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Mooncutter last won the day on November 17 2018

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About Mooncutter

  • Birthday 08/02/1986

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    Ă–stersund, Sweden

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  1. I'd love to build an MMA game with MMA Tycoon as base and add a few things. The hidden attributes is the driver of this entire game actually. Remove those, and the entire game falls flat on its head. I'd like to expand the most mysterious, intriguing, and awesome part of this game. 1) I would have more hiddens and, maybe, four 30+ points choices, and allow an attribute to go up to 180. The RANDOM number generator goes 1-150. But if you roll 150 and pick 30+ you get 180. 2) I would add a hidden randomiser of +1-5 points on each secondary skill. Maybe even 1-10. There would be a system like once every birthday you find one of your hiddens chosen at random. 3) There would be a hidden called CARDIO BEAST and HULK which gave 1-15% (15% at 150 points) extra cardio points and STR points. This would allow for Clay Guida like builds which aren't possible today. 4) It would be harder to have 99%+ morale but not hard to keep it above 80%. 5) I would have a hidden called FLASHY MOVES which allowed for low percentage but impactful techniques. Intelligence and experience plays a significant role here too. 6) I might also have a randomiser at boxing, MT, wrestling and BJJ at +1-3 points in each category. It should not be extremely impactful but not meaningles either. 1-3 points because primaries are obviouse much more impactful than secondaries. The specific numbers are just placeholders and can be moved around. I would LOVE an alternative test universe for MMA Tycoon with this kind of ruleset. Like The Island but for testing new shit. Maybe intelligence should go down slightly as the fighter ages and takes lots of damage? Maybe 1-2 points at the 6th KO loss or something like that. I would enjoy this system a lot. The key is the hiddens, they are so much fun. I dont think more of them would be "too much" because it would all be invisible unless you cared about them.
  2. I love this idea, I will certainly participate with my top fighters.
  3. I'd like to see 2 new hiddens "cardio beast" + "hulk". Hulk = 150 points gives 15% extra max strength. Cardio beast = 150 points gives 15% extra max cardio. The new theoretical max for strength and cardio will be 172.5. How do you go about introducing these new hiddens without ruining the game? One way that actually would work would be to give each manager 2 options for existing fighters: 1) Random generated number +15 2) 90. (75 + 15)* *75 because it is the average of 1-150 This would give top fighter the option of a safe 90 or rolling the dice. It cant be completely random with no bonus because it would completely destroy most top fighter. If they got that roll when you created them you would have fired them as soon as you found out. But random + 15 or 90 is just good enough that it wouldn't be overpowered and it wouldn't suck either. This same principle could be applied to adding countless new hiddens. I'd like to see the same one for agility called "Ninja" or "Parkour champion". If you add a bunch of hiddens you have to give the manager more than the current 3 boosting options at fighter creation.
  4. I belive you. Subspamming takes energy + fighter loses position a lot, which correlates to real world fights. Subspamming should be a viable strategy, just not overpowered. Maybe 1% of all my losses are to subspammers. It's VERY annoying to lose to but I don't think it's overpowered at all.
  5. Yes, I am aware. My solution is much smoother however, as maxing out the physicals would take way longer at 175. As it is now, it's not even a question as to whether you max then out, you ALWAYS bring them up to 140+ eventually. Maxing out all physicals at 175 would take, say, 30% longer than it takes now. Insert whatever percentage you like. This would mean that a lot of fighters couldn't have kicks or any non-essential clinch skills (knees/elbows) if they're maxing out the physicals. This would force you to prioritize and create diversity in fighter builds. A lot of managers would bring physicals to around 150 and then train STR and CARDIO specifically and bring it up to 170, as they tend to be very important. It would be a huge boost to the game and prevent such barbaric measures as hard-capping physicals =/ We all like computer games that has as many possiblities as possible. It's human nature. We like freedom.
  6. The problem with the physicals that has always been and never goes away is thay you NEED almost maxed out physicals to compete at the highest level. You can't go 120 on physicals and have knees in the clinch instead. No. If you do that you lose. Each point is the physicals have too much VALUE. To dilute this value slightly, raise the cap to 175. Maxing out a physical now requires quite a bit more points. The improvement speed has to be recalibrated obviously. This would bring diversity in the physicals, instead of everyone maxing everything out. Think about it like this: there HAS to be a Clay Guida in this game. A guy that doesn't have overwhelming skills but overwhelms you with his CONDITIONING. The sheer pressure that comes from insane cardio. If you hesitate, make Strength and Cardio to 175 at least. Where does Clay Guida fit into this game? Think about it like that. Also, more points in physicals would allow for keeping fighters with lower training speeds. As it is now, every top manager just sacks the guys with low training speed. In a perfect world, it's not like that. I would also like to see a "conditioning" hidden that you can improve by 30 points if you want, but that's another story. If you have a "cardio" hidden and a "strength" hidden. Which as 150 points improves your strength by another 15%. Each 10 points is 1 percentage points. We all wants these freaks on nature to be possible in the game. These guys that don't have the highest skills but out-muscle most opponents. Am I on to something or am I on to something?
  7. +1 great idea. As for complexity. Just have it set at a "default" setting for everyone who dont want to use it.
  8. It would be pretty fun for sure. Grappling + KT should be available formats for faster peaking.
  9. I was always good a sliders which is working directly with the game engine. It the game engine stayed like this forever it wouldn't be a bad thing. It is very balanced and allows for all body types and fighting styles. What more, every single body type & fighting style is competitive at the highest level, which is a very good sign. There was a boost to takedowns a while back, especially off kicks, which was needed. The (fairly) recent boost to elbows and knees and slight nerf to head shots from clinch ay 15% was just right. The boxing wrestler is still strong and can compete at the highest level. But now, ELBOWS + KNEES also work. The 15% dmg increase was just right. A lot of game developers will boost useless skills to make them overpowered. Elbows and knees are NOT overpowered today, just good. Honestly, I wouldn't change anything about the fight engine right now. Mikes refusal to remove autoflights even though it would literally take him 3 second doesn't make him more likable, but he always paid a lot of attention toward the fight engine and and tends to make high quality decisions in that realm. He was also always good at adding new sliders when needed, which is how you interact with the fight engine as a player.
  10. It would be REALLY cool if a tournament format was added where it cost 1 dollar to partake and winner takes home like 16 bucks, in 16 participants. Winner keeps going all the way through until they win the whole thing. Like when you play Arena in Hearthstone, a little bit like that. Since most fighters a crap on creation, there needs to be a way where you bring 2 fighters and keep the strongest one. Or rather, the strongest ones stays because he keeps winning. Something like this would be a breath of fresh air.
  11. Check the date before you wreck yourself, son
  12. Yes, I havent gotten a single of those big wins in my whole Tycoon career. And I've played for YEARS....!
  13. True story. I personally like the gambling part of gaming, it gives me a little adrenaline spike. It's like "healthy gambling" in a way. Poor people who throw away a wife and house on one armed bandits!!!
  14. I became a mentor to get those extra fighter slots, the occassional IQ test and Free Agent first dibs. Well, after about 250 rolls I got 2 IQ tests, which was the least appealing of the three. The Tycoon Lottery win is pathetic The Cash win is pathetic (I win 3457 dollars? That was nothing even 1 month into the game) Improve the bonuses individually, and give a hard working motherfucker more jackpots, and with JACKPOTS and I mean a win that is worth something even if you're played for a couple years. Don't be cheap with those extra fighter slots THEY COST YOU NOTHING. At higher level you need sparring partners, so really, at 25 fighters u rly only have 20.
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