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  • Posts

    • GAMMA, 15 years old! I started GAMMA 15 years ago, this month! The exact date of the first event, was the 6th of June 2009, which is funny, because that is my daughter's birthday, she was 5 years old then. Since then, hundreads of orgs have opened and closed, the only org that has a continual history going back to 2009 is Syn and they have changed ownership on average about 1 time every year since then.  Since our foundation, we have over 4 billion paid in expenses and that does not include all the direct manager transfers. The one thing that will be difficult to take away from GAMMA, is the consistency we have had over that 15 year period. It took us a while to get to PPV level, but since then, we have pretty much been top 3 among orgs and that is going back over 10 years now, since around 2013. The funny thing is that, i still enjoy running the org. I am a bit sick of the fight part of the game, i mostly just fill up any empty spaces on the card, but in terms of running the org, it is still fun enough to keep it going. I always was a grinder, so the historical part of the game and comparing managers and fighters of the past and present is what keeps the thing rolling. In terms of who to recognize and who to give a shout out, it is almost impossible to focus on a few people, because the contributions over the years from so manager managers, has been immense. It will also be unfair to some people if I get started. So instead I will give the link to our historical archive, which lists all the achievements of our fighters and managers over the years:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/18u4iZ7ssA5uWSlD8KAUcXBdMsML0TbBU19V0J0VYkf0/edit I would also like to thank all our rivals as well, I mean, it would be really boring if we had no competition over the years. Our all time standing in super fights stands at 195-118-4, with our most memorable rival being of course Syn, who we have a 24-27-2 record against. Either way, once again I would like to thank everyone, lets have another memorable run!
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