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  • Posts

    • https://mmatycoon.com/tycoontimes/tycoontimesstory.php?SID=7979   the author mental state https://mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=125446
    • I agree that some managers take farming to a new level, but it's not really Convicted where the majority of that occurs. I can't speak for everyone, but I know I don't do the hidden farming that has been discussed here. That said, if "farming" is sacking a fighter that pops "cuts easy" or "likes gardening", or has obvious morale issues after a fight, then everyone should farm.
    • The only "luck" involved is the part that saves you some VIP cash when you land the combination of factors you were looking for / desired at the early farming stage, what comes after that is further selectivity, whittling away the also rans from the greats until your roster is full of killers, and of course making sure your training regimen is smart & tailored to each fighter you are building. As far as becoming top manager for sure knowledge is a factor, I wasn't claiming the "farming" aspect is all there is to it, after all if you don't know what to farm for in the first place you will still suck, but if you are not farming & doing it well you will not be competing at the same level as those guys. With "only" luck you might find a great prospect, but without the knowledge to train him right & focus on what the fighter is best at on the sliders you may end up dropping him before he ever gets to show his true potential. But take anything I say with a pinch of salt, I'm only 2 years in a game with people who have been here like 14 years, I just know from my own interactions with CK & some of the other top tier guys that their knowledge is what makes them good.
    • È imbarazzante portarne uno fuori a ballare, altrimenti lo avrei fatto.
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