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Shards last won the day on April 10 2020

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About Shards

  • Birthday 05/07/1992

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  1. Not quite, this slider does decide if you are going to initiate or counter but if both fighter lean hard on counter the one who is more aggro will initiate more instead of both fighter just refusing to fight. Every slider including aggro is a non-absolute slider so the game will apply some logic to it. If you're thinking about this slider the same way you're thinking of 'punch/kick' you're missing some details. http://www.mmatycoon.info/index.php?title=Fight_tactics
  2. I'd argue a dozen fights (presumably spread over a roster) is too small a sample size and not controlled enough as a testing method if I'm being honest with you. You'd need to consistently do this longer to likely produce a workable sample size. I never figured IQ was a stand alone hidden you can easily measure without a test, you can be the smartest dude on planet earth and it might not help you deal with an ass beating. To me it's a hidden that usually isn't high impact alone but in conjunction with other hiddens can create potent fighters. In the case of getting a KO I think most people would be alright with assuming it's confidence and IQ can trigger a potent finisher. I think it can be hard to try and pinpoint it's exact value, completely antidotal but I assume it's usually plugged as a secondary factors in a handful of equations that would usually include more than 1 hidden. For this hidden to be useful it's AI needs to be both smart enough to 'recognize' the situation and also have the supporting trait(s) to do something about it. Another example that could exist, you have max 150 IQ but rolled really poor heart - you set 100% shig but if that low heart fighter takes too much damage his game plan will change - to that of a punching bag and his IQ will not help you. In this sense I would agree with it's usually a 'win more' hidden and not something worth cutting over. In a sense I'm mixing some level of math with an 'I would assume it's done this way' because I can't think of a single situation in fighting where IQ is the primary factor but a ton where it plays a role. I could be absolutely be wrong, once upon a time I thought combos were good for much the same reason and you could argue a dozen semi-controlled fights is more valuable than my experience, I'd alright with that.
  3. To simplify, the 'See how it goes' slider leans into IQ pretty hard, can also help your AI trigger that an opponent is rocked to go for a finish, and it's absolutely a requirement of a grappler. The reason it's not required is experienced managers generally set that slider to 100% follow my orders so the hidden doesn't see much play. From my antidotal evidence a grappler with low IQ will get the finish much less later in the game(when opponents have high/elite defense) compared to a fighter with higher IQ.
  4. Foot meet mouth, I got notified when I was quoted so that was terrible timing. I'm also not really paying attention so I guess do that every month or after a big change, solid update feature.
  5. Shards

    The Noob Fund

    No money and you made an account to fight all of 3 times before going inactive for a while. Yea I'll flex this case, not hard to still consider you a new player.
  6. Do more math, no reason to take that over 2x 3 month offers instead. Or just sit on it, sometimes I feel like I'm a minority when I list cash at a comparable rate and actually just wait for a suitable buyer. If people where going above and beyond with their offers this would be making more sense but it's always people either not doing the math or undercutting the market imo. Potentially first point leading to the second. And for anyone who may want to say 'don't be a dick' or 'free market' this might be my general feeling here but in response to a 6 month offer specifically, meaning the option to relist this as a more suitable 3 month offer is there. I also don't really have anything against this offer itself, this is just happening all the time.
  7. I'd normally save about 50 rolls and do a bunch at once. Given my last set of rolls the amount of IQ tests likely went down, It's the only moderate prize that I recall tracking, I assumed it was just some poor luck that day and it happens. If other people are echoing this my guess if Mike hasn't reduced all the odds it might just be harder to get the more moderate prizes we've gotten used to, not that Bwangs post seems to suggest that. It would be a shame if this was the case intentionally as everything I've read in the past suggests people want more ways to get IQ tests, not less - unless Mike throttling the IQ test on S&W is a step removed from making it a purchasable item with in game cash, I'd understand wanting to push up the rarity of winning tests if there is a goal to use them as an extra money sink.
  8. Shards

    The Noob Fund

    I'm still around, I'm just not replying to every post.
  9. It's like an Oreo cookie but every layer is a different flavor, or I'm basically the 'my music taste' meme that's going around facebook.
  10. Like Barney said, you're almost definitely reading comments from people with VIP. https://mmatycoon.com/assistant.php The A button in the VIP menu. https://mmatycoon.com/mystatssnapshot.php The red/green/blue stats bar in the VIP menu to get to a page with this as an option. Outside this you just need to wait for a skill to pop(increase) on his fighter profile, not 100% if there's a better standard way.
  11. Thought it had to do with training or a fighter pick up between the accounts but it's been a while. I generally try to ignore the multi thing(in public at least) because without admission I'll never have more then educated speculation, I was pretty sure in your case it was an issue that 2 accounts interacted on the same IP. Also TJ was the only active moderator at the time, I do recall that the whole 'private mod' thing was really funny to me cause how much can you really blame a group of guys that the 1/1 moderator just came from our group at the time? Or we sidestep him and take the law into our own hands. Stop! You've violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit.
  12. I'd agree with Rambo on this, keep them separate and overall if it's low-key enough that nobody is drawing the lines I don't care. Anyone out there role playing 2 completely different people can keep doing that, I only have an issue when you're interacting with yourself. We also should acknowledge we can't really tell the difference between 2 accounts from 1 person and 2 accounts sharing an IP(as much as we want to) so it's more realistic to use our shared network rules as the same guidelines for dealing with multis.
  13. Done, I should have led with 'feed me urls' sooner.
  14. When both fighters accept a fight(1), if you decline an offer(2), or if your opponent accepts an offer and you sit on it for more than 10 hours(3) the game resets your inactivity clause. I'm also fairly sure you can't leave an org while sitting on an accepted fight offer. Org owners are able to edit a fight(to same impact as canceling) as long as both fighters haven't already accepted the fight, they can cancel the whole event at any time but that 'breaks' contract with every fighter already locked on that card and they are given an option to walk on their contract. http://www.mmatycoon.info/index.php?title=Inactivity_clause From an org owner perceptive I refer to fights both fighters already accepted as 'locked' fights, the game grays them out and editing them isn't usually allowed, normally Mike will do little edits like adding titles to fights that should have them for example. That's pretty much how an org owner deals with this to my knowledge.
  15. Shards

    The Noob Fund

    Fell off the ball on this a little bit so I'm simplifying how things being done to get this back on track - I'll likely move updates to a quarterly report. Starting funds: $3.850.000 Donations: (minus Zef/Delic/bomb - that was tracked.) Jackson Williams (135543) Korbie Davis (136157) Ethan Whitmore (136158) Rush Grayson (127835) Loko Lokey (136474) Guxinho Land (136559) Unkwalker (135088) Willy Mcdusel (137117) -400k Current Funds: $3.450.000
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