MMA Tycoon Game

Play by Play - Fighter's Fight Commentary

Event: TL Fight Night 8     
Date:   Jun 24, 2023
Trumbauer doesn't succeed with the takedown
and Lugo counters with a left and a right that stings Trumbauer.
Trumbauer tries to shoot in for a takedown. He's got hold of a leg but Lugo swivels and escapes.
Trumbauer misses with a body shot.
Trumbauer throws an overhand right that lands on Lugo's shoulder, as Lugo tries to avoid the shot.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Lugo displays good takedown defense there as he swats away a double leg from Trumbauer.
Estoban Lugo has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Toboggan Trumbauer.#T1#
Trumbauer shoots in looking for a takedown but Lugo manages to keep the fight standing, pushing Trumbauer's face into the canvas for good measure before circling away.#TD2#
Lugo gets caught napping as Trumbauer dives in and scores a takedown. Lugo manages to retain guard.
Trumbauer is standing up over Lugo. Lugo looks to escape but Trumbauer dives into side control. #REVR#
Lugo seems a little lost for a moment, as Trumbauer dominates the positioning.
You can see the frustration on Lugo's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
Trumbauer wants to control but Lugo is keeping him busy. #T2#
Trumbauer looks up at the clock and then as Lugo takes his cue and looks up at the clock too, Trumbauer smacks him right in the chops with a big elbow! How rude!
Trumbauer in side control, trying to ground and pound but not landing this time. #SUB2#
Trumbauer is looking to finish here, going for an Americana. Lugo knows the correct defense though, so he's OK.
Lugo is pushing Trumbauer's head away, looking to escape. Trumbauer manages to hold on to the position though.#SUB2#
Trumbauer looking for an arm triangle but it's way too loose to do anything.
Lugo is looking for a sweep.#T3#
Trumbauer throws an elbow but Lugo slips to the side and avoids it well.
Trumbauer is working Lugo over with some ground and pound from side control.
Trumbauer working the strikes but Lugo uses the opportunity to regain half guard.
Trumbauer prevents Lugo from standing back up.
Lugo trying to control here.
Trumbauer thows a huge punch but Lugo dodges it nicely.
Trumbauer thows a wild elbow that connects with the canvas.
Trumbauer trying to control the pace.
Trumbauer wants to pass to mount but Lugo is defending the position. #T4##SUB2#
Trumbauer is working for a kimura but Lugo is defending it quite comfortably.
Trumbauer looks to score some points with some ground and pound.
Trumbauer sitting in half guard, looking to land shots. Lugo defending well though.
Trumbauer winds up and cracks Lugo with a swinging punch to the side of the head.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Lugo is looking to control Trumbauer's leg but it's slowly edging free. Can Lugo avoid being mounted?
Trumbauer looks to score some points with some ground and pound.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Toboggan Trumbauer dominated that round.
That's time! Back to the action!#R2#
Trumbauer tries to shoot in for a takedown. He's got hold of a leg but Lugo swivels and escapes.
Lugo appears to be looking for a counter punch to the body.
Trumbauer with a poor takedown #KD#
and Lugo counters with a crisp one two that drops Trumbauer! Lugo thinks about following him to the mat for a moment but instead steps back and waves Trumbauer to his feet! Trumbauer is in big trouble!#ROC#Trumbauer is rocked!
Lugo leaves Trumbauer with his face pressed against the mat as he sprawls beautifully, defending against a solid takedown attempt.
Lugo throws a big counter combination but Trumbauer scrambles out of danger and avoids any damage.
Estoban Lugo has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Toboggan Trumbauer.
Trumbauer tries for a takedown but Lugo sees it coming a mile off and avoids it easily.
Lugo appears to be looking for a big counter.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.#CL2#
Trumbauer moves into the clinch.
Trumbauer has Lugo pressed up against the cage and is working for takedown. Lugo manages to improve position though and keeps the fight standing. #T1#
Lugo slowing the pace effectively.
We've been informed that Trumbauer has been working hard on his conditioning in the buildup to the fight.
Lugo lands a short shot on the inside that snaps the head of Trumbauer backwards.
Lugo content to slow the pace in the clinch.
Lugo is stalling here.
Lugo seems to have come into the fight with the intention of avoiding any damage in the clinch, rather than actually showing any aggression.
Lugo lands punches inside but they're not really causing much damage.
Lugo looking to stall.
Trumbauer tries for a takedown. No joy.
Come on Lugo - let's have some action - none of this stalling nonsense.
The fighters are starting to get sweaty, which will make takedowns a bit more tricky.
The pace slowing considerably in the clinch, as Lugo takes a break from that fighting nonsense to think about the finer things in life.
The ref breaks the fighters up, due to lack of action by Estoban Lugo.#TD2#
Trumbauer shoots in and gets a takedown into half guard. Trumbauer showed some decent athleticism there. #T2#
Lugo is looking to control Trumbauer's leg but it's slowly edging free. Can Lugo avoid being mounted?
Trumbauer working some ground and pound from close in. He's looking to maintain this position and strike for a while by the looks of things... although he'll probably advance to full mount in a minute now I've said that.
Toboggan Trumbauer has got the better of the ground game so far.
Trumbauer drops an elbow to the side of Lugo's head.
Lugo is not content to let Trumbauer control the position.
Trumbauer throwing punches and elbows but they're not doing any damage.
Trumbauer missing with some ground and pound from the half guard. #T3##SUB2#
Trumbauer is trying to work for a kimura. This could be trouble! No, Lugo has managed to free his arm - good work.
Lugo trying to hold on to Trumbauer's head to control him but Trumbauer postures up.
Trumbauer trying to pass the guard but Lugo defending well. #SUB2#
Trumbauer is looking for a kimura here.
Trumbauer is controlling the pace. #T4#
A lull in the action here being met with boos from the crowd.
Lugo keeping his head moving to avoid the ground and pound.
Lugo tries to get to full guard but Trumbauer has control of the leg.
Lugo pushes Trumbauer off looking to stand but Trumbauer dives back in and keeps control.
Trumbauer controlling the pace.
The referee claps his hands together and tells the fighters to work.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!#SUB2#
Trumbauer is looking for a kimura. It's going to be difficult to finish that from half guard though and Lugo defends it well.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Toboggan Trumbauer showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
That's the end of the round. The referee orders the cornermen out of the cage so we can get back down to business. This is the final round!#R3##TD2#
Lugo gets taken down but at least he's managed to land in guard.
Trumbauer missing there with some ground and pound from the guard.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Trumbauer postures up and lands a big shot to Lugo's brow.
Trumbauer with a flurry of punches that miss.
Trumbauer trying to pass the guard but can't manage it just yet.
Trumbauer sneaks a leg through and gets to half guard. That was like a knife through butter how easily he passed Lugo's guard. #T1#
Trumbauer has freed up his trapped foot and advances to mount.
Trumbauer has his opponent pinned against the cage, landing some nasty ground and pound that is really making a bit of a mess out of Lugo's face.
Trumbauer can't quite control the action as he would like just now, as Lugo is looking to escape.
Trumbauer lands a couple of good shots and Lugo has given up his back, trying to escape the position!
Trumbauer has the superior BJJ but he's also working some ground strikes into his gameplan.
Trumbauer gets his hooks in and is throwing strikes. #SUB2#
Lugo has hold of Trumbauer's leg, trying to break free but it's let Trumbauer lock up a rear naked choke! This could be big trouble! Lugo is turning an unusual color here… he's out! Trumbauer throws him to one side and jumps onto the cage to celebrate with his fans.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 2:58 of round 3, we have a winner by way of Submission (RNC). Toboggan Trumbauer!
After winning the bout, Toboggan Trumbauer thanked all his fans and promised he'd do even better in his next fight. The crowd seemed to love his humility.


Event: TL Fight Night 2     
Date:   May 13, 2023
Van Der Livery throws a hook to the side of Trumbauer's head but Trumbauer sees it coming and ducks under it beautifully.
Trumbauer tries to counter with a clinch but Van Der Livery shakes him off and moves away.
Van Der Livery sizes up Trumbauer with a pawing jab and scores with a straight right down the middle. #CUT#It looks like Toboggan Trumbauer has been cut.#KD#
Van Der Livery cracks Trumbauer with a big right hand that sends him crashing to the floor. Van Der Livery has the opportunity to follow him to the ground but instead he's beckoning Trumbauer to stand back up!#ROC#Trumbauer is rocked!
Van Der Livery connects with a picture perfect right hand that knocks Trumbauer out cold! This one is over in a flash!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:16 of round 1, we have a winner by way of KO (Punch). Ford Van Der Livery!
Ford Van Der Livery gave a mention to Furnace Performance 🔥 in his post fight interview. That will please them (and hopefully generate some sales).


Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Apr 16, 2023
A telegraphed takedown attempt from Trumbauer is defended easily by One.#TD2#
One closes the distance and clinches up, looking for a takedown. He shifts his weight and gets a nice trip into half guard.
Trumbauer manages to get to full guard.
One lands a couple of elbows.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Trumbauer pulls One in close to his closed guard and prevents One from doing any damage or advancing position.#SUB#
Trumbauer looking for submissions off his back, moving his hips, looking for an opening. #T1#
Trumbauer wants to stand but One is controlling the position.
One with a flurry of punches that miss.
One really doesn't want to stay on the ground with Trumbauer. If he can't get it back to his feet, it's only a matter of time before he'll be tapping out.
One with a nice head shot there.#SUB#
Trumbauer looking to try and escape his hips here, looking for a submission. It looks like he's going for a triangle but One is defending well. Trumbauer quickly switches to an armbar and extends the arm! One has no choice but to tap, to a very quick submission! Wow, that was lightning fast! Trumbauer celebrates on the cage, with the crowd.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:42 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Armbar). Toboggan Trumbauer!


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