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EzekelRAGE last won the day on May 20 2014

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About EzekelRAGE

  • Birthday 12/02/1989

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Red Belt

Red Belt (6/6)



  1. I only decline fights that cuts into my training time. I usually like to have a fight every 25-30 days. If it's not cutting into your training time and the opponent meets the ID/weight then it shouldnt be a problem in most instances.
  2. Just an update on the Very quick thing. Had like 4 guys pop very quick with with only 100 speed. Idk if that showed because their other hiddens were that low or not.
  3. If you are a manager in need of test fights, I got an event on 6/7 for my own fighters and I got extra match slots left PM me ingame, and I'll send a contract. If you arent fighting your own guys, then it's up to you to find an opponent.
  4. So nice it was made into the custom avy thumb Couple of my favs Edit: Finally found who made these for me. It was Topologies.
  5. Made all my projects 16yo when I returned, so like 21 fighters. Sorta fucked up some things with them record wise because getting QFCs with that many fighters was a pain, so just had my guys fight each other when they started decaying. Got them all contracts with orgs now though. They currently 19 so we'll see where they are in a year.
  6. http://www.mediafire.com/file/81cbpi1u8c92ljf/SkillsExtractor.js/file or https://pastebin.com/LRJSTn6t Gotta use tampermonkey with it though
  7. I agree that strikers have had an advantage for too long in regards to the grapplers vs strikers argument. If the two skills added even things out more for grapplers vs strikers, shouldnt really be a problem. Especially if he will let ppl redistribute points. The two skills may help mike with balancing things out more as well. Especially if the skill cap isnt raised and ground guys wont be too dependant on the new skills to be successful. That should about even the skills needed to be trained for both types.
  8. 1. You can still create w/e fighter you want under Duphus' system. 2. I actually don't mind your idea. I had a similar one when mike mentioned he could just weight thing differently for the cap. I msged him to see if he could go more specific lie punches etc. Instead of penalizing standup fighters my idea wouldve just reduced the weight the point gave to overall. It wouldve involved you maybe selecting what your fighter specialized in at creation. Then, depending on what you chose, the points would be weighted less towards the overall. So if you chose a bjj guy. instead of subs counting 1 pt towards the cap, it would only count like .75 or something like that. Thinking it over, you would have to leave things like Sd (when it comes to making them weigh more towards the cap) alone because it is needed too much for everyone. But you could do things like if you chose a ground fighter upon creation, you would weight things like knees/elbows more heavily toward the cap since he is a ground fighter. A guy with SnB specialist would have subs count more(1.3 instead of 1). Maybe trans on the ground a little more as well. 1.1 isntead of 1?
  9. I think what Duphus suggests sorta fixes the problem about the skills for standup fighters vs ground fgihters doesn't it? The main problem in the current system is that a standup fighter can have elite level wrestling/bjj with just high td/def g/trans and sparring. New system - you can't have only elite/sens tkd d/def g/trans and still have elite wrestling.
  10. Seems Mike may be ok with implementing something like that. Going back to Duphus' post here. Idk what to do with sparring. What are you guys thoughts on how to split the secondaries for the primaries? I think we could go back to what I tried to do with the knowledge thing. And also maybe adjust what skill values mean what for primaries alone. Making them a little more generalized? Below is a chart of what the new system would look like using secondaries for your primaries. The main secondaries for each primary would count 100% towards the total of the primary. Ones that aren't main but still count towards the primary would only count like 50% or 66%. So only half the points you gained in punches would count towards MT. *I know I probably got a few seondaries wrong for what primary they under, just a rough draft. Couple of example builds and how they would be read under the new system So, on creation you can have a guy with Sensational boxing right off the bat. These are just rough estimates of how I think it can be broken down. Obviously more categories can be added to give your opponent a clearer view of what your fighter does, or they can just look at your fights? It may be better to just have all new categories for the various ranges for primaries. For example for boxing, since it's guaranteed ppl will have remarkable/wonderful minimum for them, you can just have 0-200 pts be Amateur boxer instead of a range goin from mediocre to sensational. ======================= Random thoughts: Also what would you do with primary points upon creation? Just add that extra 100 or so points to secondary point pool? Doing it this way would mean a lot less sparing for some fighters maybe? Idk how many sessions ppl spend sparring. This would mess with the cap as well since you would just be counting the points towards the cap double. This would help ground fighters a bit? Takedowns should be a little easier to get if its wondi wrestling/sens tkd d vs sens/elite wrestlin/sense takedowns?
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