MMA Tycoon Game


Org name: Global Association of MMA
Fighters signed: 158
Number of events: 1139
Base: London
Owner: Mentor Guru Corleone
Website: GAMMA Historical Records
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
GAMMA#1060 Radu v Milo 2024-05-11 London
GAMMA#1061 Sitsongrit v Katsu 2024-05-11 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1062 Nuufo v Kurt 2024-05-18 London
GAMMA#1063 Giant v Jarrod 2024-05-18 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1064 2024-05-25 London
Weight Name Last Win
145 Charles Mesquita Mickey Dismantle
155 Surianglek Sitsongrit Chris John
170 Oliver Robson Glen Hoddle
185 Radu Dracul Milo Andrianakis
205 Kollaa River David Hanson
265+ Giant Benandonner Nuufo Seanoa

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The Greatest of All time (GOAT) is a debate that always a debate the fans always like to bring up. GAMMA has held more events than any other org in this game's history and with the exception of a few stuborn assholes, all the top managers have had a least a few fights in the org at one point or other. But who has perfomed the best over the course of our 8 1/2 years of history?

GAMMA has a ranking system that rates managers based upon the following criteria:

1 Point Per Loss
2 Points Per draw
3 Points Per title fight/Super fight
4 Points Per win
50 Points for HOF Fighters

Based upon that criteria, here is how our managers ranked! (Note: We only ranked managers that competed in title fights), the list below includes just the top 30 and the last time we updated this list was in August:

Gale Hawthorne (22636) 1200
Whymer Van Mastodon (40116) 905
Mr Gutz (3074) 718
Boondock The Destroyer (503) 691
Pawel Ufcowski (52087) 595
Igor Psycho (6994) 522
Dom Jaehnke (20196) 518
Gerbert Bryant (84742) 489
Face Kicker (2965) 448
Brad O'Neil 371
Alika Webb (62511) 359
John McGuirk (1306) 351
Fart Master (102643) 341
Grund McGrunderson (3341) 323
Paulie Walnuts (79001) 314
Richard Davenport (10647) 303
Andy McKenzie (101467) 289
Matt Cave (45538) 288
Jebba . (61031) 286
Gritty Smitty (1206) 286
Digga Dogman (91254) 275
Seppo Koskinen (2820) 266
Doug Heffernan (10852) 260
John Bravo (50889) 255
Jack Smith (7552) 251
Klatz Matz (46802) 250
Central Park Wigan (27741) 238
Choose Life (3393) 229
Marky Mark (22640) 211
Lance Templeton (889) 206

Among the above managers, only a few are actually playing the game at the moment and have fighters in GAMMA. That list includes:

Whymer Van Mastodon (40116)
Dom Jaehnke (20196)
Gerbert Bryant (84742)
Alika Webb (62511)
Fart Master (102643)

So Gale remains the G.O.A.T, it is remarkable how Gale ammassed those figures, considering that he left the game years ago, however Whymer is closing ground. At this current pace it should take him around 1 1/2 years to surpass Gale and become our greatest manager, although a lot depends on the success of his fighters. Dom, Gerbert, Alika and Fart are also high up the list at the moment, at the current pace we should see them all ranked inside the top 6-7, they all have fighters at the top or near the top of their divisions.

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