MMA Tycoon Game

GAMMA HOF Induction - Bael Basileos

Org name: Global Association of MMA
Fighters signed: 157
Number of events: 1151
Base: London
Owner: Mentor Guru Corleone
Website: GAMMA Historical Records
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
GAMMA#1095 Fuguego v Benjamin 2024-09-21 London
GAMMA#1096 Mesquita v Yamasaki 2024-09-21 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1097 Super v Fred 2024-09-28 London
GAMMA#1098 Cormac v Oliver 2024-09-28 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1099 2024-10-05 London
Weight Name Last Win
145 Alphonse Fuguego Sean O Malley
155 Richard Mesquita Chris John
170 Cormac McCarthy Gunner Bond
185 Janko Godwin Milo Andrianakis
205 Miet Cleever Wusan Ritori
265+ Kurt Zweihander Will Wrecks

View title history


GAMMA has just inducted Bael Basileos (118359) into it's hall of fame!

Bael is an all time MMA Tycoon great, who achieved at his peak the #2 ranking in game as a manager. He is also the 44th ranked greatest GAMMA manager with a total of 325 points in total.

His all time GAMMA record is 31-21-2 (total of 54 fights). Among those 54 fights, 19 were competed at the highest level in title of super fights (1 was a super fight).

His greatest fighter by far was Aurelius Augustus, who also recently was inducted into the GAMMA HOF.

All in all, one of the greatest Tycoon managers, who we hope to see return to the game as soon as possible.

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