MMA Tycoon Game

History is written with the new year

Org name: MMA Hype Promotions (406k)
Fighters signed: 219
Number of events: 40
Base: Las Vegas
Owner: James Listerman
Website: Week recap
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
MMA Hype -28- 2025-01-25 Las Vegas
MMA Hype -29- 2025-01-29 Las Vegas
MMA Hype -30- 2025-02-01 Las Vegas
MMA Hype -31- 2025-02-05 Las Vegas
MMA Hype -32- 2025-02-08 Las Vegas
Weight Name Last Win
155 August Cooke Roger Sack
205 Dante Drayman Yevgeni Mostovoy
265 Vanderley Ferreira Rory Lucas

View title history


It's been a very busy holiday season at MMA Hype with a lot of events and vacation time for some of the crew. The business side has not slowed down one bit and the fighters have been entertaining us as usual.

2024 has been one hell of a success for us. December gave us record numbers and we already started to send renegotiation contracts. That means we're going in the right direction, and as usual, we're thankful to everyone who helped put us on the map.

This brings us to yet another historical moment. First event of 2025 gave us our first champion in history. The Heavyweight division has crowned Vanderley Ferreira and 2025 could very well be the "Ferreira Era". The 265 division is known for one punch knockout fighters, but Ferreira is showing diversity with his insanely slick grappling. The black belt in BJJ sensation will surely continue to impress and we're looking forward many more title fights from him.

We have a lot more title fights lined up. The next 3 events will give us champions in the 205/155/145 divisions.

Happy New Year from the MMA Hype crew!

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