MMA Tycoon Game

Sucker Punch Pro Series: 390k+

Org name: Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
Fighters signed: 75
Number of events: 394
Base: Sydney
Owner: Hare Rumpler
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
SPPS Resurrection 005 2024-09-21 Sydney
SPPS Resurrection 006 2024-09-28 Sydney
SPPS Resurrection 007 2024-10-05 Sydney
Weight Name Last Win
155 Koen Bauweraerts Gunt Jernit
170 John Dory Alibaba Mehmet AliKhan

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Let's goooooo! It's time to get down and dirty with the cheap shots again while at the same time protecting your own dingle-dangles! Sucker Punch style! Come on over with your 390k+ fighters and we'll have a good ole time. ~ Hare

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