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KonradCelinski last won the day on January 1 2022

KonradCelinski had the most liked content!

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    United States
  • Interests
    Old school manager from 09, the 17. Back to this game again!

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KonradCelinski's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/6)



  1. Thank you again for the support! We have stock being reordered, and if any one is looking for sponsorships, please DM me, I might not be able to offer massive money as we are still a young company, but a few weeks of gym fees, some freebies and discount never hurts! Thank you again! "Keep it Neon" Konrad
  2. Okay, makes sense, I saw where I could create two more fighter slots and was wondering why "The Island" was only offered, I do remember being able to purchase using VIP more fighter slots. Thank you guys!
  3. Not sure if this is new, when trying to create a new fighter my only option is "The Island", which I do not want to have a fighter there, not my home base. Is this like this to try to get folks to the island or is something else going on? Never remember this happening in the past, even when Hilo was added back in the day.
  4. Thank you for the support! Tons of new items in shop! "Keep it Neon" Konrad
  5. Just added more to our Digital Zombie Series - Check it out Neon Zombie , and thank you again for all the support!
  6. New drops for the new years, some items have not been shown yet! The BJJ collection is up, our side collection Digital Zombie is up, tons of new fight shirts, rash guards, and gear to keep your fighter looking their best! Check them out - Neon Zombie "Keep it Neon" Konrad
  7. All new items for the 1st of the year are now available in store! Neon Zombie Happy New Years, here's to a good year ahead! "Keep it Neon" Konrad
  8. New drops from 2022 video! Thank you for all to those who rock Neon Zombie! "Keep it Neon" Konrad
  9. New Drops coming this January! Thank you everyone for your support thus far! Keep it Neon! Konrad
  10. Here are a few of the upcoming drops for this January from Neon Zombie! Let me know what you guys think in the comments! Neon Zombie Cheers Konrad
  11. I have already posted in the sponsorship thread, but if anyone is looking for some sponsorships, we have some. I posted on my form profile what I will be looking for and the type of sponsorships! I have also been sending out some free gear to managers (active) for the holidays! Thank your to all who have supported Neon Zombie, I am looking forward to the upcoming new years drops and the new digital zombie collection! Keep it Neon Konrad!
  12. If anyone is looking for sponsorship, as long as you are active I will send some sponsorships over. Granted I cannot do the massive pay (Yet), but some money to help for a week or two of gym memberships, free gear, and a discount in store! Just DM me in game. 



  13. Came across this today, back when I made posters, not sure if the org is still a thing. This was back in 10' when I was heavy into the game. Org was ICON: Rising Sun, not sure if anyone remembers it or had fighters in it.
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