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jjsquirrel last won the day on May 2

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Black Belt (5/6)



  1. Genyo Takeda: I am proud to take the first victory and I also want to congratulate my countryman Noburu who fought on the same card. My next opponent Wilander will roll like a meatball on the floor once I hit him.
  2. Seems Bob Trollslayer got the invasion under control and we can close this then.
  3. Been watching forums and discord for a couple months now until a cricket jumped right in my eye and after I got it out all new posts just looks like russian to me. Actions do speak louder than words, but in absence of action maybe we could at least get to see that roadmap soon?
  4. Spanish that was a new one.. and honestly doesn't seem like the smartest thing to put ahead of everything else on that roadmap they were supposed to show us. Translating a site is not just about rewriting text. You also need to add the setting, add support to every single page to handle the logic of which language to display. Then all the places where you have game logic and text generation mixed up, like the fight engine probably. How do you handle log/fight descriptions on a fighter when he changes manager to one with a different language? And once you are done, congratulations, you now increased the workload for any future development as you need to write all text twice and handle the language setting. And how many new players (who stay) would this generate? I have no idea, but I'm not giving it great odds against spending some dev time on brushing up the new player experience including removing the autoflight warnings that is STILL in there. Would be hilarious if they were translated to spanish..
  5. Says the only guy with numbers at the end. Nice try, but you are not getting the forums to yourself
  6. If you do it once you might as well make it auto-repeat as one of those periodic servers tasks. One to select accounts X months old without posts or fights and send them a pm/email to warn about pending deletion. Another with same criteria but X+Y months to delete them.
  7. Genyo Takeda: I look forward to meeting you in combat, it will be 1905 all over again no matter how many spambots you bring here to cheer you on.
  8. Suggestion: Headkick the spambots Suggestions Description: Forums are no fun to use lately and real player activity dropping. Some of the functions described here may help, I'm thinking the cloud content analysis for example should be able to pick up on the posts in russian: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/475095-new-spam-prevention-features/ Do we still have 15 people reading the forums able to give this an upvote to trigger a notification for Mike? Pros: Get rid of spam Cons: It has to be a headkick since that's the only kick that can ko them..
  9. Genyo Takeda: I think you do not know my country. You will not find croissants here. And no easy fights.
  10. I think bookmakers has always been the most neglected of all company types.
  11. Macho Man may be behind on points here but have been looking strong in the third round, that punch before definitely rocked Chukwuma. Macho Man lands a right hand that snaps the head of Chukwuma backwards. Macho Man lands another uppercut that snaps the head of Chukwuma backwards again. Mac: Hit him harder, use your special! Macho Man creates a bit of space for himself and unleashed what can only be described as a tiger uppercut, straight out of Street Fighter! Chukwuma crashes to the mat! Can he make it back to his feet in time? 3,4,5,6... it doesn't look like he's going to make it! Chukwuma face plants back to the mat and the referee calls off the fight! Macho Man takes it with a brutal technical knockout! Ladies and gentlemen, after 4:29 of round 3, we have a winner by way of TKO (Punch). Super Macho Man!
  12. I was just thinking the other day how it is that new players find their way here since there is 0 advertisment. Maybe there will be some more of that and an influx of new people after the site gets a facelift with some of the tycoon 2.0 features (supposedly in development but we didn't hear anything about it for some time now). Anyway, the more the merrier, a game like this lives or dies by an active community.
  13. I planned for this to be my VIP supply, now I just wasted a slot instead 😂
  14. Lately there were some short notice fight offers, not sure if that is because busy owner or managers being inactive so he has to scramble for alternates.
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