me he did some shit with my fighter on the buzz i wont consider it seriously since its literally ingame character.. Do they cry after someone kills them in GTA? And i genuinely asked him for the rules on what is fine and what is not and the response i got is threats so what about you use your brain and stop ignoring facts?
    • "joking" about rape? I don't know what kind of culture you are from and whether that's a common way to joke with people in it but it's not generally something to joke about in public in most societies. Now maybe that's something you & your friends like to do amongst yourselves, but in public discourse it should rightfully earn you some backlash. The only people who get away with "some" joking about it are actual comedians & they mostly do that in their own shows where people have paid to go see them & generally have some awareness of what to expect from that particular comic. I don't think Mike was wrong to pull you up on that, use your fucking brain.
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