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Grasman last won the day on June 4 2015

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  1. Just wondering.... How does it actually feel to support traitors? Does it make you feel proud? Do you guys actually "like" Russia now, as your leader does? Do you really think the main stream media is the "enemy of the people? Do you think the main stream media is "Fake News"? Do you consider Dictators cool, such as Duterte and il Yong? strong leaders maybe??
  2. Nah man, he's saying "fuck you" to lying bully traitor pieces of shit. You choose the side of traitors, doing the bidding of previous and current enemies of the USA and that's fully on you dude, you made that choice. Spinning up idiotic white supremacy, massively over hyping the "dangers of immigration" and admiration of the worlds dictators, sowing general distrust in people, drives a wedge in any nation. It is directly the opposite of solidifying a democracy. The Muller investigation is unfolding their crimes "in real time" and these traitors are being and will continue to be brought to justice. By now, all that's left of Drumpf are late night Tweets saying "I'm all alone (poor me)", cut off from contact with the top military brass. The only question is, HOW he will leave in the next few weeks. Resigning or handcuffs
  3. Anyway, you believe only right wing bullshit, so it really isn't worth my time to argue the obvious. MAGA Drumf fans are like a brick...
  4. The Uranium One conspiracy theory is proven bollocks.. Russia never got any of that Uranium. https://www.thirdway.org/memo/debunking-the-uranium-one-scandal The deal did not transfer any uranium from the U.S. to Russia, let alone “20 percent of U.S. uranium” to Russian ownership. Allegations that investors’ donations to the Clinton Foundation affected the U.S. government’s approval of the sale are flimsy, at best. CLAIM: “Clinton approved the sale of Uranium One to Russia.” ANSWER: Clinton did not have the power to allow or stop the sale of Uranium One. CLAIM: “Clinton gave away 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia.” ANSWER: Not once ounce of uranium ever left the U.S. to Russia following the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom. CLAIM: “Clinton approved the sale of Uranium One in exchange for donations.” ANSWER: Not only is there no evidence whatsoever that this is true, the big donor who supposedly swayed her was completely gone from the company 2 years before Clinton became Secretary of State.
  5. Some Democrats are shite, agreed.. Doesn't change anything though. Conspiracy theories about the Clintons only serve as a distraction for the true criminals,, the traitors currently in the white house. But the burning fuse gets shorter by the minute.......
  6. Little separation of State and Corp.... Society driven by and for the benefit of large companies... Corporatism But that's an old definition.... Trump is more of a wannabe dictator in a land, where its all but impossible to convert from democracy to another state of rule So, they try to force the rule of democracy in their favor by the way the Republicans forced Gorusch and Kavanaugh through. That is a scary thing for your democracy and those partisan moves can come back later, to bite the Republicans in the ass.. But, with his 17 separate investigations into various aspects of Trumps criminal handling, both prior and after taking office. What blows me away is the willingness of his ignorant supporters, to betray their country and everything it stands for. But the good thing is that those supporters have never been an actual majority of the US voters... A simple fact. Trump himself is just a simple idiot, only thinking of himself and his . The true fuckbuckets are still sitting on the Senate majority (until 2020 at least), while the others lost Congress. The Neo cons who ruled the Republican party in the Bush era were bad, while the current fuckers don't seem to give a fook about what the U.S.A stands for, nor the majority of its residents.... Making global moves, weakening the status of the USA and alienating its historical friends. Hence, good riddance to this illegitimate and criminal current government of the USA, when Muller is finished. And good riddance to the Trump organization, after the various State AG's are finished pulling it apart. Merry Christmas and hopefully a GREAT NEW YEAR in 2019. Lets flush this smelly turd of a illegitimate government, down the toilet, where it belongs.
  7. Fascist minded fucks are a concern of mine, regardless where on the planet they reside. When they finally get what they deserve.... Fills my old heart with Joy. Again, Fuck him, fuck every single one of his followers and other like minded people, globally. Merry Christmas to everyone else!
  8. The most shamefully ridiculous presidential period ever, is coming to its criminal end. A few more month and it's all over for good. I love it.
  9. Says the lifetime member of the National Russia Association.
  10. Your President is a crook... Hes getting arrested soon and same applies for most his family. They will be sentenced, there after ruined and you are going to disappear back under that same humid pile of turd, you came crawling from. Ho does that feel BITCH! .
  11. LMAO. The Drumpf turd is going to jail and taking everyone around down with him! Fuck him and fuck every single one of his supporters... The MAGA logo just took on a new meaning ... "My Ass Getting Arrested"
  12. In short words, you are a complete moron!
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