MMA Tycoon Game

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Org name: Odense MMA - Fight Or Die
Fighters signed: 150
Number of events: 402
Base: Amsterdam
Owner: Brian Jensen
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
OFK 395 - Nik Vs Lingfield 2024-04-20 Amsterdam
OFK 396 - 2024-04-21 Amsterdam
OFK 397 - 2024-04-27 Amsterdam
OFK 398 - 2024-04-28 Amsterdam
OFK 399 - 2024-05-04 Amsterdam
Weight Name Last Win
135 Hobo Garrincha Pee Wee Sasaki
145 Kuromiya Hiro Atticus Finch
155 Chest Mangold Yasol Kim
170 Aleks Nik Gregor Marek
185 Jones Anderson Vicente Escalante
205 Haruki Johnson Yar Bol
265 Jax Chambers Roger Sparr
265+ Martin Drop Alexandria OcasioCortez

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So, Dead Disney and his company Carnage designed a logo for the org!

Thank you so much!

Also a huge shout out to The Dirty Needle Project which is nutrition partner at Kaptajnernes Træningscenter, the official gym og Odense MMA!

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